
The latest study on collaborative practices in France (by ADEME/ National Agency for Environment and Energy Management)reveals that 8% of the French (between 15 and75) are using carpooling every month. In terms of sociological figures this practice is more popular among young people (30% of the 15-24 and 20% of the 24-44) and in local cities (47% of the carpooling users live in cities below 20,000 inhabitants). Carpooling is booming (135% registration rise for the main French platform. However 8 out of 10 French people use their car in their daily journeys but for 80% of them being alone and not sharing it. (Source: Ministry of Environment )

The Idea

Different French local authorities are developing action plans to push forward Carpooling in their territories. There are today more than 200 Internet platforms dedicated to carpooling in France. Most of them are local platforms.

5 Key points to locally develop carpooling

  • Bringing together supply and demand: fostering the relation between people with a car and people looking for a ride. Tools: from a paper form/ mail/SMS/ phone up to classified ads and secured web platforms (local or national). Combination is key to address different types of public.
  • Animating, communicating and informing: the relation tool between users only works if it is known and accessible to the most. A communication plan is required to reach a larger audience: meetings in markets, at companies’, flyers or posters, social networks. Partnership with all local stakeholders is key: local authorities/ associations/ social workers/ companies/ inhabitants/ schools.
  • Developing dedicated parking areas and parking spaces: Areas with visible logos dedicated to carpooling. Access to public transportation could be helpful.
  • Clarifying juridical and functioning rules: unlike common beliefs, carpooling is not legally risky. The organizing relation platform can’t be made responsible in case of an accident. The rules are similar to the ones for classical rides. Functioning rules are made upon a code of conduct, an identification of the car-poolers (avoiding anonymity that scares), a description on the share-cost system…
  • Multiplying local incentives: free access to underground parking-lots, reduction rates or free access to public transportation for carpoolers…


Many local authorities in France have set up platforms and dedicated parking zones. Here are some examples.

DROME AND ARDECHE The local authorities of Drome and Ardèche (France) alongside with a Transportation syndicate committed themselves in an innovative process to promote an interdepertmental carpooling plan. This plan is framed around 3 ideas:

  • Labelling of 160 carpooling areas
  • Setting of an Internet platform for relation between people in need for carpooling and people who have a car:
  • Proximity animation

Benefits of Private-Public partnerships:

  • For local authorities: concrete commitment for sustainable mobility, Parking offer integrated in departmental projects
  • For the private parking suppliers: answer to “wild parking”, contribution to promote new behaviours, secure and long-lasting solutions
  • For the community: a new service, a possibility to stop and meet in larger transit nodes in secured areas (highways entrances), incitation to eco-behaviour, conviviality

FINISTERE Creation of a local user Platform: Map of the carpooling dedicated areas:

BAS-RHIN Departmental policy on carpooling

Other Resources:

Network and tools to develop carpooling in your territory (in French): Map of all carpooling parking areas in France: