Picture by Jim Turner
Why opt for food co-ops?
Becoming a member of a food co-operative not only provides for fresh and healthy food that is grown locally and often organically, it also enables more resourceful, sustainable living, with waste being kept to a minimum. Food co-ops therefore have multiple health, nutritional, environmental , economical and social advantages for producers and customers, such as:
- Food co-ops typically offer more natural/organic foods, at more economical prices.
- They benefit farmers economically by increasing their profit and reducing food waste. Food co-ops therefore support the local economy because consumers pay local farmers rather than large food corporations.
- Joining a food co-op cuts down on environmental pollution by reducing the distance food must travel to get to its consumers. Moreover, food co-ops don't package their fruits and vegetables, which reduces paper, cardboard and plastic waste.
- Food co-ops bring communities together. Consumers learn exactly where their food comes from and they get to meet the farmers who grew it. What's more, members of the community meet one another at the farm or farmers market, which often leads to additional community events and activities.
Projecto Fruta Feia
Publié le : 2013-08-26 14:11 -GAS (Gruppi di Aquisto Solidale)
Publié le : 2013-05-14 13:22 -AMAP (Associations pour le maintien d'une agriculture paysanne)
Publié le : 2013-05-14 13:14 - Aucun article.