Les exercices réalisés depuis 2006 ont menés à la collecte de près de 100 000 critères repris dans une base de donnée de l’analyse des critères de bien-être.
Les critères de bien-être dégagés par la méthode SPIRAL sont les réponses des citoyens, organisés en groupes homogènes, aux quatre questions suivantes: Question 1 (BM): Quel est le bien-être pour vous? Question 2 (IB): Ce qui est mal-être pour vous? Question 3 (ACT): Que faites-vous ou pouvez-vous faire pour assurer votre propre bien-être et le bien-être de tous? Question 4 (FG): Quels sont les autres critères devant être pris en compte pour assurer le bien-être d’aujourd'hui et celui des générations futures?
Ces critères sont collectés et codifiés sur le site wikispiral ; il en ressort une base de donnée présentant une analyse au niveau global ainsi que des analyses par pays, groupes et thèmes.
Sources et collection des données
The database contains several different data. The most important part is the criteria of well-being given by the inhabitants of a neighbourhood, a city, ..., then there are several other data collections such as pilot actions, coordination groups, ...
The well-being criteria are collected during meetings with citizens in small groups called homogenous groupsThe homogeneity of the group can vary, depending of the local context. It can be broad, such as male workers or female workers, or narrow, such as parents of children with a handicap. It is mandatory that the group contains at least 6 persons. (6-12 participants). The same methodology is applied for almost all groups but there are some exceptions. We use three / four very simple questionsWhat do you understand by well-being? What do you understand by ill-being? What do you do, or could you do to ensure the well-being of all? ' What do you understand by well-being for the future generations?
. Each question is answered separately and anonymously within the group on post-its that are randomly shared in the group to be discussed. Each criteria is then read to the homogenous group, precised if necessary and accepted as reflecting the vision of the group.This work is helped by facilitators and animators. The animator's role is to ask the questions to the groups and to help grouping the criteria into several categories to help the understanding of it. There are accepted by the group, most often they are either a member of the group or having good connections with it.
The facilitators are then using this first synthesis and all the criteria expressed to build a more complete synthesis using a common grid of 9 families and domains. This second attribution is then reworked in a second meeting whose aim is also to create together several ideas of pilot actions. There is a last attribution process done by the facilitators between the second and the third meeting with the citizens: the attribution to categoriesA category separates the meaning of the criteria in 5 steps : not concerned / no possibility to have, to do / to have, do / to have quality / to have sustainability. .
The choice of the homogenous groups is the work of a coordination group which aims to gather all the local population in a project of sharing together several pilot actions of coresponsability. There is no ponderation (at this first level), and because our work is first to help increasing social cohesion, we count both "majority groups" or "minority groups" on an equal level.
- Introduction
- Sources et collection des données
- Résultats de codification avancés
- A- Analyse au niveau global (tous les pays)
- Aperçu général de la base de donnée
- Repartition of the criteria in the 9 dimensions of well-being/ill-being expressed by the citizens
- Répartition par catégories
- Répartitions par catégories et question
- Répartition par domaines et dimensions
- Répartition par domaines, dimensions et question
- Répartition par domaines, dimensions et catégories
- B- Analyses par pays
- C- Analyses par groupes
- G- Analyses par thèmes
Résultats de codification avancés
Lien vers la recherche actuelle et les résultats de codification avancés?.
A- Analyse au niveau global (tous les pays)
Aperçu général de la base de donnée
Criteria of well-being registered | Countries | Coordination groups | Homogenous groups | |
Count | 164863 | 17 | 276 | 1959 |
Number of criteria per question
Nombre de critères par pays
Country | Total criteria per country | |
1 | Belgium | 32638 |
2 | Canada | 393 |
3 | Cape_Verde | 11023 |
4 | France | 51604 |
5 | Gabon | 2407 |
6 | Greece | 893 |
7 | Italy | 1136 |
8 | Latvia | 3338 |
9 | Morocco | 4520 |
10 | Other | 1306 |
11 | Poland | 653 |
12 | Portugal | 29726 |
13 | Romania | 15682 |
14 | Russian_Federation | 7885 |
15 | Sweden | 1123 |
16 | Tunisia | 287 |
17 | Turkey | 249 |
Repartition of the criteria in the 9 dimensions of well-being/ill-being expressed by the citizens
[-]General representation
[-]- To know more: Methodology SPIRAL applied to territories
A: Access to essential resourcesA00. Access to essential resources NA0. Unclassified A A01. Food: Access to food, drink, to a dietary regime (healthy, no GMOs, etc) A02. Medicines and health care: Access to medication, to different types of care, surgery, hospitals A03. Housing/equipment: Access to housing: houses, apartments and dependencies, furniture and equipment, connection to networks, heating, insulation A04. Clothing: Access to clothing; clothes, shoes, fashionable clothing A05. Education/Training: Access to education, school, high quality teaching, vocational training, ongoing training A06. Employment/work: Access to work, to employment, being unemployed A07. Leisure, culture, sport: Access to leisure activities, holidays, relaxation, sport, culture, reading, cinema, music A08. Purchasing power/access to finance: Purchasing power, purchase price levels, savings, debt A09. Home care and personal services: Access to financial and material assistance, to personal services, institutional aid A10. Mobility: Access to transport, public and private A11. Information/exchanges: Access to information, newspapers, Internet, the different means of communication
| B: Living environmentB00. Living environment: Isolation, pleasant environment, secure and safe living environment in general, problematic environment NB0. Unclassified B B01. Cleanliness/pollution/noise: Pollution, dirt, waste, healthy environment, noise, other forms of pollution, traffic B02. Basic infrastructure and amenities: Roads, cycle tracks, pavements, road safety, communication networks, water, energy, houses, land, buildings, hospitals, schools, urban planning, maintenance and accessibility of infrastructure and networks B03. Service infrastructure and facilities: Shops, public offices, post offices, banks, reception centres, child-care facilities, local services B04. Meeting and leisure areas: Parks, public places, common areas, playgrounds, all public places where people can meet up B05. Weather and natural phenomena: Sun, rain, temperature, natural local conditions, natural phenomena B06. Landscape and living spaces: Contact with nature, green areas, woodland, countryside, mountains, rivers, preservation and upkeep of the landscape B07. Production and work conditions: Farming practices, industrial practices (organic, non-intensive farming, less polluting industries)
