Pictures by niallkennedy, CyberGhostVPN and willem velthoven, Creative Commons


The added value of "online sharing communities"

Language lessons, financial advice, books or clothes are different examples of what is on offer. This peer-to-peer sharing also allows people to make meaningful connections, thus fostering the re-emergence of community.

The different emerging communities are using sharing for different aspects of daily life:

  • mobility (car-sharing, car rental and shared use of vehicles, including taxis, bicycles and parking spaces, and also carpooling, which means filling empty car seats with other passengers going in the same direction);
  • energy efficiency (shared use of household utensils);
  • accommodation and areas for growing food (rental of rooms, shared housing, and urban and rural allotments);
  • business (co-working or shared office space);
  • communications (mobile platforms where users can buy and sell goods and services to people living in the same community);
  • work (micro-tasks, hiring people for specific jobs, or "handymen", where the best bidder is given tasks ranging from hanging pictures to assembling items of furniture);
  • culture (bookcrossing and book bartering, and promoting cultural exchanges among young people from different countries);
  • education (digital communities for learning languages);
  • time and skills (time banks);
  • leisure (sharing digitised content);
  • finance (loans between individuals, direct loans from individuals to small and medium-sized enterprises, crowdfunding or collective financing, crowdfunding for crowdbenefits);
  • tourism (dining experiences in private homes);
  • art fairs and markets for bartering and donating clothing and other items for children & adults, plus repair and recycling of objects; many other initiatives could be mentioned but a comprehensive study of these is not the purpose of this opinion.

Sharing Communities Directory

  1. Directory of Different Sharing communities : collected by Shareable - the online magazine that tells the story of sharing.

Examples of actions

Bandabaratta ("Barter Gang"), informal group

Auteur : David Rinaldi - Publié le : 2013-08-02 13:01 -

To avoid wasting goods and products by spreading the practice of bartering and promoting the growth of a network of barterers, craft workers and artists who focus their activity on the re-use of materials, and of local producers who place a premium on high-quality goods with due regard for the environment.


Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-06-25 08:17 -

Project to promote cycling among all those visiting Berlin without the rental fees. "Two wheels good, free wheels better!"

Bring and Fix

Auteur : Philippe Granger/Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-06-04 07:39 -

Bring & Fix events are intergenerational community fairs where people share their skills and knowledge freely with each other to 'fix' problems (material and non-material), recycle and reduce waste. The aim is to stimulate sustainability and contribute towards generating resilient and empowered communities in the locality.

Taxi Stop

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-04-19 12:32 -
Taxistop Logo

Organisation enabling sharing since 1975: ride-sharing: Carpoolplaza, Eurostop, Eventpool. Car-Sharing: Cambio-car-sharing, Autopia P2P. Homelink, home-sitting. Social transport service for less mobile people, done by volunteers...


Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-04-19 09:23 -
The Streetbank Concept

Streetbank is a website that allows you to see all the things and skills that your neighbours living with a mile of you are lending, sharing or giving away. In short, it helps you share and borrow things from people in your community whom you might never have gotten the chance to meet otherwise.

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