Principles for assigning components
- Identify the explicit meaning of the criterion: what is written in the criterion and what can be understood without reference to external factors, over-interpreting or attaching one’s own cultural references
- Identify the purpose of the criterion: the main factor referred to by the criterion in terms of well-being or ill-being (e.g. consequence, objective sought, etc.)
- Identify the stakeholders: who carries out the action and who or what does it address (the person expressing the criterion, other people, institutions, society in general)
- Role of the question: Consider the question to which the criterion is a response in order to understand the meaning of the criterion (especially for the third question)
- Assignment to a family: In accordance with these four elements and the table below, first identify the family which corresponds most closely to the criterion
- Assignment to the most general component: If there is doubt about the explicit meaning of the criterion, assign a more general component
The nine dimensions
AAccess to essential ressources
A03Housing / furniture
Access to housing: houses, apartments and dependencies, furniture and equipment, connection to networks, heating, insulation
A05Education / training
Access to education, school, high quality teaching, vocational training, ongoing training
A07Leisure culture / sports activities
Access to leisure activities, holidays, relaxation, sport, culture, reading, cinema, music
A09Home care / personal services
Access to financial and material assistance, to personal services, institutional aid
A11Information / exchange
Access to information, newspapers, Internet, the different means of communication
BLiving environment
B00Living environment in general
Isolation, pleasant environment, secure and safe living environment in general, problematic environment
Pollution, dirt, waste, healthy environment, noise, other forms of pollution, traffic
B02Basic infrastructure
Roads, cycle tracks, pavements, road safety, communication networks, water, energy, houses, land, buildings, hospitals, schools, urban planning, maintenance and accessibility of infrastructure and networks
B03Services infrastructure
Shops, public offices, post offices, banks, reception centres, child-care facilities, local services
B04Meeting and leisure spaces
Parks, public places, common areas, playgrounds, all public places where people can meet up
B05Weather and natural phenomena
Sun, rain, temperature, natural local conditions, natural phenomena
B06Landscape and living spaces
Contact with nature, green areas, woodland, countryside, mountains, rivers, preservation and upkeep of the landscape
B07Production and work conditions
Farming practices, industrial practices (organic, non-intensive farming, less polluting industries)
CRelations with and between organisations
C00Relations with and between organisations in general
Existing and quality of the governments in general, institutions, political system and economical world in general
C01Fundamental rights/freedom of expression
Human rights, social rights, rule of law, recognition by the state, freedom of expression, right to strike
C02Functioning of justice
Justice, respect for the law, regulations, courts, judges, lawyers, prisons, sanctions, police officers, security services
Functioning of democracy, participation in decisions and evaluation, dialogue between institutions and citizens, political system
Communication by public and private organisations, consistency between promises and action, level of information, freedom of the press, integrity, quality and behaviour of the media
C05Organisation, management, finance
All matters relating to public territorial management and organisational functioning, management of public funds, simplification of rules and formalities, taxes, corruption, bureaucracy, public service
C06Access, information, contact
Reception, access to information, respect shown by public servants, facilitation of administrative procedures, information
C07Social Policy
Measures in the social sphere,support for the disadvantaged strata of society, guidelines for the "3rd sector", care
DPersonal relations
D00Personal relations in general
Having relationships, close friends; being alone, rejected, betrayed; being appreciated, listened to, understood, helped; being loved; getting on with the people around one; having good friends and neighbours
D01Couple / sentimental and sexual relationships
Having sexual and/or loving relationships, having a partner, being married, sharing one's life with someone else, quality of these relationships
D02Family life / family relations
Having a family, parents, family life, being close to one's family, ups and downs/joys of family life, family understanding, having a baby
D03Friends / relations with friends
Having friends, being able to count on friends, time spent with friends, reciprocal friendship
D04Relations within the neighbourhood
Having contacts/relations with neighbours, agreement/discord with neighbours, time spent in company of neighbours, calm neighbourhood
D05Relations at work
Relations with one's employer, colleagues, hierarchical relationships at work; being accepted, respected by colleagues, quality of relations at work (harmony at work, conflict/harassment, atmosphere)
D06Relations with animals
To have a pet, an animal to provide company, feelings towards pets, activities with pets, problems of pets
ESocial balance
E00Social balance in general
Happiness and sadness in the world, social cohesion, general balance in society, social achievements
E01Identities and values
