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Dynamiseurs et facilitateurs SPIRAL

Roles of dynamisors and facilitators

Together network is spread through various relays and actors.

  • The SPIRAL dynamisors are the people in charge of disseminating the SPIRAL approach in their respective countries. Being in constant contact with field actors, the SPIRAL dynamisors are able to identify, encourage and formalize methodological innovations, which can be important advances in SPIRAL process as a whole, and more generally to allow the co-responsibility for the well-being of all to progress in society.
  • The SPIRAL facilitators are trained by the SPIRAL dynamisors in the territories of co-responsibility that develop the approach and provide their methodological support. A facilitator is responsible for a coordinating group whose objective is the creation of homogenous groups; he assists and helps with the technical steps for the implementation of the SPIRAL method.

Seminar-trainings of SPIRAL dynamisors

The seminar-trainings of dynamisors SPIRAL are important moments in the deepening of the SPIRAL approach. It is in fact during these training seminars that the energizers meet and pool the new possibilities for methodological evolution that they have discovered and experienced in order to make the process more efficient and relevant overall. They then review all 3 cycles and 8 stages of SPIRAL by integrating all the new improvement proposals, validated by consensus of the group.

First Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors (november 2012)

The first Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors was held in Mulhouse on November 24th and 25th 2012. Download the programme here (available only in french).

Second Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors (november 2013)

The Second Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors was held in Strasbourg on November 3th 2013. Download the related documents (available only in french: Démarche SPIRAL - Etapes de développement.pdf et ESPOIR - Présentation technique.pdf

Third Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors (march 2014)

The third, which took place on 21, 22 and 23 March 2014 in Strasbourg, marked a decisive step forward, because unlike the two previous ones which were essentially basic training, this one was for the first time a real pooling of various contributions, allowing a significant qualitative leap in the process. For the first time, the methodological capitalization was done in a network with the participation of all (and no longer only by the central team), allowing all to emerge with the same frame of reference. However, it was not possible to maintain this capitalization process after the training seminar, for lack of having clearly specified the conditions and how it worked: this was a challenge that remained to be met during the 4th training seminar . The report of this third training seminar is available here (in french): Compte-rendu du 3ème séminaire-formation.pdf

Fourth Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors (february 2015)

The general objective of the 4th training seminar in Bordeaux on February 6, 7 and 8, 2015 was therefore to meet this challenge no only by redoing a point of methodological capitalization within the seminar, but also by creating the conditions for continuous capitalization between training seminars, while ensuring the training of new SPIRAL dynamisors. Here is the report (in french): Compte-rendu du 4ème séminaire-formation.pdf

Fith Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors (june 2016)

The objective of the fifth SPIRAL dynamisors training seminar held at TOGETHER international headquarters in Odemira was: 1) to clarify the complementarities between the SPIRAL approach and other approaches such as Reflect'Action as well as with the CO-ACTE project carried through the TOGETHER network; 2) to review on this basis all the cycles and phases of the SPIRAL process. Here is the report (in french) : Compte-rendu du 5ème séminaire-formation.pdf

Sixth Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors (abril 2018)

At the request of the Gabonese Well-Being Direction, a sixth seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors was organized at the CARMEN Centre in Odemira in April 2018. Unlike previous training seminars, it was not possible to invite dynamisors from all countries, but only those from Gabon and Portugal. The seminar therefore focused more specially on the SPIRAL approach in southern countries. The participation of five high officials from Gabon made it possible to work not only on the method, but also on the public policies to be put in place for a co-responsibility approach for the well-being of all at the national level, drawing as well inspiration from the Cape Verdean experience. The central question debated was how decentralizing a co-responsibility approach for the well-being of all in villages and neighbourhoods would bring much greater efficiency to social and development aid. The discussions resulted in a proposal for a call for a social development model based on co-responsibility for the well-being of all and a work plan for Gabon.

Seventh Seminar-training of SPIRAL dynamisors (july 2019)

In June 2019, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Fernando Pessoa University of Porto for the integration of SPIRAL training into the Master's degree "Humanitarian Action, Cooperation and Development", with two objectives:

  • To provide a solution to the difficulty of bringing together every year all the SPIRAL dynamisors. The training in English allows to follow it by internet in any country. Thus this training will serve as a reference and it will be possible for any energizer to make contributions.
  • To have trainees trained in SPIRAL who will be able to develop the approach in the territories of their country or in other countries. As students are coming from other continents, it will e a way to spread the approach on a larger scale.