| C: Relations with and between organisationsC00. Relations with and between organisations: Existing and quality of the governments in general, institutions, political system and economical world in general NC0. Unclassified C C01. Fundamental rights/recognition: Human rights, social rights, rule of law, recognition by the state, freedom of expression, right to strike C02. Functioning of justice: Justice, respect for the law, regulations, courts, judges, lawyers, prisons, sanctions, police officers, security services C03. Consultation/democracy: Functioning of democracy, participation in decisions and evaluation, dialogue between institutions and citizens, political system C04. Transparency/communication: Communication by public and private organisations, consistency between promises and action, level of information, freedom of the press, integrity, quality and behaviour of the media C05. Organisation, management, finance: All matters relating to public territorial management and organisational functioning, management of public funds, simplification of rules and formalities, taxes, corruption, bureaucracy, public service C06. Access, information and contacts: Reception, access to information, respect shown by public servants, facilitation of administrative procedures, information C07. Public policies: Measures in the social sphere,support for the disadvantaged strata of society, guidelines for the "3rd sector", care
D: Personal relationsD00. Personal relations: Having relationships, close friends; being alone, rejected, betrayed; being appreciated, listened to, understood, helped; being loved; getting on with the people around one; having good friends and neighbours ND0. Unclassified D D01. Partners/loving and sexual relationships: Having sexual and/or loving relationships, having a partner, being married, sharing one's life with someone else, quality of these relationships D02. Family life/family relationships: Having a family, parents, family life, being close to one's family, ups and downs/joys of family life, family understanding, having a baby D03. Friends/relations with friends: Having friends, being able to count on friends, time spent with friends, reciprocal friendship D04. Neighbourhood relations: Having contacts/relations with neighbours, agreement/discord with neighbours, time spent in company of neighbours, calm neighbourhood D05. Relations at work: Relations with one's employer, colleagues, hierarchical relationships at work; being accepted, respected by colleagues, quality of relations at work (harmony at work, conflict/harassment, atmosphere) D06. Relations with animals: To have a pet, an animal to provide company, feelings towards pets, activities with pets
| E: Social balancesE00. Social balances: Happiness and sadness in the world, social cohesion, general balance in society, social achievements NE0. Unclassified E E01. Identities and values: Assertion and transmission of common and shared values (e.g. love, family, friendship), ethics, education in values, awareness of identity (culture, traditions, language, religion) and values E02. Knowledge, awareness and educational balance: General educational level of the society, openess in interests, collective sense of citizenship, democratic culture, societal progress processes E03. Equity and social mobility: Upward social mobility; equal opportunities; sharing of wealth; social injustice; famine, destitution, poverty E04. Social mix/insularity: Ghettoisation, cultural/ethnic segregation, isolation (social) lack of privacy, cultural cross-fertilisation, cultural openness, social classification, inter-generational actions, life in the community E05. Violence and peace: Peace, security, protection, kinship /war, violence, conflict, crime E06. Economic balance: Economic balance or imbalance, economic proposals and alternatives; crisis; common goods/individual goods, where people fit into the economy; control of growth, consumption E07. Demographic balances: Population renewal, overpopulation, age pyramid E08. Relations between society and environment: Society which cares for/destroys environmental balances, collective moves to care for the environment E09. Scientifical and technological progress: Scientific and medical research, technological, scientifical innovations, scientifical and technical means for the well-being, bioethics, scientifical progress, new technologies
| F: Personal balancesF00. Personal balances: Having a balance or lack of balance in one's life in general, feeling that one fits in/feeling lost NF0. Unclassified F F01. Physical balance and health: Good or ill-health, illness, sleep, rest/fatigue, overweight, drug addiction, mental disorders (depression, anorexia, etc) memory F02. Autonomy, freedom, independence: Freedom of thought, of choice, of action, independence/disability; physical abilities, intellectual faculties F03. Personal time management and balance between activities: Being available to help/having too much to do; having spare time for oneself; timetable; balance/organisation of activities; daily routine; working time F04. Mental/emotional balance: Depression, general discomfort/enjoying living; mood (anger, joy); motivation; happy with one's lot F05. Spiritual life and religion: Personal beliefs, faith, religious practices F06. Balance in relations with society: Relations with others, views of others, social status, ability to express oneself; charisma, shyness F07. Personal development: Personal self-fulfilment; success/failure; taking enjoyment in life; creativity
G: Feelings of well-being/ill-beingG00. Feelings of well-being/ill-being: Feelings linked to good/bad news; happiness/unhappiness, bereavement NG0. Unclassified G G01. Self-esteem/shame: Liking oneself, self-esteem/lack of self-esteem; self-confidence; self-image G02. Satisfaction/frustration: Disappointment/satisfaction; regret/contentment G03. Peace of mind/Fear: Peace of mind, calmness/fear of the future, of time passing, of the unknown G04. Stress/worries: Upset/composure, calmness; excess of responsibilities/peaceful life G05. Happiness/sadness: Laughing/crying; being content/being sad
| H: Attitudes and initiativesH00. Attitudes and initiatives: Motivation, to think positively, attitude to life, patience, to use all the chances, opimism/pessimism NH0. Unclassified H H01. Self-improvement/self-respect: Accepting; confronting; learning; stopping (smoking, drinking, etc); taking care of oneself, having a healthy lifestyle; taking time, seizing opportunities; following one's instincts H02. Personal activities and initiatives: Carrying out projects, fulfilling dreams; creating, developing, working; doing one's best, being successful, life changes, travelling H03. Politeness/Sociability: Attitudes to others, politeness; loving/being loved; talking, discussing, communicating/arguing; being patient, kindness/spitefulness, ridiculing; inspiring confidence, trust H04. Meeting/Listening, being supportive: Helping out, reaching out, listening to, taking care of; being attentive to, having time for, being ready to listen; kindness; pleasing people, doing a good turn H05. Responsibility vis-à-vis common goods: Shouldering responsibilities, being responsible (in society, to one's family - bringing up children, etc), upholding the law, complying with the rules of life in the community and security/safety (speed limits, noise, etc); sorting waste, caring for the environment, the common spaces and goods, no waste of resources, responsible consumption H06. Commitment in society: Taking part in collective action and organisations, making a contribution to society, being an active citizen (voting, doing voluntary work, etc) H07. Dynamism, collective commitment: Organisations, actions, collective synergies established in society; movements and processes steering collective reflection; common struggles and proposals for collective action.
