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Flux RSS Homogeneous Groups

Formulaire : Homogenous groups types

Typology for the homogenous groups
Éléments trouvés : 266
Code Text EN
6.1.12. Unemployed with children only
6.1.13. Unemployed in the process of training
6.2.0. Not working persons (not available for labor market)
6.2.1. Not working persons (with guaranteed minimum income)
7.0.0. Disabled persons
8.0.0. People facing difficulties
8.0.1. Prisoners
8.0.2. Beneficiaries special social aid
9.0.0. Volunteers
10.0.0. People with illnesses
10.1.0. Mental
10.2.0. Physical
10.2.1. Elderly people experiencing mobility problems
10.3.0. With addictions
10.3.1. With addictions under recuperation
11.0.0. Parents
11.1.0. Parents of disabled children
11.2.0. Parents of families with multiple kids
11.3.0. Single parent families
11.3.2. Parents with middle and high income
11.4.0. Parents of children with addictions
11.5.0. Parents who are friends with disabled people
11.6.0. Parents of children who attending school
11.7.0. Parents of children of pre school age
11.8.0. Parents with children at risk
12.0.0. Migrants
12.1.0. Migrants – refuge seeking
12.2.0. Migrants – without papers
12.3.0. Migrants legalized
12.4.0. Migrants with permanent residence or with citizenship of the country of residence
12.5.0. Migrants in language courses
12.6.0. Migrants without job
12.7.0. High qualified migrants (degree from their native country)
12.8.0. High qualified migrants (degree from EU)
12.9.0. Educational migrants
12.10.0. Migrants in training/education
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