In order to prepare the university training, a 7th training seminar for dynamisors was held in July 2019 with a small team. The objective was to prepare the pedagogical materials that will be used for the training, in addition to the already existing founding document of the SPIRAL approach, by highlighting the three dimensions of the approach: the political dimension of co-responsibility for the well-being of all, the epistemological dimension of the co-construction of intersubjective knowledge and the methodological dimension of implementation in the field.

List of the dynamisors

Full GC list

  • 4th dynamiseur seminar
  • A CRP de Brava
  • A CRP de Fogo
  • A CRP de Maio
  • A CRP de Santiago Centro
  • A CRP de Santiago Norte
  • A CRP de Santiago Sul
  • A CRP de Santo Antão
  • A CRP de São Nicolau
  • A CRP de São Vicente
  • A- Niveau de la Région d'Agadir
  • A- Niveau départemental (Gironde)
  • A- Niveau national (France)
  • A.Martinho, R. Duque, Tanque
  • Aboboreiro
  • Achada Balieia
  • Achada Bel-Bel
  • Achada Biacaínho
  • Achada Bîscaido
  • Achada Bolanha
  • Achada Fátima
  • Achada Fazenda
  • Achada Furna
  • Achada Gomes
  • Achada Grande
  • Achada Igreja
  • Achada Lagoa
  • Achada Laje
  • Achada Leitão
  • Achada Longueira
  • Achada Meio
  • Achada Mentirosa
  • Achada Minterosa
  • Achada Moirão
  • Achada Monte
  • Achada Ponta
  • Achada Portinho
  • Achada Riba
  • Achada Tenda
  • Achada Tomás
  • Achado Gomes
  • Achado Ponta
  • Actions ponctuelles au niveau de la Région ou de la Province d'Alhoceima
  • Actions ponctuelles au niveau national
  • Actions ponctuelles au niveau régional (France)
  • Actions ponctuelles au niveau régional ou départemental (Gironde)
  • AdminCG-Wallonie
  • adminDynamisors
  • Agadir
  • Agenda 21 citoyen de Blagnac
  • Agua das Caldeiraas
  • Agua das Caldeiras
  • Ahle Tifnoute
  • Aiseau-Presles
  • Ajdir
  • Alagoa e Achada Lagua
  • Alcatraz
  • Alcochete
  • Alexandrina Cerqueira
  • Alhoceima
  • Alto Fontainhas
  • Alto Goveia
  • Alto Mira 2ª Povoado
  • Alto Solarine
  • Alto Sotomé
  • Amadora
  • Amay
  • Ambarès-et-Lagrave
  • Andenne
  • Anderlues
  • Anhée
  • Ans
  • Antoing
  • Arad
  • Arbaa Sahel
  • Arcos de Valdevez
  • Arganil
  • Arlon
  • As-Horta
  • Assaki
  • Assomada
  • Atalaia
  • Ath
  • Aubange
  • Autre test
  • Aywaille
  • Baía
  • Baixona
  • Baleia
  • Bamako
  • Banana
  • Banana dos Engenhos
  • Banana Semedo
  • Banda Riba Barreiro
  • Bao Entradinha e Rª Isabel
  • Barra de Catuama
  • Barreiro
  • Barreiro Maio
  • Barreiro.
  • Bassenge
  • Bastogne
  • Beaumont
  • Beauraing
  • Beauvechain
  • Bela Vista
  • Belem
  • Belfaa
  • Beloeil
  • Berlim Porto Novo
  • Bernissart
  • Bertrix
  • Beyne-Heusay
  • Biatriz Pereira
  • Biatriz Pereira.
  • Binche
  • Biscaínho
  • Blégny
  • Boa entrada
  • Boa entradinha e Ribeira Isabel
  • Boaentrada
  • Boavista dos Pinheiros
  • Boca Ambas Ribeira
  • Boca De Coruja
  • Boca Larga
  • Bolanha São Miguel
  • Bolona P. Norte
  • Bordeaux jeunesse
  • Bordeaux Métropole
  • Botkyrka
