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The results of SPIRAL approach are:

1- The SPIRAL framework and its reference texts

The methodological framework of the SPIRAL approach is the result of an experimentation and capitalization process conducted since 2005 with all of the more than 400 territories and collective actors who participated in it. This is reflected in particular by the fact that it is today much more direct and effective and easily appropriated and disseminated. See the description of the approach at the current stage as well as the history of the capitalization process, in particular the seminars-training of SPIRAL dynamisors. See also the feedback from the SPIRAL approach, presented during the International Scientific Symposium on Well-being Indicators in Grenoble on June 6, 7 and 8, 2018, as well as the founding document of SPIRAL in its 2019 version, which presents the origin as well as all the achievements of the approach since its launch in 2005.

2- The definition of the well-being of all by the citizens themselves as an objective of societal progress (beyond, or even in substitution for GDP)

  • The method developed for this purpose is based on principles of direct and collaborative democracy, guaranteeing equal speaking rights for all. It leads to syntheses co-constructed both at the level of small groups of citizens and at the level of a local territory, then regional, national and on a global scale.
  • More than 10,000 citizens from twenty countries have participated in this process since its launch in 2005, providing a base of data of more than 100,000 criteria of well-being and ill-being and a summary to the intercontinental scale which clearly highlights the multi-dimensionality of the well-being of all expressed by humanity in its diversity with its different dimensions and components .

The grid of the 9 dimensions and 68 components of the well-being of all and its various uses - To download it in English click here

  • it highlights the decisive role of the immaterial dimensions of well-being, inviting us to rethink societal progress in a co-responsibility approach and to advance proposals of appropriate political and legal frameworks.
  • it is a frame of reference for semantic-statistical analyzes allowing to better understand the differences between continents, countries, regions, social categories, ages, gender, etc.
  • it facilitates the co-construction of syntheses at local level, leading to a shared strategy and pilot actions of co-responsibility see action database
  • it makes it possible to carry out impact analyzes of actions on well-being and the dynamics of co-responsibility by participatory co-evaluations .
  • it leads to the construction of indicators of progress in well-being making it possible to measure well-being individually and collectively from the local level to the global level.

3- The results of each Multiactor Platform

Each SPIRAL platform develops its own statistics, actions and evaluations For more information, go to ((Co-responsibility territories and multi-stakeholder platforms | platform navigation page)), to explore the results of these. You have access to all their data, namely:

  • The homogeneous groups they have formed
  • The criteria collected for each question and their synthesis
  • Statistics
  • Co-responsibility actions launched
  • Evaluations

These various elements are freely shared locally with the inhabitants of these territories but also globally in order to allow the results to be compared.

4- The products obtained for each phase of the process

5- The political proposals which arise from the SPIRAL approach

The SPIRAL approach highlights the need to review policies so that they legitimize and facilitate co-responsibility processes for the well-being of all. With the CO-ACTE project, carried out in 2015, 2016 and 2017, the SPIRAL approach includes the elaboration of political proposals by the citizens themselves. All the results are accessible from the project page.

6- Publications

To obtain a pdf copy click on the image of the desired publication.

  • Methodological Guide "Concerted development of indicators of social cohesion" Council of Europe 2005. This guide specifies the conceptual bases of social cohesion, its measurement (indicator) and the social cohesion strategy which gave birth to the SPIRAL approach, in particular the objective of co-responsibility for the good -be everyone.
  • Methodological Guide "Building societal progress for the well-being of all with citizens and communities" - Council of Europe 2010. This guide specifies the bases of societal progress for the well-being of all and takes stock stage on the development of the SPIRAL methodological framework.
  • Assessment of the Social Cohesion Plan 2009-2013 - Crossed perspectives and future prospects Wallonia, Wallonia Public Service, IWEPS, University of Liège, Council of Europe - Under the supervision of Carine Jansen, Director of DiCS. 2014


Page last modified on Thursday 26 of December, 2019 23:38:45 UTC