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Formulaire : CO-ACTE data

Propositions to change Eu policies, data registered with Co-Acte project.
Éléments trouvés : 2899
ID Meeting Date Plat-Form Groupe homogène Group CharacteristicsInverser le tri Questions Post-it Classification EU synthesis Quantité
1741 2016-03-08 08:10 Kavala pupils at the Zygos kindergarden

-pre-school childen -children of the rural area of Kavala

If you were a politician what would you do for the well being of all? We would construct schools infrustructure 1
1742 2016-03-08 08:10 Kavala pupils at the Zygos kindergarden

-pre-school childen -children of the rural area of Kavala

If you were a politician what would you do for the well being of all? We would organanize dance events to entertain people leisure activities 1
1743 2016-03-08 08:10 Kavala pupils at the Zygos kindergarden

-pre-school childen -children of the rural area of Kavala

If you were a politician what would you do for the well being of all? we would provide home for the stray cats and dogs relationships with the animals 1
1744 2016-03-08 08:10 Kavala pupils at the Zygos kindergarden

-pre-school childen -children of the rural area of Kavala

If you were a politician what would you do for the well being of all? we would build houses for the families that dont have housing 1
1745 2016-03-08 08:10 Kavala pupils at the Zygos kindergarden

-pre-school childen -children of the rural area of Kavala

If you were a politician what would you do for the well being of all? we would cut the grass at the parks enviroment 1
1746 2016-03-08 08:10 Kavala pupils at the Zygos kindergarden

-pre-school childen -children of the rural area of Kavala

If you were a politician what would you do for the well being of all? we would collect the garbage environment 1
1747 2016-03-08 08:10 Kavala pupils at the Zygos kindergarden

-pre-school childen -children of the rural area of Kavala

If you were a politician what would you do for the well being of all? we would plant more flowers environment 1
2048 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to increase controls at the state institutions in order to optimize the services provided and minize the cost of their operation organizations reform 1
2049 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to employ unempoyed people giving them benefits in working on the social sector work 6
2050 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to improve the quality of life of the people and of the eledrly ones quality of life 1
2051 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would improve the quality of the road system, so as the children going to school to be safe infrastructure 1
2052 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would cotrol and assess the public construction works to avoid accidents infrastructure 1
2053 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would include in education classes in practical everyday thematics that can promote the social welfare education 1
2054 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would make use of the vacant buildings of the city centre and transform them into housing spaces and commerce ones environment 1
2055 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would make more accessible the healthcare system health 4
2056 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would give incentives for people to increase voluntarism solidarity 1
2057 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would introduce doctors visits at kindergardens health 1
2058 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would create a company that could provide information to people in their relation to the state organization infrastructure 1
2059 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would support the financially vulnerable parents and support their children solidarity 2
2060 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would provide integrated public education system without the need for the children to pay for extra supporting classes. Free time is important to children otherwise they feel surpressed education 1
2061 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Peace in my country basic values 1
2062 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to cover the basic needs of homeless people in housing, food, health solidarity 1
2063 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would create places accessible to children with special needs to be able to play infrustructure 1
2064 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would lower the taxes reform 1
2065 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? all the investments i would do in education education 1
2066 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would apply policies that are human centered reforms 1
1229 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Donner le choix aux personnes qui souhaitent prendre la pension plus tôt Emploi 1
1230 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Créer plus d'emploi Emploi 2
1231 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Faire de la sécurité une priorité Sécurité 1
1232 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Diminuer la TVA de l'électricité Argent 1
1233 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Diminuer les taxes Argent 3
1234 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Taxer les riches Argent 2
1235 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Supprimer les taxes pour les plus démunis Argent 2
1236 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Pouvoir bénéficier d'un étalement de paiement de taxes Argent 1
1237 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Avoir plus d'égalité pour tous au niveau de l'argent Argent 1
1238 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Supprimer les sacs en plastique Environnement 1