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Formulaire : CO-ACTE data

Propositions to change Eu policies, data registered with Co-Acte project.
Éléments trouvés : 2899
ID Meeting DateInverser le tri Plat-Form Groupe homogène Group Characteristics Questions Post-it Classification EU synthesis Quantité
2074 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? egalitarianism basic rights 1
2075 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? meritocracy basic rights 1
2076 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Imrove quality of life of people through providing jobs work 4
2077 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Solidairy to vulnerable people solidarity 2
2078 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would save resources to inverst in social services to people with low income, unemployed, elderly welfare system 1
2079 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Social care for children welfare system 1
2080 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Care fot the disabled people welfare system 1
2081 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Improve the quality of the education education 1
2082 2016-03-02 08:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Groupe d'alphabétisation FLE

Âge minimum 25 Âge maximum 77 Caractéristiques sociales : Groupe d'apprenants - personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère faiblement scolarisées dans leur langue maternelle

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Enseigner aux hommes à pêcher, et ne pas attendre le poisson éducation/formation 1
2083 2016-03-02 08:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Groupe d'alphabétisation FLE

Âge minimum 25 Âge maximum 77 Caractéristiques sociales : Groupe d'apprenants - personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère faiblement scolarisées dans leur langue maternelle

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Créer du travail pour les jeunes/pour la population emploi 2
2084 2016-03-02 08:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Groupe d'alphabétisation FLE

Âge minimum 25 Âge maximum 77 Caractéristiques sociales : Groupe d'apprenants - personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère faiblement scolarisées dans leur langue maternelle

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Mettre des conteneurs (libre accès) dans les rue pour trier les déchets (comme en Espagne) environnement 1
2085 2016-03-02 08:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Groupe d'alphabétisation FLE

Âge minimum 25 Âge maximum 77 Caractéristiques sociales : Groupe d'apprenants - personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère faiblement scolarisées dans leur langue maternelle

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Créer des espaces de jeux d'enfants dans une démarche de proximité (Baudour), créer une maison de jeunes (Saint-Ghislain) jeunesse 2
2086 2016-03-02 08:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Groupe d'alphabétisation FLE

Âge minimum 25 Âge maximum 77 Caractéristiques sociales : Groupe d'apprenants - personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère faiblement scolarisées dans leur langue maternelle

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? La gratuité des bus, l'amélioration des services de transport en commun, l'amélioration de l'état des routes mobilité 3
2087 2016-03-02 08:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Groupe d'alphabétisation FLE

Âge minimum 25 Âge maximum 77 Caractéristiques sociales : Groupe d'apprenants - personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère faiblement scolarisées dans leur langue maternelle

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Diminuer le prix des aliments de base, développer des supermarchés à proximité/dans chaque commune (Baudour) coût de l'alimentation (accès financier) 2
2007 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would't want to be a politian rejection 3
2008 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would try to improve the image of my city and therefore the citizens quality of life quality of life 1
2009 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would financially support the vulnerable groups financial support 1
2010 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would priorize the special needs people and the elderly vulnerable groups 1
2011 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would provide housing to the homeless using the vacant buildings of the city housing 1
2012 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would fead the homeless food 1
2013 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would give the homeless a job job 1
1706 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what could you do to safeguard the well being of all? To provide a safe enviroment for my family and at work Serenity 1
1705 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what could you do to safeguard the well being of all? To have mental health to be able to help my family and others Mental balance 1
1704 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what could you do to safeguard the well being of all? Church for good of all spirituality and relifion 1
1703 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what could you do to safeguard the well being of all? Better schools that could promote ethical values of corresponsabilty and endurance to our children Education 3
1702 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what could you do to safeguard the well being of all? To be able to offer to the ones in need Solidarity, sharing and trasmitting knoweldge and resources 3
1701 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what could you do to safeguard the well being of all? financial security Access to finance 2
1700 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what do you do or could you do now for the well being of all? To work a lot to be able to provide the basic means to my family Work 4
1699 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? Bad family relationships Family relationships 1
1698 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? Difficulty on co-extst with other people Relationship within society 1
1697 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? Fow me ill-being is feeling sad for people and especially little children that starve and loose their dignity Joy/saddness 2
1696 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? Lack of fundametal ethical values Identity and values 1
1695 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? when my financial means are not enough to cover basic needs, poverty access to finance 4
1694 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? Lack of work employment/work 2
1693 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? violence and war violence and peace 1
1692 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? Not be able to find medicines medicines and health provision 2