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Territoire de coresponsabilité de Kavala

Greece - Kavala

The city of Kavala is located in the North of Greece, in the region of East Macedonia & Thrace. Kavala is a seaside city with 85 000 inhabtiatns, not far from the Bulgarian border and from Turkey. The Municipality of Kavala is the 2nd biggest commercial port in the North. Besides being considered one of the major fishery centres in Greece, Kavala has a leading role in the local economy, as well as in the industrial economy sector.

By participating in the TOGETHER project, the Municipality focuses on establishing a network of its social services along with some of the more active local NGOs. The main challenges are:

  • families in need, suffering from poverty, domestic violence, drug addicts and single mothers
  • the problem of an ageing population and of increasing the birth rate
  • inclusion and support of the family institutions

Statistics page


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Liste des groupes homogènes

Nom du groupePlate-formeLangueCréé le
Kavala : beneficiaries of the social pharmacyKavalaEnglish2016-03-21 09:36
Kavala : Employees at "Stirizo" structureKavalaEnglish2016-03-21 09:34
Kavala : parents at Lysimachou kindergardenKavalaEnglish2016-03-21 09:32
Kavala : pupils at Lysimachou kindergarden KavalaEnglish2016-03-21 09:30
Kavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenKavalaEnglish2016-03-21 09:29
Kavala : employees at "Home assistance" structureKavalakavala2016-03-21 09:16
Kavala : pupils at the Zygo's kindergardenKavalagreek2016-03-21 08:44
Kavala : parents of the pupils of Zygo's kindergardenKavalagreek2016-03-21 07:13
Kavala : Employees at the elderly centresKavalaGreek2016-03-10 11:57
Kavala : Young mothersKavala2012-07-05 16:04
Kavala : Statal employees High educated peopleKavala2012-07-05 16:04
Kavala : Single parent families Low Educated Most of them in search of a jobKavala2012-07-05 16:04
Kavala : People with social problems ex-convicts ex-drug usersKavala2012-07-05 16:04
Kavala : People in pension or a bit before that want to contribute to the community High educated peopleKavala2012-07-05 16:04
Kavala : Paretns of children with drug problemsKavala2012-07-05 16:04
Kavala : Elderly people with mobility problems Low educatedKavala2012-07-05 16:04
Kavala : Elderly but socialized people Low educatedKavala2012-07-05 16:04

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Accès à la base de données des critères

Éléments trouvés : 642
Crit IDPlate-formeNom du groupe homogèneQuestionsNB expressPost-itComposanteInverser le triSensPropositionCréé ledernière modif.
88812KavalaKavala : Statal employees High educated peopleIB1No emotional serenityG032012-11-18 06:432012-11-18 06:43
88837KavalaKavala : Statal employees High educated peopleWB1Personal serenityG032012-11-18 06:432012-11-18 06:43
88838KavalaKavala : Statal employees High educated peopleWB1Psychological serenityG032012-11-18 06:432012-11-18 06:43
88860KavalaKavala : Statal employees High educated peopleWB1Emotional serenityG032012-11-18 06:432012-11-18 06:43
271752KavalaKavala : parents of the pupils of Zygo's kindergardenWB2serenityG032016-03-21 07:352016-03-21 07:35
271770KavalaKavala : parents of the pupils of Zygo's kindergardenIB1tranquilityG032016-03-21 08:042016-03-21 08:04
271817KavalaKavala : pupils at the Zygo's kindergardenACT1to have a dog-guardian so as to be safeG032016-03-21 09:052016-03-21 09:05
273413KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenIB1I am unhappy if I lose my serenintyG032016-04-05 08:052016-04-05 08:05
274781KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenACT1respect and serenityG032016-05-11 08:062016-05-11 08:06
274895KavalaKavala : Employees at "Stirizo" structureACT1to think of others without fear and hesitationG032016-05-11 10:122016-05-11 10:12
88634KavalaKavala : Elderly people with mobility problems Low educatedWB1To live a peaceful life.G022012-11-18 06:402012-11-18 06:40
88649KavalaKavala : Elderly people with mobility problems Low educatedWB1To open the TV and listen to good news!G022012-11-18 06:402012-11-18 06:40
88823KavalaKavala : Statal employees High educated peopleIB1Misery & routineG022012-11-18 06:432012-11-18 06:43
271773KavalaKavala : parents of the pupils of Zygo's kindergardenIB1frustrationG022016-03-21 08:042016-03-21 08:04
274754KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenWB1to be able to feel happy from simple everyday thingsG022016-05-11 07:362016-05-11 07:36
274807KavalaKavala : pupils at Lysimachou kindergardenWB1when i eat icecreamG022016-05-11 08:402016-05-11 08:40
274808KavalaKavala : pupils at Lysimachou kindergardenWB1when we do the chistmass treeG022016-05-11 08:402016-05-11 08:40
88611KavalaKavala : Elderly people with mobility problems Low educatedIB1To feel pitiedG012012-11-18 06:402012-11-18 06:40
88625KavalaKavala : Elderly people with mobility problems Low educatedIB1be all the day closed in the house nailed in a chair and i wait for from other they help meG012012-11-18 06:402012-11-18 06:40
88731KavalaKavala : People in pension or a bit before that want to contribute to the community High educated peopleWB1To be able to live with dignityG012012-11-18 06:422012-11-18 06:42
88781KavalaKavala : Single parent families Low Educated Most of them in search of a jobWB1To live with dignityG012012-11-18 06:432012-11-18 06:43
274914KavalaKavala : beneficiaries of the social pharmacyIB1when i loose my dignityG012016-05-11 10:332016-05-11 10:33
274918KavalaKavala : beneficiaries of the social pharmacyACT1to take care of my self, watch my diet, train in order to have confidenceG012016-05-11 10:392016-05-11 10:39
88568KavalaKavala : Elderly but socialized people Low educatedWB1Pleasant lifeG002012-11-18 06:402012-11-18 06:40
271767KavalaKavala : parents of the pupils of Zygo's kindergardenIB1ill being in generalG002016-03-21 08:042016-03-21 08:04
271772KavalaKavala : parents of the pupils of Zygo's kindergardenIB1personal development/progressF082016-03-21 08:042016-03-21 08:04
271809KavalaKavala : pupils at the Zygo's kindergardenWB1personal developmentF082016-03-21 08:492016-03-21 08:49
273346KavalaKavala : employees at "Home assistance" structureACT1happiness is something you gradually concur over timeF082016-04-05 07:332016-04-05 07:33
273383KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenWB2to be paid accornding to the quality of my workF082016-04-05 07:512016-04-05 07:51
273417KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenIB2If I won'd fullfill my dreamsF082016-04-05 08:052016-04-05 08:05
273429KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenACT1to be able to find inner balance through yoga and be able to evolveF082016-04-05 08:152016-04-05 08:15
274755KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenWB1professional advancementF082016-05-11 07:362016-05-11 07:36
274769KavalaKavala : education staff of Lysimachou kindergardenIB2when i cannot fullfill my dreamsF082016-05-11 07:512016-05-11 07:51
88542KavalaKavala : Elderly but socialized people Low educatedACT1Developing my knowledge and i would attend to untie anything it can. be informed in who activities it might participate in order to i develop my time in useful thingsF072012-11-18 06:402012-11-18 06:40
88606KavalaKavala : Elderly people with mobility problems Low educatedIB1After years of work your professional offer not to be recognizedF072012-11-18 06:402012-11-18 06:40
271751KavalaKavala : parents of the pupils of Zygo's kindergardenWB1Personal developmentF072016-03-21 07:352016-03-21 07:35

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Éléments trouvés : 1