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An increasing number of people in Europe are worried about the quality of the food they are eating as well as the environmental and social impact of its production. More and more people are therefore trying to eat locally, organic, etc. Despite this enthusiasm, access to quality food is limited to people with low incomes. All over Europe, initiatives are seeking to create spaces and experiences that take into account both the environmental and social impact of products as well as the need to facilitate access to quality food for all.

Below are examples of the different types of actions (in orange) and policies (in green) that aim to facilitate access to food.

Image Pictures by Tlandhuis, Orti Urbani Garbatella, Urgenci and Incredible Edible

Community supported agriculture (CSA)

The CSA initiatives consist in creating a direct link between consumers and producers, taking into account the environmental and social impact of the production process.

Network of CSA initiatives :

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AMAP - CSA (Community-supported agric...
AMAP ("Associations for the maintenance of peasant agriculture") appeared in France in the early 2000s. It is a scheme that provides consumers with direct access to produce and allows growers to pl...
2013-08-01 13:31
Joël Obrecht 2 0 0 en
GAS (Gruppi di Aquisto Solidale)
Most notably developed in Italy, GAS ("solidarity purchase groups") bring together consumers who wish to buy products as a collective from one or more producers.
2013-08-01 13:10
Joël Obrecht 3 0 0 en
Sharing a building
Shared housing experiences, such as neighbours living in the same building, may result in better organisation and sharing of resources, thus facilitating greater access to all involved. Take for ex...
2013-08-01 12:39
Joël Obrecht 3 0 0 en
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Aucun résultat.


In the face of industrial modes of mass production, the DIY "Do It Yourself" initiative has emerged as a way to reclaim the means of production - reducing both cost and production in a framework that takes into account the social and environmental impact.

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Community gardens
Community gardens are those that are shared, cultivated and managed by a community of residents.
2013-08-01 13:48
Joël Obrecht 2 0 0 en
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Cultivation and production on all ter...
Particularly in the context of the present economic climate, initiatives are emerging in communities across Europe that involve the planting of any suitable piece of land and sharing the produce gr...
2013-08-01 13:53
Joël Obrecht 2 0 0 en

Avoiding waste

Nearly 50% of healthy, edible food is wasted each year in the European Union, while nearly 115 million people are at risk of poverty or social exclusion and 16 million depend on food aid charities. This waste amounts to 89 million tonnes per year, or 179 kg per person, excluding waste in the sector of agricultural production and the fish thrown back into the sea. Food waste occurs throughout the production and supply chain, from the stages of agricultural production to final consumption, through storage, processing, distribution and management. In response to this situation, some experiences consist in recollecting the food in order to avoid waste.

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Recovery of Meals

Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-15 08:32 -

Local initiatives of this kind involve the recovering of edible food before it ends up in the rubbish bin.

Gleaning and dumpster diving

Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-15 08:13 -

Gleaning is an ancient practice which consists in allowing third parties to collect the produce remaining in the fields after harvest (potatoes, carrots, etc.). Another form, grapping, consists in recovering fruit from the trees (grapes, apples, etc.). The practice of retrieving food from rubbish bins that has been thrown away, but which is perfectly edible, is also common.

Food surplus regulation

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-06-17 12:12 -

Policies (local/ national/ EU level) can help lower down the amount of food being wasted while providing access to food for the most deprived persons; meanwhile citizen organizations such as foodbanks remain keystones in this process.

Solidarity eatery

Access to quality food can also be done through solidarity eateries. There are in place many projects that provide access to low-income familes, groups or individuals, with certain restaurants or "eateries" catering to a diverse audience of all social backgrounds.

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Cozinha Popular da Mouraria

Auteur : Claudia Coimbra - Publié le : 2013-08-26 10:36 -

Cozinha Popular ("People's Kitchen") da Mouraria is a social project designed to revitalise the multicultural community of Mouraria in Lisbon, promoting the sharing of experiences, building community and providing employment and access to food for those in need.

La Trobada

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-07-18 21:45 -

A social “time restaurant” providing quality meals for everyone: unemployed persons can trade 2 hours’ work for a free meal.

