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Formulaire : CO-ACTE data

Propositions to change Eu policies, data registered with Co-Acte project.
Éléments trouvés : 2899
ID Meeting Date Plat-Form Groupe homogène Group Characteristics Questions Post-it Classification EU synthesisInverser le tri Quantité
2017 2016-02-20 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Jeunes - participants à des actions intergénérationnelles

Mixité sociale Caractéristiques professionnelles : dans un parcours scolaires réguliers Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 3 Âge minimum : 15 ans Âge maximum : 21 ans

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Créer plus d'espaces verts, favoriser les transports en commun biens communs/espaces publics 3
2018 2016-02-20 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Jeunes - participants à des actions intergénérationnelles

Mixité sociale Caractéristiques professionnelles : dans un parcours scolaires réguliers Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 3 Âge minimum : 15 ans Âge maximum : 21 ans

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Diminuer le coût de la vie économie 2
2019 2016-02-20 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Jeunes - participants à des actions intergénérationnelles

Mixité sociale Caractéristiques professionnelles : dans un parcours scolaires réguliers Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 3 Âge minimum : 15 ans Âge maximum : 21 ans

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Favoriser l'emploi des moins qualifiés emploi 1
2020 2016-02-20 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Jeunes - participants à des actions intergénérationnelles

Mixité sociale Caractéristiques professionnelles : dans un parcours scolaires réguliers Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 3 Âge minimum : 15 ans Âge maximum : 21 ans

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Faciliter et rendre gratuit l'accès à l'instruction et la formation formation 1
2021 2016-02-21 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Seniors - Ateliers Self-Défense

Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 5 Âge minimum : 55 Âge maximum :?? Caractéristiques sociales : Classe sociale "moyenne" - pas de personnes précarisée Caractéristiques professionnelles : Majorité de personnes ayant terminés leur activités professionnelles ou en fin de carrière

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Répartir les richesses équitablement, supprimer les niveaux de richesses vers un niveau généralisé, adopter le système scandinave 5
2022 2016-02-21 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Seniors - Ateliers Self-Défense

Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 5 Âge minimum : 55 Âge maximum :?? Caractéristiques sociales : Classe sociale "moyenne" - pas de personnes précarisée Caractéristiques professionnelles : Majorité de personnes ayant terminés leur activités professionnelles ou en fin de carrière

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Donner l'accès à l'éducation et la formation pour tous et à toutes âges 1
2023 2016-02-21 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Seniors - Ateliers Self-Défense

Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 5 Âge minimum : 55 Âge maximum :?? Caractéristiques sociales : Classe sociale "moyenne" - pas de personnes précarisée Caractéristiques professionnelles : Majorité de personnes ayant terminés leur activités professionnelles ou en fin de carrière

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Protéger les intérêts des concitoyens belges, vérifier les casiers judiciaires et niveau de vie avant l'attribution de logement sociaux 2
2024 2016-02-21 13:00 Saint-Ghislain Saint-Ghislain : Seniors - Ateliers Self-Défense

Nombre d'hommes : 4 Nombre de femmes : 5 Âge minimum : 55 Âge maximum :?? Caractéristiques sociales : Classe sociale "moyenne" - pas de personnes précarisée Caractéristiques professionnelles : Majorité de personnes ayant terminés leur activités professionnelles ou en fin de carrière

Si vous aviez le pouvoir de décider, quelles seraient la ou les mesures que vous prendriez? Revoir la construction/constitution de l'Europe, adopter une politique climatique commune européenne, réaliser des études comparatives de la société entre pays pour profiter des réussites et expériences, prendre plus de mesures politiques soutenant les seniors (sécurité, la recherche médicale, cadre de vie) 5
2025 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would feel for their needs and i will motivate them to participate in the decision making engagement 1
2026 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would construct parks, green areas, place where children could play environment 3
2027 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would provide housing to all housing 1
2028 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would provide food to all food 2
2029 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? Better healthcare system health 5
2030 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? better education system education 4
2031 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? more job opportunities job 5
2032 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would say the truth to people ethics 1
2033 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would care for eldely people ethics 1
2034 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would care for the vulnerable ethics 2
2035 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would invest in stricter controls to safeguard justice basic rights 1
2036 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I will diminish corruption ethics 1
2037 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? I would lower the polititians salary ethics 1
2038 2016-03-07 07:00 Kavala education staff in Lysimaschou kindergarden

23-45 educated staff

if you where a decision maker what would you do to safeguard wellbeing for all? more EU funds for social structures wellfare 2
2039 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would buy books for the children in need education 1
2040 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would paint drawings for people corresponsibilityin in kind offer 1
2041 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would give flowers corresponsibility in kind offer 1
2042 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would offer bread to little birds relationship with animals 1
2043 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would do parks environment 1
2044 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would plan cherry trees environment 1
2045 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would build a house for my mom housing 1
2046 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would hug and kiss people in need love 1
2047 2016-04-07 06:30 Kavala pupils of the Lysimachou kindergarden

children 4-5 years old preschool children

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being of all? I would donate blothes corresponsability in kind offer 1
2048 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to increase controls at the state institutions in order to optimize the services provided and minize the cost of their operation organizations reform 1
2049 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to employ unempoyed people giving them benefits in working on the social sector work 6
2050 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would try to improve the quality of life of the people and of the eledrly ones quality of life 1
2051 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would improve the quality of the road system, so as the children going to school to be safe infrastructure 1
2052 2016-04-07 05:10 Kavala parents of Lysimachou kinderagarden

age group 28-40

-well educated -all employed

if you were a decision maker what would you do to safeguard well being for all? I would cotrol and assess the public construction works to avoid accidents infrastructure 1