| I: Relationships within societyI00. Relationships within society NI0. Unclass I I01. Gender relationships: Relations between persons or group of persons of different genders, respect, tolerance or equality between genders I02. Relationships between generations: Relations between persons of different generations and ages, between young and old people, respect, tolerance between different ages I03. Relationships between cultures: Inter-cultural, inter-religion, inter-community relationships and dialog, openness of cultures, forms of extremism I04. Relationships between social classes: Relations between persons from different social backgrounds, origins, wealth levels and cultures and respect, solidarity, mixity between them I05. Locally based relationships: Relations between neighbors, people sharing the same place, conviviality of those relations I06. Politeness, respect and tolerance: Racism, prejudice, arrogance, hypocrisy, lying, feeling of superiority, ridiculing, verbal aggression, tolerance, mutual respect (between individuals, cultures, generations), acceptance of others, kindness, civism I07. Solidarity, sharing and transmission of knowledge and resources: Indifference, lack of solidarity, individualism, selfishness, jealousy, ability to listen, dialogue, mutual assistance, altruism, generosity, exchange of experience and knowledge, sharing (of ideas, work, wealth, responsibilities, inter-generational sharing) I08. Inclusion / exclusion: Being excluded, rejected, overlooked/being integrated, accepted, acknowledged, seclusion
Questions WB: Question 1 (Well-Being) IB: Question 2 (Ill-Being) ACT: Question 3 (What do you do) FG: Question 4 (Future Generations)
Répartition par question
- To know more: Methodology SPIRAL applied to territories
A: Access to essential resourcesA00. Access to essential resources NA0. Unclassified A A01. Food: Access to food, drink, to a dietary regime (healthy, no GMOs, etc) A02. Medicines and health care: Access to medication, to different types of care, surgery, hospitals A03. Housing/equipment: Access to housing: houses, apartments and dependencies, furniture and equipment, connection to networks, heating, insulation A04. Clothing: Access to clothing; clothes, shoes, fashionable clothing A05. Education/Training: Access to education, school, high quality teaching, vocational training, ongoing training A06. Employment/work: Access to work, to employment, being unemployed A07. Leisure, culture, sport: Access to leisure activities, holidays, relaxation, sport, culture, reading, cinema, music A08. Purchasing power/access to finance: Purchasing power, purchase price levels, savings, debt A09. Home care and personal services: Access to financial and material assistance, to personal services, institutional aid A10. Mobility: Access to transport, public and private A11. Information/exchanges: Access to information, newspapers, Internet, the different means of communication
| B: Living environmentB00. Living environment: Isolation, pleasant environment, secure and safe living environment in general, problematic environment NB0. Unclassified B B01. Cleanliness/pollution/noise: Pollution, dirt, waste, healthy environment, noise, other forms of pollution, traffic B02. Basic infrastructure and amenities: Roads, cycle tracks, pavements, road safety, communication networks, water, energy, houses, land, buildings, hospitals, schools, urban planning, maintenance and accessibility of infrastructure and networks B03. Service infrastructure and facilities: Shops, public offices, post offices, banks, reception centres, child-care facilities, local services B04. Meeting and leisure areas: Parks, public places, common areas, playgrounds, all public places where people can meet up B05. Weather and natural phenomena: Sun, rain, temperature, natural local conditions, natural phenomena B06. Landscape and living spaces: Contact with nature, green areas, woodland, countryside, mountains, rivers, preservation and upkeep of the landscape B07. Production and work conditions: Farming practices, industrial practices (organic, non-intensive farming, less polluting industries)
| C: Relations with and between organisationsC00. Relations with and between organisations: Existing and quality of the governments in general, institutions, political system and economical world in general NC0. Unclassified C C01. Fundamental rights/recognition: Human rights, social rights, rule of law, recognition by the state, freedom of expression, right to strike C02. Functioning of justice: Justice, respect for the law, regulations, courts, judges, lawyers, prisons, sanctions, police officers, security services C03. Consultation/democracy: Functioning of democracy, participation in decisions and evaluation, dialogue between institutions and citizens, political system C04. Transparency/communication: Communication by public and private organisations, consistency between promises and action, level of information, freedom of the press, integrity, quality and behaviour of the media C05. Organisation, management, finance: All matters relating to public territorial management and organisational functioning, management of public funds, simplification of rules and formalities, taxes, corruption, bureaucracy, public service C06. Access, information and contacts: Reception, access to information, respect shown by public servants, facilitation of administrative procedures, information C07. Public policies: Measures in the social sphere,support for the disadvantaged strata of society, guidelines for the "3rd sector", care
D: Personal relationsD00. Personal relations: Having relationships, close friends; being alone, rejected, betrayed; being appreciated, listened to, understood, helped; being loved; getting on with the people around one; having good friends and neighbours ND0. Unclassified D D01. Partners/loving and sexual relationships: Having sexual and/or loving relationships, having a partner, being married, sharing one's life with someone else, quality of these relationships D02. Family life/family relationships: Having a family, parents, family life, being close to one's family, ups and downs/joys of family life, family understanding, having a baby D03. Friends/relations with friends: Having friends, being able to count on friends, time spent with friends, reciprocal friendship D04. Neighbourhood relations: Having contacts/relations with neighbours, agreement/discord with neighbours, time spent in company of neighbours, calm neighbourhood D05. Relations at work: Relations with one's employer, colleagues, hierarchical relationships at work; being accepted, respected by colleagues, quality of relations at work (harmony at work, conflict/harassment, atmosphere) D06. Relations with animals: To have a pet, an animal to provide company, feelings towards pets, activities with pets
| E: Social balancesE00. Social balances: Happiness and sadness in the world, social cohesion, general balance in society, social achievements NE0. Unclassified E E01. Identities and values: Assertion and transmission of common and shared values (e.g. love, family, friendship), ethics, education in values, awareness of identity (culture, traditions, language, religion) and values E02. Knowledge, awareness and educational balance: General educational level of the society, openess in interests, collective sense of citizenship, democratic culture, societal progress processes E03. Equity and social mobility: Upward social mobility; equal opportunities; sharing of wealth; social injustice; famine, destitution, poverty E04. Social mix/insularity: Ghettoisation, cultural/ethnic segregation, isolation (social) lack of privacy, cultural cross-fertilisation, cultural openness, social classification, inter-generational actions, life in the community E05. Violence and peace: Peace, security, protection, kinship /war, violence, conflict, crime E06. Economic balance: Economic balance or imbalance, economic proposals and alternatives; crisis; common goods/individual goods, where people fit into the economy; control of growth, consumption E07. Demographic balances: Population renewal, overpopulation, age pyramid E08. Relations between society and environment: Society which cares for/destroys environmental balances, collective moves to care for the environment E09. Scientifical and technological progress: Scientific and medical research, technological, scientifical innovations, scientifical and technical means for the well-being, bioethics, scientifical progress, new technologies