Night Solidarity Eateries

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-06-18 08:45 -

The Paris City Council has launched 6 night solidarity restaurants to enable destitute persons to access quality food by taking the time to sit down and eat in a nice atmosphere.

ALL examples of Actions and Policies

  • Please note: ACTIONS (in orange) and POLICIES (in green)

Solidarity-emancipation Collective Dinner

Auteur : Papandréou Lydia - Publié le : 2014-02-06 15:43 -

We are inviting all our friends of all ages, unemployed, working people, tradesmen, high-school students, pensioners, to participate in collective dinners in whichever way may fit them better : Participation with or without offering cooked food made by private raw materials or by products we collect/ Voluntary cooking, serving, cleaning up the place/ Participation with or without personal attendance, by offering food, drinks or sweets of instant consumption or long consumption date

"Cut out the middlemen", SPAME Petroupoli

Auteur : Papandréou Lydia - Publié le : 2014-02-06 15:20 -
By "Cut out the middlemen", Petroupoli, Greece

SPAME Petroupoli consists of residents of Petroupoli and is part of the Pan-Hellenic network "Without middlemen". Our initiative goals are :

1) The function of collective and self-organized groups to manage the production and distribution of good throughout the country. 2) To bypass the parasitical activity of middlemen (desintermediation) 3) The instruction of consumer and producer co-operatives and their connection through horizontal networks, which will lead to the restructuring of the production process.

Solidarity network Anasa

Auteur : Papandréou Lydia - Publié le : 2014-02-06 14:14 -
Food market by "Cut out the middlemen", Petroupoli, Greece

Anasa, that means "Breath" in greek, is the bridge that brings together producers from all over Greece and the local consumer; we promote homegrown products from pulses, rice, flour and many more, eliminating the role of the middleman and, by doing so, allowing people to buy products at prices significantly lower and at the same time strenghtening the local economy.

KoMit - Allotment Gardeners

Auteur : Malou WEIRICH - Publié le : 2013-10-02 14:48 -
Réinsertion sociale

The Austrian Federation of Allotment Gardeners and the association KoMit cooperate for the benefit of disabled people

Genuino Clandestino

Auteur : alessandra sciurba - Publié le : 2013-08-30 08:34 -

Genuine Clandestino is a national campaign promoting the free processing of farm products considered "illegal" by Italian law, the “km zero” production and the ethically sustainable and direct sale of items.

Projecto Fruta Feia

Auteur : Claudia Coimbra - Publié le : 2013-08-26 14:11 -

Projecto Fruta Feia ("Ugly Fruit") aims to minimise the social and environmental impact of food waste. The idea is to channel all rejected fruit and vegetable products to consumers that do not judge the quality of the product solely on appearances.

Cozinha Popular da Mouraria

Auteur : Claudia Coimbra - Publié le : 2013-08-26 10:36 -

Cozinha Popular ("People's Kitchen") da Mouraria is a social project designed to revitalise the multicultural community of Mouraria in Lisbon, promoting the sharing of experiences, building community and providing employment and access to food for those in need.

Allotments and their support to young people

Auteur : Malou Weirich/Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-08-22 09:09 -

Cold Barn farm is a centre for youth activity, which is dedicated to children and young people and making a difference in their lives. The allotment project started in 2006 when a group of young people showed an interest in growing their own vegetables.

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Night Solidarity Eateries

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-06-18 08:45 -

The Paris City Council has launched 6 night solidarity restaurants to enable destitute persons to access quality food by taking the time to sit down and eat in a nice atmosphere.

Food surplus regulation

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-06-17 12:12 -

Policies (local/ national/ EU level) can help lower down the amount of food being wasted while providing access to food for the most deprived persons; meanwhile citizen organizations such as foodbanks remain keystones in this process.

Free hens

Auteur : Anne-Iris - Publié le : 2013-06-06 15:03 -

City halls are distributing free hens to their residents not only to provide them with eggs, but also to reduce waste.

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