  • Bouillon
  • Bourgogne: Actions ponctuelles aux niveaux régional ou départemental
  • Boussu
  • Braga
  • Braine l'Alleud
  • Braine-le-Château
  • Braine-le-Comte
  • Braives
  • Branquinho
  • Brasov
  • Brunehaut
  • Bucuresti
  • C. Ochô Vicente dias Pentiadas
  • C.ochô, Visente dias Pentiada
  • Cabeça de Monte
  • Cabeça Fundão
  • Cabeça Monte
  • Cabeçalinho
  • Cabo de Ribeira
  • Cachaço
  • Cachaço_São Nicolau
  • Caibros
  • Caibros Rª Jorge
  • Caleijão
  • Calhau
  • Calhau e Madeiral
  • Calheita
  • Calheta
  • Calheta do Maio
  • Calheta São Miguel
  • Câmara de Lobos
  • Caminha
  • Campanas Cima
  • Campanas De Baixo
  • Campo Baixo
  • Campo Pedrado
  • Cancelo
  • Canto Fanjâ
  • Canto Grande Ribeira de São Miguel
  • Cão Feijoal / Norte
  • Cap Cornély Les Papillons Blancs
  • Carriçal
  • Carvoeiros
  • Casa de Meio
  • Cascabulho
  • Cascabulho Lacaca
  • Cascabulho, Lacacã
  • Cascais
  • Celles-en-Hainaut
  • Center for rehabilitation of disabled persons, moscow
  • Centro de Cidadania Ativa de Setubal
  • Cerema_DterCE_IDA
  • Chã Branquinho
  • Chã das Caldeiras
  • Chã Das Furnas
  • Chã de Igreja
  • Chã de Ponta São Miguel
  • Chã Morte Ribeira das Patas
  • Chã Norte
  • Chã Pedra
  • Chão Bom
  • Chão Bom / São Miguel Tarrafal
  • Chão de Lagoa
  • Chão de Tanque Selada
  • Chapelle-Lez-Herlaimont
  • Charleroi
  • Chastre
  • Châtelet
  • Chaudfontaine
  • Chaumont Gistoux
  • Chenove
  • Chieri
  • Chièvres
  • Chimay
  • Christine W.
  • Cibros Rª de Jorge
  • Cidade de pedra Badejo
  • Cidade Porto Inglês
  • Cidade Pporto Ingles
  • Cidade Ribeira Brava
  • Cidade Velha
  • Ciney
  • Cirio Curral das Vacas
  • Cisterno
  • Clavier
  • CLSM Colmar agglomération
  • CLSM Thur-Doller
  • Cluj
  • Codev Toulouse cycle 0
  • Coimbra
  • Colfontaine
  • Collectif associatif d'Ayen
  • Colonato
  • Colos
  • Comblain au Pont
  • Comines-Warneton
  • Compainha
  • Compo Baixo
  • Condeixa-a-Nova
  • Corda
  • Corvo
  • Corvo Forminguinhas
  • Courcelles
  • Couvin
  • Cova Figeira
  • Cova Figueira
  • Cova Rodela
  • Covada
  • Covão Grande
  • Covilha
  • Covoada
  • CPCV Aquitaine
  • CRP de Santiago Sul
  • Cruzinha
  • Cruzinha Garça
  • Cuculi Fanja de Matos
  • Curral Grande
  • Curral Ôcho
  • Curral Tortolho
  • Curral Velho
  • Cutelinho
  • Cutelo
  • Cutelo Alto
  • Cutelo Capado
  • D'Ohey
  • Dacabalaio e Roçadas
  • Dalhem
  • Debica
  • Dimitrovgrad
  • Dinant
  • Dison
  • Distrito de Santarém
  • Dominguinhas
  • Dour
  • Drarga
  • DRJSCS Alsace
  • Durbuy
  • Dynamiseurs SPIRAL
  • Dynamiseurs Wallonie Brabant Wallon
  • Dynamiseurs Wallonie Bruxelles Capitale
  • Dynamiseurs Wallonie Hainaut
  • Dynamiseurs Wallonie Liège
  • Dynamiseurs Wallonie Luxembourg
  • Dynamiseurs Wallonie Namur
  • Dynamisor-France
  • Dynamisor-NorthMorocco
  • Dynamisor-SouthMorocco
  • Dynamisor-Tunisia
  • Dynamisors Portugal
  • Dynamisors-Portugal-Distrito deDistrito de Viana do Castelo
  • Ecaussinnes
  • Ecublens
  • Eito
  • Elqliaa
  • engagement bénévole
  • Engenhos
  • Enghien
