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Formulaire : CO-ACTE data

Propositions to change Eu policies, data registered with Co-Acte project.
Éléments trouvés : 2899
ID Meeting Date Plat-Form Groupe homogène Group Characteristics Questions Post-it Classification EU synthesis QuantitéInverser le tri
1700 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what do you do or could you do now for the well being of all? To work a lot to be able to provide the basic means to my family Work 4
1695 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? when my financial means are not enough to cover basic needs, poverty access to finance 4
743 2016-01-20 23:00 test - joel testtt dfgdgdfg Qu'est-ce que vous avez réussi en matière de coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? tesssstrt tedt 4
2030 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? better education system education 4
2055 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would make more accessible the healthcare system health 4
2069 2016-03-04 12:00 Kavala Employees in "Stirizo" programme

-recently employed staff -now all well educated -formerly unemloyed -employed for 2 years now

If you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would create jobs work 4
2076 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Imrove quality of life of people through providing jobs work 4
1256 2016-01-20 17:00 Herstal La Préalle

- jeunes garçons de 13 à 25 ans - un senior de 65 ans - une famille (père, mère, fille de 8 ans) - un adulte homme isolé - interculturel (origines : italiennes, arabes, belges...)

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Avoir davantage d'emploi Emploi 5
1681 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at the elderly center

-Women in average age -all social workers working with elderly people -all mothers

What well being means to you? Having a job Work 5
2029 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? Better healthcare system health 5
2031 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? more job opportunities job 5
1690 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being means to you? Lack of good health Physical balance and health 6
744 2016-01-20 23:00 test - joel testtt dfgdgdfg Qu'est-ce que vous avez réussi en matière de coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? werwewe erwrwe 6
1682 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at the elderly center

-Women in average age -all social workers working with elderly people -all mothers

What well being means to you? Having good health Health 6
1716 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would try to give work opportunities to all employment 6
1727 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would try to give work opportunities to all employment 6
2049 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to employ unempoyed people giving them benefits in working on the social sector work 6
1715 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would change the healthcare systemnad provide access to all Health 7
1726 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would change the healthcare systemnad provide access to all Health 7