| F: Personal balancesF00. Personal balances: Having a balance or lack of balance in one's life in general, feeling that one fits in/feeling lost NF0. Unclassified F F01. Physical balance and health: Good or ill-health, illness, sleep, rest/fatigue, overweight, drug addiction, mental disorders (depression, anorexia, etc) memory F02. Autonomy, freedom, independence: Freedom of thought, of choice, of action, independence/disability; physical abilities, intellectual faculties F03. Personal time management and balance between activities: Being available to help/having too much to do; having spare time for oneself; timetable; balance/organisation of activities; daily routine; working time F04. Mental/emotional balance: Depression, general discomfort/enjoying living; mood (anger, joy); motivation; happy with one's lot F05. Spiritual life and religion: Personal beliefs, faith, religious practices F06. Balance in relations with society: Relations with others, views of others, social status, ability to express oneself; charisma, shyness F07. Personal development: Personal self-fulfilment; success/failure; taking enjoyment in life; creativity
G: Feelings of well-being/ill-beingG00. Feelings of well-being/ill-being: Feelings linked to good/bad news; happiness/unhappiness, bereavement NG0. Unclassified G G01. Self-esteem/shame: Liking oneself, self-esteem/lack of self-esteem; self-confidence; self-image G02. Satisfaction/frustration: Disappointment/satisfaction; regret/contentment G03. Peace of mind/Fear: Peace of mind, calmness/fear of the future, of time passing, of the unknown G04. Stress/worries: Upset/composure, calmness; excess of responsibilities/peaceful life G05. Happiness/sadness: Laughing/crying; being content/being sad
| H: Attitudes and initiativesH00. Attitudes and initiatives: Motivation, to think positively, attitude to life, patience, to use all the chances, opimism/pessimism NH0. Unclassified H H01. Self-improvement/self-respect: Accepting; confronting; learning; stopping (smoking, drinking, etc); taking care of oneself, having a healthy lifestyle; taking time, seizing opportunities; following one's instincts H02. Personal activities and initiatives: Carrying out projects, fulfilling dreams; creating, developing, working; doing one's best, being successful, life changes, travelling H03. Politeness/Sociability: Attitudes to others, politeness; loving/being loved; talking, discussing, communicating/arguing; being patient, kindness/spitefulness, ridiculing; inspiring confidence, trust H04. Meeting/Listening, being supportive: Helping out, reaching out, listening to, taking care of; being attentive to, having time for, being ready to listen; kindness; pleasing people, doing a good turn H05. Responsibility vis-à-vis common goods: Shouldering responsibilities, being responsible (in society, to one's family - bringing up children, etc), upholding the law, complying with the rules of life in the community and security/safety (speed limits, noise, etc); sorting waste, caring for the environment, the common spaces and goods, no waste of resources, responsible consumption H06. Commitment in society: Taking part in collective action and organisations, making a contribution to society, being an active citizen (voting, doing voluntary work, etc) H07. Dynamism, collective commitment: Organisations, actions, collective synergies established in society; movements and processes steering collective reflection; common struggles and proposals for collective action.
| I: Relationships within societyI00. Relationships within society NI0. Unclass I I01. Gender relationships: Relations between persons or group of persons of different genders, respect, tolerance or equality between genders I02. Relationships between generations: Relations between persons of different generations and ages, between young and old people, respect, tolerance between different ages I03. Relationships between cultures: Inter-cultural, inter-religion, inter-community relationships and dialog, openness of cultures, forms of extremism I04. Relationships between social classes: Relations between persons from different social backgrounds, origins, wealth levels and cultures and respect, solidarity, mixity between them I05. Locally based relationships: Relations between neighbors, people sharing the same place, conviviality of those relations I06. Politeness, respect and tolerance: Racism, prejudice, arrogance, hypocrisy, lying, feeling of superiority, ridiculing, verbal aggression, tolerance, mutual respect (between individuals, cultures, generations), acceptance of others, kindness, civism I07. Solidarity, sharing and transmission of knowledge and resources: Indifference, lack of solidarity, individualism, selfishness, jealousy, ability to listen, dialogue, mutual assistance, altruism, generosity, exchange of experience and knowledge, sharing (of ideas, work, wealth, responsibilities, inter-generational sharing) I08. Inclusion / exclusion: Being excluded, rejected, overlooked/being integrated, accepted, acknowledged, seclusion
Questions WB: Question 1 (Well-Being) IB: Question 2 (Ill-Being) ACT: Question 3 (What do you do) FG: Question 4 (Future Generations)
Répartition par catégories
- To know more: Methodology SPIRAL applied to territories
A: Access to essential resourcesA00. Access to essential resources NA0. Unclassified A A01. Food: Access to food, drink, to a dietary regime (healthy, no GMOs, etc) A02. Medicines and health care: Access to medication, to different types of care, surgery, hospitals A03. Housing/equipment: Access to housing: houses, apartments and dependencies, furniture and equipment, connection to networks, heating, insulation A04. Clothing: Access to clothing; clothes, shoes, fashionable clothing A05. Education/Training: Access to education, school, high quality teaching, vocational training, ongoing training A06. Employment/work: Access to work, to employment, being unemployed A07. Leisure, culture, sport: Access to leisure activities, holidays, relaxation, sport, culture, reading, cinema, music A08. Purchasing power/access to finance: Purchasing power, purchase price levels, savings, debt A09. Home care and personal services: Access to financial and material assistance, to personal services, institutional aid A10. Mobility: Access to transport, public and private A11. Information/exchanges: Access to information, newspapers, Internet, the different means of communication
| B: Living environmentB00. Living environment: Isolation, pleasant environment, secure and safe living environment in general, problematic environment NB0. Unclassified B B01. Cleanliness/pollution/noise: Pollution, dirt, waste, healthy environment, noise, other forms of pollution, traffic B02. Basic infrastructure and amenities: Roads, cycle tracks, pavements, road safety, communication networks, water, energy, houses, land, buildings, hospitals, schools, urban planning, maintenance and accessibility of infrastructure and networks B03. Service infrastructure and facilities: Shops, public offices, post offices, banks, reception centres, child-care facilities, local services B04. Meeting and leisure areas: Parks, public places, common areas, playgrounds, all public places where people can meet up B05. Weather and natural phenomena: Sun, rain, temperature, natural local conditions, natural phenomena B06. Landscape and living spaces: Contact with nature, green areas, woodland, countryside, mountains, rivers, preservation and upkeep of the landscape B07. Production and work conditions: Farming practices, industrial practices (organic, non-intensive farming, less polluting industries)