  • Engis
  • Entre Picos de Reda
  • Entre Picos de Rede
  • Equipe vie locale - Nantes
  • Erquelinnes
  • Escada
  • Esneux
  • Espinho Branco
  • Espongeiro Chã Mato
  • Estãncia De Bras
  • Estância Roque
  • Estanque Roça
  • Estinnes
  • Expérimentation - Le Bien être au coeur des Projets territoriaux de développement durable
  • Fabrik a Declik
  • Fabrik à Declik 2016
  • Fajã D'Água
  • Fajã das Pombas
  • Fajã de Janela
  • Fajã Domingas Benta
  • Famille Perretta Navarro
  • Fanja
  • Farciennes
  • Fauvillers
  • Faveta
  • Fazenda
  • Feijoal
  • Figeuira Horta
  • Figueira da Horta
  • Figueira Muita
  • Figueira Pavão
  • Figueira Seca
  • Figueiral
  • Figueiral De Paul
  • Figueiras
  • Flamengos
  • Flémalle
  • Fléron
  • Fleurus
  • Flobecq
  • Floreffe
  • Florennes
  • Florent Maraux
  • Fontaine
  • Fontaine-l'Evêque
  • Fontanelles
  • Fonte Aleixo
  • Fonte Ana
  • Fonte Lima
  • Formaçao Setubal 12-2015
  • Formation agadir
  • Formation Al Hoceima
  • Formation CNFPT 27 et 28 mai
  • Formation Directeurs CS 27 mai 2013
  • Formation directeurs CS mai 2013
  • Formation facilitateurs Département de la Nièvre
  • Formation Gironde sept 2016
  • Formation Hauts de Garonne
  • Formation Kairouan
  • Formation LaBase 2017
  • Formation Lyon facilitateurs
  • Formation Namur 8-23 oct 2018
  • Formation PACA Facilitateurs juin 2015
  • Formation Wallonie juin 2014
  • FortalezaCeara
  • Fosses-la-Ville
  • Fragata
  • Frameries
  • Frasnes-lez-Anvaing
  • Froidchapelle
  • Fundura
  • Furna
  • Galinheiro
  • Garça
  • Gembloux
  • Genappe
  • Gerpinnes
  • Gesves
  • Gironde - Labo'M21
  • Gironde CG33
  • Gland
  • Gotas de Luar
  • Goveia
  • Grâce-Hollogne
  • Grandola
  • Grenoble - Quartier Mistral
  • Grenoble Métropole
  • Grigny
  • Gujan-Mestras
  • Habay
  • Ham-sur-heure
  • Hamoir
  • Hannover
  • Hannut
  • Hastière
  • Haut-Rhin Santé Mentale
  • Hendaye
  • Hénnebont
  • Hensies
  • Herstal
  • Herve
  • Honnelles
  • Hortelã
  • Hortelã São Miguel
  • Hortelão
  • Hotton
  • Houyet
  • Huy
  • Iasi
  • Ilha São Vicente
  • Imzouren
  • Incourt
  • Inhuco
  • Inzegan
  • IPA Türkiye Projesi
  • Ipsala
  • Italia
  • Ittre
  • Jalalo Ramos
  • Janela
  • Jardim Batente
  • Jemeppe-sur-Sambre
  • Jessica
  • Jette
  • Jette - Formation SPIRAL du 25 novembre 2014
  • Joao
  • João Afonso
  • João Bernaldo
  • João de Noly
  • João Dias
  • João Gotô
  • João Teves
  • Jodoigne
  • Joel Yeu
  • jorge Luis
  • Journée de sensibilisation Bourgogne
  • Journée sensibilisation Lyon avril15
  • Juncalinho
  • Junco
  • Juprelle
  • Jurbise
  • JUUncalinho
  • Kairouan
  • Kairouan - arrond Djablia
  • Kairouan - arrond Mansoura
  • Kairouan - arrond Nassir
  • Kairouan - arrond Queblia
  • Karsun
  • Karsunsky
  • Kavala
  • Km 6
  • La Bruyère
  • La Hulpe
  • La Louvière
  • La Reunion
  • LaBasenov2017
  • Lacanau
  • Lage
  • Lagoa
  • Laje
  • Lajedos
  • Lameirão
  • Lausanne - Quartier de Bellevaux
  • Lazareto
  • Lège
  • Leitão Grande
  • Leitãozinho
  • Lém
  • Les Papillons Blancs
  • Les-Bons-Villers
