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Together - Rules of Procedure


The Rules of Procedure complement the Statutes in relation to all operational aspects which are not dealt with in the Statutes, using the same Article numbering. They shall be approved by the Constituent General Meeting. The conditions for amending them are set out in Article 12.

Article 1 - Constitution

The TOGETHER Network shall have the following logo: (to be chosen at the GA)

Article 2 - Members

No addition to the Statutes.

Article 3 – Aims

No addition to the Statutes.

Article 4 – Headquarters and delegations

Delegations are opened on a proposal from the members and a decision from the Management Board, depending on proposals, possibilities and available resources. In addition informal networks can be organized from within the TOGETHER network), with a range of operation defined on a case by case basis in accordance with the Directors of the TOGETHER network. They can be:

  • On a geographical basis (regional, national networks)
  • Thematic;
  • By type of actor developing shared responsibility and SPIRAL networks of hospitals of co responsibility, network of schools of co responsibility, network of business network co-responsibility, etc..
  • Or mixed between two of these three types.

Article 5 – Co-ordination bodies

The TOGETHER Management Board shall meet whenever necessary and at least once per quarter, by teleconference or phone conference. It shall ensure general management of the Network, with the support of the Secretariat, which shall submit matters to it requiring decisions: approval of projects, recruitments, setting up of the Scientific Committee (see Article 8), establishment of partnerships, development of Network activities, approval of Secretariat activities, etc.

The functioning of the General Meetings (convocation, moderation, procedure) shall be ensured by the Chair of the General Meeting Bureau, or failing that, by the Deputy Chair, with the support of the Secretary.

The Auditing Committee shall meet once a year by teleconference or phone conference to consider the annual accounts and the financial report prepared by the Secretariat and to give an opinion before the Management Board submits the report to the Ordinary General Meeting.

The co-ordination bodies shall be elected by the Extraordinary General Meetings on a majority of votes cast. Every effort shall be made to ensure a rota system in the TOGETHER Network co-ordination bodies so that different countries can be represented successively, while constantly ensuring balance among the different continents. Candidates to the co-ordination bodies shall report to the Chair of the General Meeting or failing that, to the Deputy Chair, at the latest on the day before the Extraordinary General Meeting for the election for which they wish to stand.

Article 6 – Ordinary General Meetings

Ordinary General Meetings shall be convened by one of the members of the General Meeting Bureau. The convocation must be sent at least 15 days in advance by email to all members, accompanied by the agenda and the documents to be discussed/approved. General Meetings shall be conducted in the form of an online discussion group to be opened for 24 hours on the day of the General Meeting, so as to ensure the right of participation of all full and ex officio members. Decisions shall be taken on a majority of the votes cast.

General Meetings shall take place whatever the number of members present.

Article 7 – Extraordinary General Meetings

Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held during the International Meetings of the Network, ie every three years (this periodicity may vary between two and four years if necessary). Such Meetings will be convened by one of the members of the General Meeting Bureau at least one month in advance by email sent to all members, accompanied by the agenda and the documents to be discussed/approved. The General Meeting may decide to amend the agenda on the day of the meeting.

Extraordinary General Meetings shall take place whatever the number of members present or represented, and decisions shall be taken on a majority. However, any amendment to the statutes necessitates the presence or representation of at least two-thirds of full and ex officio members.

The number of members which any member can represent is unlimited in the case of members from his or her own continent.

Article 8 – Secretariat

The Secretariat shall consist essentially of:

  • one co-ordinator
  • one co-ordination assistant
  • one person responsible for the website, online follow-up and the methodological tools, assisted by one person responsible for database management.
  • a decentralised network of SPIRAL dynamisers in the countries and regions with territories of co-responsibility.

The dynamisers shall provide training and support for the relevant territories of co-responsibility. In co-operation with the co-ordination assistant and the person responsible for the website, the co-ordinator shall provide training and support to the motivators and co-ordinate the processes of methodological capitalisation, particularly within the SPIRAL methodological framework.

In this field the motivators will also have recourse to a Scientific Committee to be set up to complement and support the Secretariat, notably in relation to the more technical and methodological matters.

Furthermore, the Secretariat is responsible for ensuring the proper functioning of the activities provided for in Article 10.

The Secretariat’s work can take a variety of forms (paid work, service provision by a self-employed worker, voluntary work), depending on availability. The Secretariat and the Scientific Committee shall be set up gradually after the Constituent General Meeting, depending on the resources available to the Together Network.

Article 9 - Members’ obligations

  • The amounts of the annual subscriptions payable by full and ex officio members will be left to the free discretion of each member, although there is a minimum calculated in € as follows: number of inhabitants of the territory divided by 1 000 for a local territory (community, municipality, town) or by 10 000 for a regional territory (province, region, country) and then multiplied by a corrective factor relating to the level of development of the territory. This level is calculated on the basis of the ratio of Gross Domestic Product at Purchasing Power Parity (GDP(PPP)) per capita in the country of the territory in question to the same indicator at world level, according to World Bank data. The table for calculating the corrective factor per country appears in Appendix 1 . Subscriptions for full and ex officio members are paid by territory of co-responsibility and are therefore paid only once per local territory, either by the Multi-Actor Platform (co-ordination group) or by the municipality(ies) or other stakeholders in the territory. However, contributions at regional level do not exempt contributions at local level and vice versa. An automatic contribution calculator is available here
  • The amounts of annual subscriptions payable by associate members are discretionary and not binding. As an indication, they can be 10 euros per year for individual members and 100 euros per year for collective members.
  • Annual subscriptions shall, as far as possible, be paid at the beginning of the calendar year.

Article 10 – Members’ Rights

Members enjoy several types of secretariat support:

  • Remote support via the wikispiral website;
  • Training courses for facilitators;
  • Organisation of online or physical encounters and exchanges;
  • Invitation to participate in any other project developed by the TOGETHER Network.

Members can also develop their own activities within the Network, with Secretariat support as available. This includes the organisation of thematic exchange networks (on a specific theme) co-ordinated by one or more members of the Network, and organising visits, encounters, etc. Working groups can also be set up on specific issues, either at the initiative of Members or at the suggestion of the Management Board or the General Meeting.

In order to ensure the proper circulation of information within the network, a two-monthly newsletter will be produced in order to disseminate the activities of the Network and stimulate debate on the results of methodological capitalisation within the SPIRAL methodological framework.

Article 11- Accession and exclusion of members

No addition to the Statutes.

Article 12: Amendments to the Rules of Procedure

Any member may propose an amendment to the Rules of Procedure. The Secretariat is responsible for collecting any proposals and presenting them to the Management Board, which must analyse, summarise and submit them at the following Extraordinary General Meeting. Where a change is required at short notice, the Management Board may take the decision itself, exceptionally and provisionally, systematically leaving it to the following Extraordinary General Meeting to validate the decision.

The present version is Version No. 0 of the Rules of Procedure, approved by the Constituent General Meeting of 4 November 2013. Any subsequent amendment to the Statutes shall give rise to a new version numbered in order of approval by the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Appendix 1 : Minimum annual subscription corrective factor calculation table

To dowload the calculation table click here

Appendix 2: Charter of the Territories of Co-responsibility

Dernière modification de la page : Mercredi 25 décembre 2019 22:52:34 UTC