| C: Relations with and between organisationsC00. Relations with and between organisations: Existing and quality of the governments in general, institutions, political system and economical world in general NC0. Unclassified C C01. Fundamental rights/recognition: Human rights, social rights, rule of law, recognition by the state, freedom of expression, right to strike C02. Functioning of justice: Justice, respect for the law, regulations, courts, judges, lawyers, prisons, sanctions, police officers, security services C03. Consultation/democracy: Functioning of democracy, participation in decisions and evaluation, dialogue between institutions and citizens, political system C04. Transparency/communication: Communication by public and private organisations, consistency between promises and action, level of information, freedom of the press, integrity, quality and behaviour of the media C05. Organisation, management, finance: All matters relating to public territorial management and organisational functioning, management of public funds, simplification of rules and formalities, taxes, corruption, bureaucracy, public service C06. Access, information and contacts: Reception, access to information, respect shown by public servants, facilitation of administrative procedures, information C07. Public policies: Measures in the social sphere,support for the disadvantaged strata of society, guidelines for the "3rd sector", care
D: Personal relationsD00. Personal relations: Having relationships, close friends; being alone, rejected, betrayed; being appreciated, listened to, understood, helped; being loved; getting on with the people around one; having good friends and neighbours ND0. Unclassified D D01. Partners/loving and sexual relationships: Having sexual and/or loving relationships, having a partner, being married, sharing one's life with someone else, quality of these relationships D02. Family life/family relationships: Having a family, parents, family life, being close to one's family, ups and downs/joys of family life, family understanding, having a baby D03. Friends/relations with friends: Having friends, being able to count on friends, time spent with friends, reciprocal friendship D04. Neighbourhood relations: Having contacts/relations with neighbours, agreement/discord with neighbours, time spent in company of neighbours, calm neighbourhood D05. Relations at work: Relations with one's employer, colleagues, hierarchical relationships at work; being accepted, respected by colleagues, quality of relations at work (harmony at work, conflict/harassment, atmosphere) D06. Relations with animals: To have a pet, an animal to provide company, feelings towards pets, activities with pets
| E: Social balancesE00. Social balances: Happiness and sadness in the world, social cohesion, general balance in society, social achievements NE0. Unclassified E E01. Identities and values: Assertion and transmission of common and shared values (e.g. love, family, friendship), ethics, education in values, awareness of identity (culture, traditions, language, religion) and values E02. Knowledge, awareness and educational balance: General educational level of the society, openess in interests, collective sense of citizenship, democratic culture, societal progress processes E03. Equity and social mobility: Upward social mobility; equal opportunities; sharing of wealth; social injustice; famine, destitution, poverty E04. Social mix/insularity: Ghettoisation, cultural/ethnic segregation, isolation (social) lack of privacy, cultural cross-fertilisation, cultural openness, social classification, inter-generational actions, life in the community E05. Violence and peace: Peace, security, protection, kinship /war, violence, conflict, crime E06. Economic balance: Economic balance or imbalance, economic proposals and alternatives; crisis; common goods/individual goods, where people fit into the economy; control of growth, consumption E07. Demographic balances: Population renewal, overpopulation, age pyramid E08. Relations between society and environment: Society which cares for/destroys environmental balances, collective moves to care for the environment E09. Scientifical and technological progress: Scientific and medical research, technological, scientifical innovations, scientifical and technical means for the well-being, bioethics, scientifical progress, new technologies
| F: Personal balancesF00. Personal balances: Having a balance or lack of balance in one's life in general, feeling that one fits in/feeling lost NF0. Unclassified F F01. Physical balance and health: Good or ill-health, illness, sleep, rest/fatigue, overweight, drug addiction, mental disorders (depression, anorexia, etc) memory F02. Autonomy, freedom, independence: Freedom of thought, of choice, of action, independence/disability; physical abilities, intellectual faculties F03. Personal time management and balance between activities: Being available to help/having too much to do; having spare time for oneself; timetable; balance/organisation of activities; daily routine; working time F04. Mental/emotional balance: Depression, general discomfort/enjoying living; mood (anger, joy); motivation; happy with one's lot F05. Spiritual life and religion: Personal beliefs, faith, religious practices F06. Balance in relations with society: Relations with others, views of others, social status, ability to express oneself; charisma, shyness F07. Personal development: Personal self-fulfilment; success/failure; taking enjoyment in life; creativity
G: Feelings of well-being/ill-beingG00. Feelings of well-being/ill-being: Feelings linked to good/bad news; happiness/unhappiness, bereavement NG0. Unclassified G G01. Self-esteem/shame: Liking oneself, self-esteem/lack of self-esteem; self-confidence; self-image G02. Satisfaction/frustration: Disappointment/satisfaction; regret/contentment G03. Peace of mind/Fear: Peace of mind, calmness/fear of the future, of time passing, of the unknown G04. Stress/worries: Upset/composure, calmness; excess of responsibilities/peaceful life G05. Happiness/sadness: Laughing/crying; being content/being sad
| H: Attitudes and initiativesH00. Attitudes and initiatives: Motivation, to think positively, attitude to life, patience, to use all the chances, opimism/pessimism NH0. Unclassified H H01. Self-improvement/self-respect: Accepting; confronting; learning; stopping (smoking, drinking, etc); taking care of oneself, having a healthy lifestyle; taking time, seizing opportunities; following one's instincts H02. Personal activities and initiatives: Carrying out projects, fulfilling dreams; creating, developing, working; doing one's best, being successful, life changes, travelling H03. Politeness/Sociability: Attitudes to others, politeness; loving/being loved; talking, discussing, communicating/arguing; being patient, kindness/spitefulness, ridiculing; inspiring confidence, trust H04. Meeting/Listening, being supportive: Helping out, reaching out, listening to, taking care of; being attentive to, having time for, being ready to listen; kindness; pleasing people, doing a good turn H05. Responsibility vis-à-vis common goods: Shouldering responsibilities, being responsible (in society, to one's family - bringing up children, etc), upholding the law, complying with the rules of life in the community and security/safety (speed limits, noise, etc); sorting waste, caring for the environment, the common spaces and goods, no waste of resources, responsible consumption H06. Commitment in society: Taking part in collective action and organisations, making a contribution to society, being an active citizen (voting, doing voluntary work, etc) H07. Dynamism, collective commitment: Organisations, actions, collective synergies established in society; movements and processes steering collective reflection; common struggles and proposals for collective action.