  • Lessines
  • Leuze-en-Hainaut
  • Levada, Achada Costa, Poilão
  • Librão
  • Libreville
  • Libreville 2ème ar
  • Libreville 6ème ar
  • Libreville Owendo
  • Liège
  • Lille Metropole
  • Limbourg
  • Lisboa
  • Lobbes
  • Lom Pelado
  • Lomba
  • Lomba Tantum
  • Lombo Branco Leste
  • Lombo Comprido
  • Lombo De Biatriz Rabo Curto
  • Lombo de Figueira
  • Lombo De Santa
  • Longueira-Almograve
  • Losmas
  • Loura
  • Loures
  • Lousã
  • Lugar De Guene
  • Luzia Nunes
  • Luzianes-Gare
  • Lycée de coresponsabilité Albert Schweitzer
  • Lyon Métropole
  • Malkara
  • Malmedy
  • Manage
  • Mancholy
  • Manhanga
  • Manta Velha- Garça
  • Manuel Lopes
  • Mão Pra traz
  • Marche-en-Famenne
  • Marchin
  • Martelange
  • Martiene
  • Matinho
  • Mato
  • Mato Brasil
  • Mato Forte
  • Mato Grande
  • Mato Ingles
  • Mato Limão
  • Mato Mende
  • Melekes
  • Melekessky
  • Melgaço
  • Melun
  • Merbes-le-Château
  • Mettet
  • Miguel Gonçalves
  • Milho Branco
  • Mocho da Garça
  • Momignies
  • Monção
  • Mons
  • Montanhinha
  • Montaninha
  • Monte Apaude
  • Monte Grande
  • Monte Joana e Matinho
  • Monte Largo
  • Monte Negro
  • Monte Pousada São Miguel
  • Monte Tabar
  • Monte Tabor
  • Monte Vaca
  • Monte Vermel
  • Montemor-o-Velho
  • Montréal
  • Montréal Centre Sud
  • Montreux - Quartier Clarens
  • morango
  • Morinho
  • Morlanwelz
  • Morro
  • Morro Bras
  • Morro Brass
  • Morro Ilha Maio
  • Mosteiro Tras
  • Mouscron
  • Mulhouse
  • Muratli
  • Murro Fm
  • Musson
  • Namur
  • Neufchâteau
  • Neupré
  • Nievre 2021
  • Niveau régional de Île-de-France
  • Niveaux régional Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
  • Nivelles
  • Norte Baia
  • nossa Senhora da Graça
  • Nossa Senhora do Monte
  • Nosso Senhora do Monte
  • Novellara
  • Nyon - Quartier Nord-Est
  • Nyon - Tattes d'Oie
  • Odemira
  • OMT - Observatorio do Mercado de Trabalho
  • Onhaye
  • Oradea
  • Organisations et réseaux au niveau régional (Wallonie)
  • Organisations et réseaux aux niveaux régional ou départemental
  • Organisations et réseaux aux niveaux régional ou départemental (Gironde)
  • Órgãos Piqueno
  • Orp-Jauche
  • Ostello delle Idee
  • Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve
  • Oued Safa
  • Oulad Tayma
  • Oupeye
  • Paço
  • Paços de Ferreira
  • Pai Antonio
  • Palha Carga
  • Palha Carga São Miguel
  • Palhal
  • Paliseul
  • paolo Bleuzen
  • Parc Zoologique et Botanique de Mulhouse
  • Paredes de Coura
  • Paris
  • Paris 11ème
  • Paris 14ème
  • Paris Durable
  • Patim
  • Pau
  • Pau Verde
  • Paul
  • Pavlovsky District - Павловский район
  • Pays de Buch
  • Pays du Cœur de l'Entre-deux-Mers
  • Pays du Libournais
  • Pecq
  • Pedra Barro
  • Pedra Comprida
  • Pedra Cumprida
  • Pedras das Moças
  • Pedre das Moças
  • Pedro Vaz
  • Pehlivansköy
  • Penha França
  • Pepinster
  • Pergine
  • Péruwelz
  • Philippeville
  • Pia De Cima C. Pedras
  • Pico Da Cruz
  • Pico de Antónia
  • Pico Freire
  • Pico Leão
  • Picos
  • Picos Acima
  • Pilão -Cão
  • Pilão Cão
