More than 400 territories (cities, local communities, regions, ...), called "territories of coresponsability", distributed in some twenty countries from Europe and Africa participate to the development of the SPIRAL approach and use it in part or totally depending on their context -> see map All the actors of SPIRAL (territories, collective actors) have created an international network , called Together, first non-formally in 2009, then more formally in 2013. Since then Together network is building national Together networks: - TOGETHER France created in 2014 - TOGETHER Morocco is being created in 2015 - TOGETHER Portugal's creation is currently under discussion Browse one by one those territories, what they do and their results in their dedicated pages. Collective actors (schools, hospitals, entreprises, public entreprises, public services, ...) develop also the approach within themselves. Several training groups are also constituted for each SPIRAL training Spiral » TOGETHER Network New menu HomeAbordagem SPIRALDescobrir SPIRALO método SPIRALInstrumentos SPIRALPorquê SPIRALPrincípios de co-construçãoPrincípios metodológicosTOGETHER Privacy PolicyCitizensList of local actorsYour dashboardPROJETO “JUNTOS APRENDAMOS A FAZER AS ESCOLHAS CERTAS”TerritoriesRegister a new platformCollective actorsGrupos de formaçãoGrupos de cidadãosRede TOGETHERRede Internacional dos TerritóriosTogether FranceTogether MoroccoAtividadesJunte-se a nós !Contact usYou are a territoryYou are an organisationYou are an individualProjectsCO-ACTE PTResponding togetherDinamizadores e facilitadoresThematic networksSeminars trainings and meetings agendaConselho das Alianças, projeto político e de investigaçãoResultados e propostasO bem-estar de todos definido por os cidadãosPolicies and legislations propositionsBase de dados das ações de coresponsabilidadetools