1 - Le territoire
Novellara is a town and comune in the province of Reggio Emilia, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, with some 13,500 inhabitants. In addition to this, Novellara is also home to the second largest Gurdwara in Europe. This reflects the presence of a very large Sikh community, living in Novellara and nearby places, where they work mainly in cattle farms and dairies. As in other towns of the region, (e.g. Bologna), streets are lined with characteristic arcades, intended to offer shade in summer and shelter from rain or snow.
2 - La plate-forme
3 - Le processus
4 - Résultats
Phase | Étape | Réalisé |
1 | Groupes homogènes | 0 |
2 | Critères de bien-être | 0 |
Indicateurs de bien-être (3è cycle) | 0% | |
3 | Diagnostic général | |
Diagnostic des indicateurs de bien-être | ||
4 | Planning et scénarios | |
5 | Outils pour la codécision et l'engagement | |
6 | Actions et projets | 0 |
7 | Co-évaluations d'impact | |
8 | Auto-évaluation du processus de la plate-forme |
5 - Partenariats, échanges et besoins de soutien
6 - Autres informations
Synthèse territoriale Co-Acte - Novellara7 - Contact
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