| I: Relationships within societyI00. Relationships within society NI0. Unclass I I01. Gender relationships: Relations between persons or group of persons of different genders, respect, tolerance or equality between genders I02. Relationships between generations: Relations between persons of different generations and ages, between young and old people, respect, tolerance between different ages I03. Relationships between cultures: Inter-cultural, inter-religion, inter-community relationships and dialog, openness of cultures, forms of extremism I04. Relationships between social classes: Relations between persons from different social backgrounds, origins, wealth levels and cultures and respect, solidarity, mixity between them I05. Locally based relationships: Relations between neighbors, people sharing the same place, conviviality of those relations I06. Politeness, respect and tolerance: Racism, prejudice, arrogance, hypocrisy, lying, feeling of superiority, ridiculing, verbal aggression, tolerance, mutual respect (between individuals, cultures, generations), acceptance of others, kindness, civism I07. Solidarity, sharing and transmission of knowledge and resources: Indifference, lack of solidarity, individualism, selfishness, jealousy, ability to listen, dialogue, mutual assistance, altruism, generosity, exchange of experience and knowledge, sharing (of ideas, work, wealth, responsibilities, inter-generational sharing) I08. Inclusion / exclusion: Being excluded, rejected, overlooked/being integrated, accepted, acknowledged, seclusion
Questions WB: Question 1 (Well-Being) IB: Question 2 (Ill-Being) ACT: Question 3 (What do you do) FG: Question 4 (Future Generations)
Répartitions par catégories et question
- To know more: Methodology SPIRAL applied to territories
A: Access to essential resourcesA00. Access to essential resources NA0. Unclassified A A01. Food: Access to food, drink, to a dietary regime (healthy, no GMOs, etc) A02. Medicines and health care: Access to medication, to different types of care, surgery, hospitals A03. Housing/equipment: Access to housing: houses, apartments and dependencies, furniture and equipment, connection to networks, heating, insulation A04. Clothing: Access to clothing; clothes, shoes, fashionable clothing A05. Education/Training: Access to education, school, high quality teaching, vocational training, ongoing training A06. Employment/work: Access to work, to employment, being unemployed A07. Leisure, culture, sport: Access to leisure activities, holidays, relaxation, sport, culture, reading, cinema, music A08. Purchasing power/access to finance: Purchasing power, purchase price levels, savings, debt A09. Home care and personal services: Access to financial and material assistance, to personal services, institutional aid A10. Mobility: Access to transport, public and private A11. Information/exchanges: Access to information, newspapers, Internet, the different means of communication
| B: Living environmentB00. Living environment: Isolation, pleasant environment, secure and safe living environment in general, problematic environment NB0. Unclassified B B01. Cleanliness/pollution/noise: Pollution, dirt, waste, healthy environment, noise, other forms of pollution, traffic B02. Basic infrastructure and amenities: Roads, cycle tracks, pavements, road safety, communication networks, water, energy, houses, land, buildings, hospitals, schools, urban planning, maintenance and accessibility of infrastructure and networks B03. Service infrastructure and facilities: Shops, public offices, post offices, banks, reception centres, child-care facilities, local services B04. Meeting and leisure areas: Parks, public places, common areas, playgrounds, all public places where people can meet up B05. Weather and natural phenomena: Sun, rain, temperature, natural local conditions, natural phenomena B06. Landscape and living spaces: Contact with nature, green areas, woodland, countryside, mountains, rivers, preservation and upkeep of the landscape B07. Production and work conditions: Farming practices, industrial practices (organic, non-intensive farming, less polluting industries)
| C: Relations with and between organisationsC00. Relations with and between organisations: Existing and quality of the governments in general, institutions, political system and economical world in general NC0. Unclassified C C01. Fundamental rights/recognition: Human rights, social rights, rule of law, recognition by the state, freedom of expression, right to strike C02. Functioning of justice: Justice, respect for the law, regulations, courts, judges, lawyers, prisons, sanctions, police officers, security services C03. Consultation/democracy: Functioning of democracy, participation in decisions and evaluation, dialogue between institutions and citizens, political system C04. Transparency/communication: Communication by public and private organisations, consistency between promises and action, level of information, freedom of the press, integrity, quality and behaviour of the media C05. Organisation, management, finance: All matters relating to public territorial management and organisational functioning, management of public funds, simplification of rules and formalities, taxes, corruption, bureaucracy, public service C06. Access, information and contacts: Reception, access to information, respect shown by public servants, facilitation of administrative procedures, information C07. Public policies: Measures in the social sphere,support for the disadvantaged strata of society, guidelines for the "3rd sector", care
D: Personal relationsD00. Personal relations: Having relationships, close friends; being alone, rejected, betrayed; being appreciated, listened to, understood, helped; being loved; getting on with the people around one; having good friends and neighbours ND0. Unclassified D D01. Partners/loving and sexual relationships: Having sexual and/or loving relationships, having a partner, being married, sharing one's life with someone else, quality of these relationships D02. Family life/family relationships: Having a family, parents, family life, being close to one's family, ups and downs/joys of family life, family understanding, having a baby D03. Friends/relations with friends: Having friends, being able to count on friends, time spent with friends, reciprocal friendship D04. Neighbourhood relations: Having contacts/relations with neighbours, agreement/discord with neighbours, time spent in company of neighbours, calm neighbourhood D05. Relations at work: Relations with one's employer, colleagues, hierarchical relationships at work; being accepted, respected by colleagues, quality of relations at work (harmony at work, conflict/harassment, atmosphere) D06. Relations with animals: To have a pet, an animal to provide company, feelings towards pets, activities with pets
| E: Social balancesE00. Social balances: Happiness and sadness in the world, social cohesion, general balance in society, social achievements NE0. Unclassified E E01. Identities and values: Assertion and transmission of common and shared values (e.g. love, family, friendship), ethics, education in values, awareness of identity (culture, traditions, language, religion) and values E02. Knowledge, awareness and educational balance: General educational level of the society, openess in interests, collective sense of citizenship, democratic culture, societal progress processes E03. Equity and social mobility: Upward social mobility; equal opportunities; sharing of wealth; social injustice; famine, destitution, poverty E04. Social mix/insularity: Ghettoisation, cultural/ethnic segregation, isolation (social) lack of privacy, cultural cross-fertilisation, cultural openness, social classification, inter-generational actions, life in the community E05. Violence and peace: Peace, security, protection, kinship /war, violence, conflict, crime E06. Economic balance: Economic balance or imbalance, economic proposals and alternatives; crisis; common goods/individual goods, where people fit into the economy; control of growth, consumption E07. Demographic balances: Population renewal, overpopulation, age pyramid E08. Relations between society and environment: Society which cares for/destroys environmental balances, collective moves to care for the environment E09. Scientifical and technological progress: Scientific and medical research, technological, scientifical innovations, scientifical and technical means for the well-being, bioethics, scientifical progress, new technologies
| F: Personal balancesF00. Personal balances: Having a balance or lack of balance in one's life in general, feeling that one fits in/feeling lost NF0. Unclassified F F01. Physical balance and health: Good or ill-health, illness, sleep, rest/fatigue, overweight, drug addiction, mental disorders (depression, anorexia, etc) memory F02. Autonomy, freedom, independence: Freedom of thought, of choice, of action, independence/disability; physical abilities, intellectual faculties F03. Personal time management and balance between activities: Being available to help/having too much to do; having spare time for oneself; timetable; balance/organisation of activities; daily routine; working time F04. Mental/emotional balance: Depression, general discomfort/enjoying living; mood (anger, joy); motivation; happy with one's lot F05. Spiritual life and religion: Personal beliefs, faith, religious practices F06. Balance in relations with society: Relations with others, views of others, social status, ability to express oneself; charisma, shyness F07. Personal development: Personal self-fulfilment; success/failure; taking enjoyment in life; creativity
G: Feelings of well-being/ill-beingG00. Feelings of well-being/ill-being: Feelings linked to good/bad news; happiness/unhappiness, bereavement NG0. Unclassified G G01. Self-esteem/shame: Liking oneself, self-esteem/lack of self-esteem; self-confidence; self-image G02. Satisfaction/frustration: Disappointment/satisfaction; regret/contentment G03. Peace of mind/Fear: Peace of mind, calmness/fear of the future, of time passing, of the unknown G04. Stress/worries: Upset/composure, calmness; excess of responsibilities/peaceful life G05. Happiness/sadness: Laughing/crying; being content/being sad
| H: Attitudes and initiativesH00. Attitudes and initiatives: Motivation, to think positively, attitude to life, patience, to use all the chances, opimism/pessimism NH0. Unclassified H H01. Self-improvement/self-respect: Accepting; confronting; learning; stopping (smoking, drinking, etc); taking care of oneself, having a healthy lifestyle; taking time, seizing opportunities; following one's instincts H02. Personal activities and initiatives: Carrying out projects, fulfilling dreams; creating, developing, working; doing one's best, being successful, life changes, travelling H03. Politeness/Sociability: Attitudes to others, politeness; loving/being loved; talking, discussing, communicating/arguing; being patient, kindness/spitefulness, ridiculing; inspiring confidence, trust H04. Meeting/Listening, being supportive: Helping out, reaching out, listening to, taking care of; being attentive to, having time for, being ready to listen; kindness; pleasing people, doing a good turn H05. Responsibility vis-à-vis common goods: Shouldering responsibilities, being responsible (in society, to one's family - bringing up children, etc), upholding the law, complying with the rules of life in the community and security/safety (speed limits, noise, etc); sorting waste, caring for the environment, the common spaces and goods, no waste of resources, responsible consumption H06. Commitment in society: Taking part in collective action and organisations, making a contribution to society, being an active citizen (voting, doing voluntary work, etc) H07. Dynamism, collective commitment: Organisations, actions, collective synergies established in society; movements and processes steering collective reflection; common struggles and proposals for collective action.
