The main activities of the TOGETHER Network and its members are developed around the following axes:
- The development of the co-responsibility for the well-being of all, for today and tomorrow, thanks to the SPIRAL approach. To this end, facilitators are chosen by each multi-stakeholder platform among its members to be trained to apply the approach. See the training programmes in France and in other countries.
-The research-action through networking in order to always improve the methodological framework. It is conducted at several levels:
- On the SPIRAL approach as a whole, together with the community of SPIRAL dynamisors from all the countries involved. They meet at least once a year to validate collectively and capitalise the outputs.
- On specific themes within the thematic sub-networks.
-The political and research project aims at systematising the achivements by demonstrating the validity and relevance of co-responsibility to ensure the well-being of all for today and tomorrow and turning them into legal and policy frameworks. For this purpose, a Council of Alliances is making the link between researchers and policy makers who are sharing this common project.
-Besides, TOGETHER and its members are developing specific projects are in keeping with or complementing some activities such as: the Responding Together project, the SPIRAL project and Agenda 21, the CO-ACTE project, etc.
-TOGETHER is also developing partnerships, particularly with other networks sharing the same values and proposing similar and complementary approaches like CittaSlow or PlanZheroes.
-A calendar of events is available.
-Whether you are a territory, a collective actor or an ordinary citizen, join us in our various activities!
News: TOGETHER France is launching a SPIRAL training programme across the country!