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Formulaire : CO-ACTE data

Propositions to change Eu policies, data registered with Co-Acte project.
Éléments trouvés : 2899
ID Meeting Date Plat-Form Groupe homogène Group Characteristics Questions Post-it Classification EU synthesis QuantitéInverser le tri
977 2015-12-17 23:00 Ostello delle Idee représentants du collectif d'associations Ostello delle Idee 8 personnes Qu'est-ce que vous n'avez pas réussi en matière de coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Scarso coinvolgimento delle nuove generazioni Relations entre les générations 3
1233 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Diminuer les taxes Argent 3
1244 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Vottem+Préalle

- 55 ans - femmes sans emploi ou pensionnées - femmes isolées à faible mobilité géographique et sociale

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Qu'il y ait un lieu où l'on puisse avoir des renseignements utiles sur tous les sujets Information 3
1683 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at the elderly center

-Women in average age -all social workers working with elderly people -all mothers

What well being means to you? Money to satisfy out everyday needs, mine and my family's Access to finance 3
1278 2016-01-19 14:00 Herstal Milmort+Liers

- interculturel - intergénérationnel - précarisé

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Equilibrer les richesses Argent 3
1708 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

If you were a decision makers which would be the policy you would propose to safeguard the well being of all? Access to basic needs for all Access to basic needs 3
1709 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

If you were a decision makers which would be the policy you would propose to safeguard the well being of all? I would create more job opportunities Access to employment 3
1711 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

If you were a decision makers which would be the policy you would propose to safeguard the well being of all? I would assess the employees management 3
1717 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would solve the social insurance and pension provision problems social security 3
1728 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would solve the social insurance and pension provision problems social security 3
2007 2016-02-29 12:00 Kavala Employees at "home assisance" programme

-social workers -well educated -long term employed

If you were a politician what would you do to safeguard the well being of all I would't want to be a politian rejection 3
2016 2016-02-20 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Jeunes - participants à des actions intergénérationnelles

Mixité sociale Caractéristiques professionnelles : dans un parcours scolaires réguliers Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 3 Âge minimum : 15 ans Âge maximum : 21 ans

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Favoriser et travailler davantage l'égalité des chances (intégration des personnes) égalité des chances 3
2017 2016-02-20 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Jeunes - participants à des actions intergénérationnelles

Mixité sociale Caractéristiques professionnelles : dans un parcours scolaires réguliers Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 3 Âge minimum : 15 ans Âge maximum : 21 ans

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Créer plus d'espaces verts, favoriser les transports en commun biens communs/espaces publics 3
2026 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would construct parks, green areas, place where children could play environment 3
2071 2016-03-04 12:00 Kavala Employees in "Stirizo" programme

-recently employed staff -now all well educated -formerly unemloyed -employed for 2 years now

If you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would improve the cultural life of the city leisure 3
2072 2016-03-04 12:00 Kavala Employees in "Stirizo" programme

-recently employed staff -now all well educated -formerly unemloyed -employed for 2 years now

If you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would vote for laws that increase accessibility to people with mobility problems accessibility 3
2086 2016-03-02 08:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Groupe d'alphabétisation FLE

Âge minimum 25 Âge maximum 77 Caractéristiques sociales : Groupe d'apprenants - personnes étrangères ou d'origine étrangère faiblement scolarisées dans leur langue maternelle

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? La gratuité des bus, l'amélioration des services de transport en commun, l'amélioration de l'état des routes mobilité 3
2312 2016-06-09 16:00 Santiago do Cacém IPSS

35 anos Técnicas de Serviço Social Trabalhamos em instituições ligadas à terceira idade

se tivesse o poder de co-decidir quais as medidas tomaria em prioridade? Acesso gratuito à educação educação 3
1700 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

what do you do or could you do now for the well being of all? To work a lot to be able to provide the basic means to my family Work 4
1695 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being mean to you? when my financial means are not enough to cover basic needs, poverty access to finance 4
743 2016-01-20 23:00 test - joel testtt dfgdgdfg Qu'est-ce que vous avez réussi en matière de coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? tesssstrt tedt 4
2030 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? better education system education 4
2055 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would make more accessible the healthcare system health 4
2069 2016-03-04 12:00 Kavala Employees in "Stirizo" programme

-recently employed staff -now all well educated -formerly unemloyed -employed for 2 years now

If you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would create jobs work 4
2076 2016-03-04 11:00 Kavala Beneficiaries of the social pharmacy

-unemployed -socially excluded -immigrants -single mothers -handicapped

if you were a policy maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? Imrove quality of life of people through providing jobs work 4
1256 2016-01-20 17:00 Herstal La Préalle

- jeunes garçons de 13 à 25 ans - un senior de 65 ans - une famille (père, mère, fille de 8 ans) - un adulte homme isolé - interculturel (origines : italiennes, arabes, belges...)

Qu'est-ce qui pourrait ou aurait pu faciliter la coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? Avoir davantage d'emploi Emploi 5
1681 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at the elderly center

-Women in average age -all social workers working with elderly people -all mothers

What well being means to you? Having a job Work 5
2029 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? Better healthcare system health 5
2031 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? more job opportunities job 5
1690 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at elderly centers

-average age -women -social workers

Was does ill-being means to you? Lack of good health Physical balance and health 6
744 2016-01-20 23:00 test - joel testtt dfgdgdfg Qu'est-ce que vous avez réussi en matière de coresponsabilité pour le bien-être de tous ? werwewe erwrwe 6
1682 2016-02-29 11:00 Kavala Employees at the elderly center

-Women in average age -all social workers working with elderly people -all mothers

What well being means to you? Having good health Health 6
1716 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would try to give work opportunities to all employment 6
1727 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would try to give work opportunities to all employment 6
2049 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to employ unempoyed people giving them benefits in working on the social sector work 6
1715 2016-03-07 22:00 Kavala

-young parents -low educated -low income -unemployed women -selfempoloyed men

If you were a decision maker what would you do for the well being of all? I would change the healthcare systemnad provide access to all Health 7