| I: Relationships within societyI00. Relationships within society NI0. Unclass I I01. Gender relationships: Relations between persons or group of persons of different genders, respect, tolerance or equality between genders I02. Relationships between generations: Relations between persons of different generations and ages, between young and old people, respect, tolerance between different ages I03. Relationships between cultures: Inter-cultural, inter-religion, inter-community relationships and dialog, openness of cultures, forms of extremism I04. Relationships between social classes: Relations between persons from different social backgrounds, origins, wealth levels and cultures and respect, solidarity, mixity between them I05. Locally based relationships: Relations between neighbors, people sharing the same place, conviviality of those relations I06. Politeness, respect and tolerance: Racism, prejudice, arrogance, hypocrisy, lying, feeling of superiority, ridiculing, verbal aggression, tolerance, mutual respect (between individuals, cultures, generations), acceptance of others, kindness, civism I07. Solidarity, sharing and transmission of knowledge and resources: Indifference, lack of solidarity, individualism, selfishness, jealousy, ability to listen, dialogue, mutual assistance, altruism, generosity, exchange of experience and knowledge, sharing (of ideas, work, wealth, responsibilities, inter-generational sharing) I08. Inclusion / exclusion: Being excluded, rejected, overlooked/being integrated, accepted, acknowledged, seclusion
Questions WB: Question 1 (Well-Being) IB: Question 2 (Ill-Being) ACT: Question 3 (What do you do) FG: Question 4 (Future Generations)
Répartition par domaines et dimensions
- To know more: Methodology SPIRAL applied to territories
A: Access to essential resourcesA00. Access to essential resources NA0. Unclassified A A01. Food: Access to food, drink, to a dietary regime (healthy, no GMOs, etc) A02. Medicines and health care: Access to medication, to different types of care, surgery, hospitals A03. Housing/equipment: Access to housing: houses, apartments and dependencies, furniture and equipment, connection to networks, heating, insulation A04. Clothing: Access to clothing; clothes, shoes, fashionable clothing A05. Education/Training: Access to education, school, high quality teaching, vocational training, ongoing training A06. Employment/work: Access to work, to employment, being unemployed A07. Leisure, culture, sport: Access to leisure activities, holidays, relaxation, sport, culture, reading, cinema, music A08. Purchasing power/access to finance: Purchasing power, purchase price levels, savings, debt A09. Home care and personal services: Access to financial and material assistance, to personal services, institutional aid A10. Mobility: Access to transport, public and private A11. Information/exchanges: Access to information, newspapers, Internet, the different means of communication
| B: Living environmentB00. Living environment: Isolation, pleasant environment, secure and safe living environment in general, problematic environment NB0. Unclassified B B01. Cleanliness/pollution/noise: Pollution, dirt, waste, healthy environment, noise, other forms of pollution, traffic B02. Basic infrastructure and amenities: Roads, cycle tracks, pavements, road safety, communication networks, water, energy, houses, land, buildings, hospitals, schools, urban planning, maintenance and accessibility of infrastructure and networks B03. Service infrastructure and facilities: Shops, public offices, post offices, banks, reception centres, child-care facilities, local services B04. Meeting and leisure areas: Parks, public places, common areas, playgrounds, all public places where people can meet up B05. Weather and natural phenomena: Sun, rain, temperature, natural local conditions, natural phenomena B06. Landscape and living spaces: Contact with nature, green areas, woodland, countryside, mountains, rivers, preservation and upkeep of the landscape B07. Production and work conditions: Farming practices, industrial practices (organic, non-intensive farming, less polluting industries)
| C: Relations with and between organisationsC00. Relations with and between organisations: Existing and quality of the governments in general, institutions, political system and economical world in general NC0. Unclassified C C01. Fundamental rights/recognition: Human rights, social rights, rule of law, recognition by the state, freedom of expression, right to strike C02. Functioning of justice: Justice, respect for the law, regulations, courts, judges, lawyers, prisons, sanctions, police officers, security services C03. Consultation/democracy: Functioning of democracy, participation in decisions and evaluation, dialogue between institutions and citizens, political system C04. Transparency/communication: Communication by public and private organisations, consistency between promises and action, level of information, freedom of the press, integrity, quality and behaviour of the media C05. Organisation, management, finance: All matters relating to public territorial management and organisational functioning, management of public funds, simplification of rules and formalities, taxes, corruption, bureaucracy, public service C06. Access, information and contacts: Reception, access to information, respect shown by public servants, facilitation of administrative procedures, information C07. Public policies: Measures in the social sphere,support for the disadvantaged strata of society, guidelines for the "3rd sector", care
D: Personal relationsD00. Personal relations: Having relationships, close friends; being alone, rejected, betrayed; being appreciated, listened to, understood, helped; being loved; getting on with the people around one; having good friends and neighbours ND0. Unclassified D D01. Partners/loving and sexual relationships: Having sexual and/or loving relationships, having a partner, being married, sharing one's life with someone else, quality of these relationships D02. Family life/family relationships: Having a family, parents, family life, being close to one's family, ups and downs/joys of family life, family understanding, having a baby D03. Friends/relations with friends: Having friends, being able to count on friends, time spent with friends, reciprocal friendship D04. Neighbourhood relations: Having contacts/relations with neighbours, agreement/discord with neighbours, time spent in company of neighbours, calm neighbourhood D05. Relations at work: Relations with one's employer, colleagues, hierarchical relationships at work; being accepted, respected by colleagues, quality of relations at work (harmony at work, conflict/harassment, atmosphere) D06. Relations with animals: To have a pet, an animal to provide company, feelings towards pets, activities with pets