  • Pilão Cão São Miguel
  • Pinha
  • Pinha dos Engenhos
  • Pinhão
  • Piocos Acima
  • Planalto Norte
  • Plataforma Humanitaria
  • Plate-forme de Carriet
  • Plombières
  • PNR Scarpe Escaut
  • Pont-à-Celles
  • Ponta do Sol
  • Ponta Furna
  • Ponta Verde
  • Ponta Verde São Miguel
  • Ponte da Barca
  • Ponte de Lima
  • Pontinha De Janela
  • Pontinha Janela
  • Ponto Sul Chã Mato
  • Porto Novo
  • Porto Ribeira da Barca
  • Praia Branca
  • Praia De Gi
  • Praia Gi
  • Praia Gonçalo
  • Praia Tarrafal Monte Trigo
  • Praia Telha
  • Praja De Gi
  • Preguica
  • Prilly - Centre
  • Prilly - Quartier Nord
  • Principal São Miguel
  • Projecto Impulsos de Mudança
  • Projet territorial insertion HdG
  • Pully - Quartier Nord
  • Quaregnon
  • Quartier Drouot
  • Queimada Guincho
  • Queimadas
  • Quévy
  • Quiévrain
  • Rª Calhau
  • Rª da Torre
  • Rª das Patas
  • Rª dos Bodes e João Bento
  • Rª Vinha
  • Raís
  • RAIZ
  • Ramonville formation nov17
  • Ramonville Saint-Agne
  • Rebecq
  • Rebelo
  • regard santé jeunes
  • Régusse Verdon
  • Relíquias
  • Relva
  • Renens
  • Renque Purga
  • Réseau correspondants DREAL Agenda 21
  • Réseau de chefs de projets SPIRAL de Wallonie (25 et 26 sept)
  • Réseau des formateurs SPIRAL de Wallonie
  • Réseau Santé Mulhouse
  • Réseaux régionaux de Île-de-France
  • Reunion information SPIRAL 25-09-2014
  • Ribeira Alta
  • Ribeira Boi
  • Ribeira Curjinha
  • Ribeira D. João
  • Ribeira da Barca
  • Ribeira da Cruz
  • Ribeira da Prata Cuba
  • Ribeira da Prata/ Cuba
  • Ribeira da Pratas
  • Ribeira da Torre Fanja Domingas Benta
  • Ribeira de Janela
  • Ribeira de Penedo
  • Ribeira de São Miguel
  • Ribeira em Cima
  • Ribeira Filipe
  • Ribeira Fria
  • Ribeira Grande
  • Ribeira Ilheu
  • Ribeira Janela
  • Ribeira Juliao
  • Ribeirão Campo Cão
  • Ribeirão Chiqueiro
  • Ribeirão Galinha
  • Ribeireta
  • Riberira Prata
  • Rincão
  • Rixensart
  • Roçadas / Sta Catarina
  • Roçadas Sta Catarina
  • Rocha Fora
  • Rochefort
  • Rolle
  • Rouadi
  • Roubaix
  • Rouffach Hôpitaux
  • Rui Vaz
  • S.N.Tolentino
  • Sabóia
  • Saint Héand
  • Saint-Denis
  • Saint-Denis-de-Pile
  • Saint-Georges-sur-Meuse
  • Saint-Ghislain
  • Saint-Hubert
  • Saint-Nicolas
  • Sainte Eulalie
  • Sainte-Ode
  • Salamansa
  • Salaspils
  • Salina
  • Salto Abaicho
  • Salto Abaixo
  • Saltos
  • Saltos Acima
  • Sambreville
  • Samuel_Test
  • Santa Clara-a-Velha
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santa Isabel
  • Santé Franklin Fridolin
  • Santé Wolf
  • Santiago
  • Santiago do Cacém
  • São Filipe
  • São Francisco
  • São Jorge
  • São lourenço dos Órgãos
  • São Luís
  • São Martinho das Amoreiras
  • São Pedro
  • São Salvador e Santa Maria
  • São Teotónio
  • São Vicente
  • São vicente Alto São Nicolau
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Action sociale / proximité insertion
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Autonomie
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Enfance, santé, famille
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Jeunesse, vie associative
