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Territoire de coresponsabilité de Cluj
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Cluj is a Romanian city of about 400 000 inhabitants. Its coordination group was created in 2010 and the 2nd cycle of SPIRAL was carried out in the period 2010-2012. A first meeting of the "Responding together " project was held in December 2012 during which it sought to set up a methodology to unleash creativity and to expand the coordination group. Read more

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Liste des groupes homogènes

Nom du groupePlate-formeLangueCréé le
Cluj : VoluntariCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Victime ale violenţei domesticeCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Tinerii basarabeniCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Tineri politicieniCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : StudenţiCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Specialişti din instituţii publiceCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : RttCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Reprezentanți ai societății civileCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Persoane cu nevoi specialeCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Persoane angajate în telecomunicaţiiCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Pensionaţi pe caz de boalăCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Pensionari militariCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Pensionari militariCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : ParintiCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Minorităţi sexualeCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Membrii consiliului civicCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Membrii camerei de comerţCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : MediciCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Mame singureCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : LiceeniCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : JurnalistiCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Grupul de iniviativa si lobbyCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Femei migranteCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Consiliul judeţean al persoanelor vârstnice clujCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Cetățeni cu conflicte de poluareCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Cadre didactice din sistemul preuniversitarCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : ArtiştiCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : AntreprenoriCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Angajaţi industrialiCluj2012-07-05 16:04
Cluj : Adulţi probleme sănătate mintalăCluj2012-07-05 16:04

Accès aux synthèses

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Accès à la base de données des critères

Éléments trouvés : 2355
Crit IDPlate-formeNom du groupe homogèneQuestionsNB expressPost-itComposanteSensInverser le triPropositionCréé ledernière modif.
227471ClujCluj : Tinerii basarabeniWB1stat de dreptNC0S56Nu avem un stat de drept2014-07-09 10:392014-07-09 10:39

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