| E: Social balancesE00. Social balances: Happiness and sadness in the world, social cohesion, general balance in society, social achievements NE0. Unclassified E E01. Identities and values: Assertion and transmission of common and shared values (e.g. love, family, friendship), ethics, education in values, awareness of identity (culture, traditions, language, religion) and values E02. Knowledge, awareness and educational balance: General educational level of the society, openess in interests, collective sense of citizenship, democratic culture, societal progress processes E03. Equity and social mobility: Upward social mobility; equal opportunities; sharing of wealth; social injustice; famine, destitution, poverty E04. Social mix/insularity: Ghettoisation, cultural/ethnic segregation, isolation (social) lack of privacy, cultural cross-fertilisation, cultural openness, social classification, inter-generational actions, life in the community E05. Violence and peace: Peace, security, protection, kinship /war, violence, conflict, crime E06. Economic balance: Economic balance or imbalance, economic proposals and alternatives; crisis; common goods/individual goods, where people fit into the economy; control of growth, consumption E07. Demographic balances: Population renewal, overpopulation, age pyramid E08. Relations between society and environment: Society which cares for/destroys environmental balances, collective moves to care for the environment E09. Scientifical and technological progress: Scientific and medical research, technological, scientifical innovations, scientifical and technical means for the well-being, bioethics, scientifical progress, new technologies
| F: Personal balancesF00. Personal balances: Having a balance or lack of balance in one's life in general, feeling that one fits in/feeling lost NF0. Unclassified F F01. Physical balance and health: Good or ill-health, illness, sleep, rest/fatigue, overweight, drug addiction, mental disorders (depression, anorexia, etc) memory F02. Autonomy, freedom, independence: Freedom of thought, of choice, of action, independence/disability; physical abilities, intellectual faculties F03. Personal time management and balance between activities: Being available to help/having too much to do; having spare time for oneself; timetable; balance/organisation of activities; daily routine; working time F04. Mental/emotional balance: Depression, general discomfort/enjoying living; mood (anger, joy); motivation; happy with one's lot F05. Spiritual life and religion: Personal beliefs, faith, religious practices F06. Balance in relations with society: Relations with others, views of others, social status, ability to express oneself; charisma, shyness F07. Personal development: Personal self-fulfilment; success/failure; taking enjoyment in life; creativity
G: Feelings of well-being/ill-beingG00. Feelings of well-being/ill-being: Feelings linked to good/bad news; happiness/unhappiness, bereavement NG0. Unclassified G G01. Self-esteem/shame: Liking oneself, self-esteem/lack of self-esteem; self-confidence; self-image G02. Satisfaction/frustration: Disappointment/satisfaction; regret/contentment G03. Peace of mind/Fear: Peace of mind, calmness/fear of the future, of time passing, of the unknown G04. Stress/worries: Upset/composure, calmness; excess of responsibilities/peaceful life G05. Happiness/sadness: Laughing/crying; being content/being sad
| H: Attitudes and initiativesH00. Attitudes and initiatives: Motivation, to think positively, attitude to life, patience, to use all the chances, opimism/pessimism NH0. Unclassified H H01. Self-improvement/self-respect: Accepting; confronting; learning; stopping (smoking, drinking, etc); taking care of oneself, having a healthy lifestyle; taking time, seizing opportunities; following one's instincts H02. Personal activities and initiatives: Carrying out projects, fulfilling dreams; creating, developing, working; doing one's best, being successful, life changes, travelling H03. Politeness/Sociability: Attitudes to others, politeness; loving/being loved; talking, discussing, communicating/arguing; being patient, kindness/spitefulness, ridiculing; inspiring confidence, trust H04. Meeting/Listening, being supportive: Helping out, reaching out, listening to, taking care of; being attentive to, having time for, being ready to listen; kindness; pleasing people, doing a good turn H05. Responsibility vis-à-vis common goods: Shouldering responsibilities, being responsible (in society, to one's family - bringing up children, etc), upholding the law, complying with the rules of life in the community and security/safety (speed limits, noise, etc); sorting waste, caring for the environment, the common spaces and goods, no waste of resources, responsible consumption H06. Commitment in society: Taking part in collective action and organisations, making a contribution to society, being an active citizen (voting, doing voluntary work, etc) H07. Dynamism, collective commitment: Organisations, actions, collective synergies established in society; movements and processes steering collective reflection; common struggles and proposals for collective action.
| I: Relationships within societyI00. Relationships within society NI0. Unclass I I01. Gender relationships: Relations between persons or group of persons of different genders, respect, tolerance or equality between genders I02. Relationships between generations: Relations between persons of different generations and ages, between young and old people, respect, tolerance between different ages I03. Relationships between cultures: Inter-cultural, inter-religion, inter-community relationships and dialog, openness of cultures, forms of extremism I04. Relationships between social classes: Relations between persons from different social backgrounds, origins, wealth levels and cultures and respect, solidarity, mixity between them I05. Locally based relationships: Relations between neighbors, people sharing the same place, conviviality of those relations I06. Politeness, respect and tolerance: Racism, prejudice, arrogance, hypocrisy, lying, feeling of superiority, ridiculing, verbal aggression, tolerance, mutual respect (between individuals, cultures, generations), acceptance of others, kindness, civism I07. Solidarity, sharing and transmission of knowledge and resources: Indifference, lack of solidarity, individualism, selfishness, jealousy, ability to listen, dialogue, mutual assistance, altruism, generosity, exchange of experience and knowledge, sharing (of ideas, work, wealth, responsibilities, inter-generational sharing) I08. Inclusion / exclusion: Being excluded, rejected, overlooked/being integrated, accepted, acknowledged, seclusion
Questions WB: Question 1 (Well-Being) IB: Question 2 (Ill-Being) ACT: Question 3 (What do you do) FG: Question 4 (Future Generations)
Répartition par domaines, dimensions et question
Répartition par domaines, dimensions et catégories
B- Analyses par pays
Répartition des critères par pays et question
Répartition des critères par pays et dimensions
Répartition des critères par pays et régions
C- Analyses par groupes
Nombre de groupes homogènes par types et nombre de critères exprimés
Dimensions et types de groupes homogènes
Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
method from
[.quosures rlang
c.quosures rlang
print.quosures rlang
Error in library(splitstackshape) :
there is no package called ‘splitstackshape’
Execution halted
Dimensions, âge et types des groupes homogènes
Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
method from
[.quosures rlang
c.quosures rlang
print.quosures rlang
Error in levels(s4r$feminity)[levels(s4r$feminity) == ""] <- NA :
attempt to set an attribute on NULL
Execution halted
G- Analyses par thèmes
Wordcloud français des critères de bien-être
Wordcloud russe des critères de bien-être