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Plateforme CENTRE
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Plateforme NORD
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Plateforme Sud Ouest
  • Schema solidarite Ardeche - Plateforme Sud-Est
  • Senada
  • Seneffe
  • Seniores de Alcochete
  • Sensibilisation Bourgogne
  • Seraing
  • Setubal
  • Sibiu
  • Sidi Bibi
  • Silly
  • Silvino
  • Simão Nunes
  • Sinagoga
  • Sinagoga Ribeira
  • Sintra
  • Sivry-Rance
  • Social Club Bordeaux
  • Société française de l'évaluation
  • Soignies
  • SOL Plaine Commune
  • Solidarite Ardeche
  • Solidarité Gironde
  • Solilab
  • Sombreffe
  • Somme-Leuze
  • Soumagne
  • Sousse
  • Spa
  • SPIRAL - Social Club
  • SPIRAL Jeunesse en Gironde
  • Sprimont
  • Staromayn
  • Staromaynsky
  • Stavelot
  • Strasbourg-Koenigshoffen
  • Strasbourg-utopia
  • Sul
  • Tábua
  • Tadart-Anza
  • Tafraout -Amelne
  • Taliouine
  • Taroudant
  • Tarrafal
  • tarrafal Monte Trigo
  • Tarrafal Monte Trigo Covão
  • Tassegdelt
  • Tchom d Holanda
  • Tellin
  • Terengovsky District - Теренговский район
  • Terras Dentro
  • Territoire de la Matheysine
  • test
  • Test ardeche
  • Test_politique_enfance_Dep_nievre
  • Tests
  • Theux
  • Thimister-Clermont
  • Thuin
  • Timisoara
  • Tinca Dobe
  • Tinteira
  • Tinzerte
  • Tiznit
  • Todo o Concelho de São Miguel
  • Tolochenaz
  • Toulouse metropole
  • Tournai
  • Trabeça Baixo
  • Training Kavala Black sea
  • Training Ryazan
  • Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016
  • TRAINING Toulouse
  • Training2 Toulouse
  • Trakyakent
  • Trás-Os-Montes
  • Tronco
  • Trooz
  • Tubize
  • Ulyanovsk-city
  • Ulyanovsk-District
  • Ulyanovsk-Region
  • Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Master AHCD
  • Unnamed CG
  • Unnamed GC
  • Vale da Custa
  • Vale De Ribeira Brava
  • Vale de Santiago
  • Vale de São Jorge
  • Valença
  • Vallorbe
  • Várcia da Igreja
  • Vaux-sur-Sûre
  • Velho Manuel
  • Veneza
  • Verviers
  • Viana do Castelo 1 - Meadela
  • Viana do Castelo 2 - Santa Leocádia
  • Vielsam
  • Vila
  • Vila Nova de Cerveira
  • Vila Nova de Milfontes
  • Vila Real
  • Ville amie des ainés Mulhouse
  • Ville de Marcoussis
  • Viroinval
  • Virton
  • Visé
  • Vresse-sur-Semois
  • Walcourt
  • Wanze
  • Waremme
  • Wasseiges
  • Wavre
  • Welkenraedt
  • Wellin
  • WMN
  • Xaxa - Gongon São Miguel
  • Xaxa-Gongon São Miguel
  • Xoxo a Rabo Curto
  • Yakutia 1
  • Yvoir
  • Zaouia Sidi Abdelkader
  • Zarket
  • Базарный Сызган - Bazarny Syzgan
  • Барыш - Barysh
  • Вешкайма - Veshkajma
  • Инзенский район - Insensky Rayon
  • Ишеевка - Isheevka
  • Кузоватово - Kusovatovo
  • Майна
  • Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky Rajon
  • Новая Малыкла
  • Новоспасский район - Novospassky Rayon
  • Радищево - Radishhevo
  • Сенгилей - Sengiley
  • Старая Кулатка - Starokulatinsk
  • Сурский район - Surskiy Rayon
  • Чердаклы - Cherdakly

Dernière modification de la page : Lundi 23 décembre 2019 22:08:15 UTC