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CO-ACT 2nd thematic meeting: Co-organise territories for the wellbeing of all today and tomorrow
Viana do Castelo, 22/23th June 2016


Role of thematic meetings in the CO-ACT project - Click here for more information...

The Citizen and collaborative approach SPIRAL, initially launched by the Council of Europe, is at the origin of the CO-ACT porject, implemented by the International Network TOGETHER of cities and territories that participate in this process. SPIRAL and CO-ACT aim to promote co-responsibility for the wellbeing of all at the scale of society, the first at the local level, the second in public policies at different territorial levels.

In this context a large number of citizens of some twenty European and African countries have spoken. First of all to define what is wellbeing of all, and then to specify, in the form of proposals, public policy measures which they think should be implemented to allow the progress of society towards co-responsibility for the wellbeing of all. The fact that all citizens have been able to express themselves freely by an introspective and prospective approach without préconceptions and ensuring equal speaking rights for all has allowed the emergence of very different proposals and affecting all major social issues. They highlight the fundamental elements of what could be a co-responsible and supportive society for the wellbeing of all générations incuded as well on economic issues as democracy and governance, peace/non-violence and social cohesion, space management and time with concrete goals in each of these areas Click here for the synthesis of these proposals and the follow-up to be given.

Such goals require, besides adequate Policy measures, responses to build on the experiences of civil society. That's why we invite all organizations of civil society interested and which recognized themselves in these objectives to participate in a building process of appropriate responses. The central idea is to think of ways to progress towards these goals starting from the existing expériences by identifying complementarities in relation to these objectives and identifying the public Policy measures that are necessary for the expression of these complementarities.

Specific role of this second meeting - Click here for more information...

After the first thematic meeting on the co-construction of an economic model of co-responsibility for the wellbeing of all (in Gloucester on May 20 & 21th, 2016), we will focus on how to organize the space in the territories of life in order to provide at best the wellbeing of all, for the present and future générations. In this regard citizens make many suggestions so much this issue is crucial : the wellbeing of all suppose to have habitat, meeting and co-production areas (shared gardens, repair places), places of exchange, of experimentation, multiple form of social life (sport, culture, knowledge sharing, etc.), as well as contemplation and meditation areas and connection with nature (natural park, tree planting, biodiversity protection...). Organize space is also ensuring mobility without being a stress factor and which weighs on the environment : how to ensure the proximity of services and employment places in relation of places of residence and avoid daily transport time , how to give priority to soft transport (walking, cycling, public transport)in a healthy environment, including how to reduce car traffic (free public transport, car pooling). Finally, the space organization is directly related to energy reconversion : develop positive energy habitats, enhance the rooftops, parking lots to capture solar energy, set up supply terminals for electric vehicles, organize the distribution networks to eliminate peaks between supply and demand, etc.

The organization of space raises many questions that can not be treated separately but need to reflect on an overall strategy taking into account the expectations, motivations and skills of each. This is why it can not be a matter dealt bureaucratically, but it must be able to rely on the knowledge of each citizens and each actor through participative and collaborative approaches of space management. Multiple experiences exist on this subject such as diagnostics by walking in vivo planning field, participative processes in land use plans, etc.


The meeting has three objectives :

  1. Development of a reference model of co-organization of the territory ensuring the wellbeing of all today and tomorrow.
  2. Identification of Policy measures necessary for the emergence of such a model, in addition to proposals of citizens emerging from the CO-ACT project.
  3. Agreement on a mode of operation of the thematic networks after the meeting.

The reference model to co-construct can be pre-defined as follows :

  1. Diversify spaces and their multifunctionalities to answer the diverse expectations : habitat, production, meeting places, contact with nature, creativity, etc;
  2. Think the space with citizens : develop a participative space management including on landscape (in agreement with the Chart of landscapes of the Council of Europe)
  3. Promote transport with less impact on the environment in priority order: walking, cycling, horse, public transport, carpooling, etc.
  4. Enhance at best the space to ensure energy reconversion


To achieve this we propose to invite the following organizations and/or persons :

  • For item 1 we will rely on the expressions of citizens collected in the CO-ACT project.
  • For item 2 : local experiences of diagnostic by walking, participation on the web (municipal plans), and also artistic experiences to the participative re-embellishment of space. Will also be invited NGO working on the landscapes Chart of the Council of Europe.
  • For item 3 : specialists in carpooling, cycling, walking bus, free public transports ...
  • For item 4 : successful experiences of energy reconversion with inhabitants and economic actors.


From now a space for debating is open to create the foundation of the model proposed and consider policy measures that implies and which will be discuss again at the meeting


Day 1 (Wednesday 22th, June)

Session 1 : Overview of the CO-ACT project and the objectives of the meeting

  • 9h-9h30 : Reception and presentation round
  • 9h30-10h00 : Presentation of CO-ACT's objectives and first results. Synthesis of citizens proposals and corresponsible model of space management for the wellbeing of all that emerges. Articulation with the results of the first thematic meeting in Gloucester.
  • 10h00-10h45 : Objectives of the meeting : From the proposed model, think about how to create a concerted and corresponsible organization of the space for the well-being of all, today and tomorrow - Round table with Mrs Catherine Quignon le Tyrant, former mayor of Montdidier (France), Julian Perdrigeat from Loos-en-Gohelle (France), representative of the international network of the ecovillages (to be confirm). Discussants : Pier Giorgio Oliveti, director of the internationalnetwork Cittaslow (Italy).
  • 10h45-11h00 : Coffee break

Session 2: From the field practice to the realization of the model proposed by citizens (This session is organized into 4 stages : participative space manegement, mobility, energy reconversion and synthesis)

  • 11h00-12h30 : Participative space management: exemples of diagnostics by walking, concerted organisation of spaces of social life, consultations on landscape design and preservation of biodiversity - Debate : What can be learned from participative space management? Session moderated by Patrice Weisheimer, coordinator of the thematic network "participative space management" of TOGETHER.
  • 12h30h-14h00 : Lunch break
  • 14h00-15h30 : Mobility : contribution of pedibus; cycling and carpooling specialists, representatives coming from cities where public transports are free, examples of rapprochement policies between work place and place of residence - Debate : How to ensure mobillity for all, by reducing the impact on the environment and on the society (time spent in transports)? Session moderated by André Desmet coordinator of the thematic network "mobility" of TOGETHER.
  • 15h30 – 17h00 : Energy reconversion : contribution of pilot cities in energy control- Examples of Montdidier, Loos en Gohelle, Arras - Debate : How to ensure the energy reconversion by valuing all available spaces and by mobilising the actors concerned. Debate moderated by Catherine Quignon le Tyrant , former mayor of Montdidier.
  • 17h-18h : Synthesis, refinement of a transversal reference model of organization responsible for space and conditions of feasibility
  • 18h : End of the works and visit of Viana do Castelo.

Day 2 (Thursday 23rd, June)

Session 3: From model to public policy needs

  • 9h-10h45: Working groups on policy measures needed to progress toward a corresponsible organization of territories in agreement with the reference model said the day before.
  • 10h45-11h100: Coffee break
  • 11h00-12h30: Restitution and synthesis - complementarities and links with the proposal of citizens - Introduction of the session 4.
  • 12h30-14h00: Lunch break

Session 4 - Continuation of the project and operation of thematic sub-networks

  • 14h00-15h30: Operation of thematic sub-networks for the rest of the meeting: meeting by thematic subnetwork.
  • 15h30-16h30: Synthesis and distribution of tasks for the meeting in Braine l'Alleud and after.
  • 16:30 Conclusion and closing of the meeting.
  • 17h00 : End of work.


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