Assertion and transmission of common and shared values (e.g. love, family, friendship), ethics, education in values, awareness of identity (culture, traditions, language, religion) and values
E02Knowledge, awareness and educational balance
General educational level of the society, openess in interests, collective sense of citizenship, democratic culture, societal progress processes
E03Equity and social mobility
Upward social mobility; equal opportunities; sharing of wealth; social injustice; famine, destitution, poverty
E04Social mix/insularity
Ghettoisation, cultural/ethnic segregation, isolation (social) lack of privacy, cultural cross-fertilisation, cultural openness, social classification, inter-generational actions, life in the community
E06Economic balance
Economic balance or imbalance, economic proposals and alternatives; crisis; common goods/individual goods, where people fit into the economy; control of growth, consumption
E08Relations between society and environment
Society which cares for/destroys environmental balances, collective moves to care for the environment
E09Technical and scientific progress
Scientific and medical research, technological, scientifical innovations, scientifical and technical means for the well-being, bioethics, scientifical progress, new technologies
FPersonal balance
F00Personal balance in general
Having a balance or lack of balance in one's life in general, feeling that one fits in/feeling lost
F01Physical balance and health
Good or ill-health, illness, sleep, rest/fatigue, overweight, drug addiction, mental disorders (depression, anorexia, etc) memory
F02Freedom / personal autonomy
Freedom of thought, of choice, of action, independence/disability; physical abilities, intellectual faculties
F03Personal time management and balance between activities
Being available to help/having too much to do; having spare time for oneself; timetable; balance/organisation of activities; daily routine; working time
F04Emotional / mental balance
Depression, general discomfort/enjoying living; mood (anger, joy); motivation; happy with one's lot
F06Balance in relations with society
Relations with others, views of others, social status, ability to express oneself; charisma, shyness
F08Personal development
Personal self-fulfilment; success/failure; taking enjoyment in life; creativity
GWellbeing or illbeing feelings
G00Wellbeing or illbeing feelings in general
Feelings linked to good/bad news; happiness/unhappiness, bereavement
G01Selfesteem or shame
Liking oneself, self-esteem/lack of self-esteem; self-confidence; self-image
HAttitudes and initiatives
H00Attitudes and initiatives in general
Motivation, to think positively, attitude to life, patience, to use all the chances, opimism/pessimism
H01Selfimprovement / selfrespect
Accepting; confronting; learning; stopping (smoking, drinking, etc); taking care of oneself, having a healthy lifestyle; taking time, seizing opportunities; following one's instincts
H02Personal / entrepreneurial initiatives
Carrying out projects, fulfilling dreams; creating, developing, working; doing one's best, being successful, life changes, travelling
H03Behaviour / sociability
Attitudes to others, politeness; loving/being loved; talking, discussing, communicating/arguing; being patient, kindness/spitefulness, ridiculing; inspiring confidence, trust
H04Listening / applying solidarity values
Helping out, reaching out, listening to, taking care of; being attentive to, having time for, being ready to listen; kindness; pleasing people, doing a good turn
H05Being responsible towards common goods
Shouldering responsibilities, being responsible (in society, to one's family - bringing up children, etc), upholding the law, complying with the rules of life in the community and security/safety (speed limits, noise, etc); sorting waste, caring for the environment, the common spaces and goods, no waste of resources, responsible consumption
H06Commitment within civic life
Taking part in collective action and organisations, making a contribution to society, being an active citizen (voting, doing voluntary work, etc)
H07Dynamism / collective actions
Organisations, actions, collective synergies established in society; movements and processes steering collective reflection; common struggles and proposals for collective action.
IRelationships within society
I01Gender relationships
Relations between persons or group of persons of different genders, respect, tolerance or equality between genders
I02Relationships between generations
Relations between persons of different generations and ages, between young and old people, respect, tolerance between different ages
I03Relationships between cultures
Inter-cultural, inter-religion, inter-community relationships and dialog, openness of cultures, forms of extremism
I04Relationships between social classes
Relations between persons from different social backgrounds, origins, wealth levels and cultures and respect, solidarity, mixity between them
I05Proximity relationships
Relations between neighbors, people sharing the same place, conviviality of those relations
I06Politeness, respect and tolerance
Racism, prejudice, arrogance, hypocrisy, lying, feeling of superiority, ridiculing, verbal aggression, tolerance, mutual respect (between individuals, cultures, generations), acceptance of others, kindness, civism
I07Solidarity, sharing and transmission of knowledge and resources
Indifference, lack of solidarity, individualism, selfishness, jealousy, ability to listen, dialogue, mutual assistance, altruism, generosity, exchange of experience and knowledge, sharing (of ideas, work, wealth, responsibilities, inter-generational sharing)
I08Inclusion / exclusion
Being excluded, rejected, overlooked/being integrated, accepted, acknowledged, discrimination