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Homogeneous groups database Loures

Liste des groupes homogènes de Loures. Dans le premier cycle les groupes homogènes sont définis parmis les membres de la plate-forme, dans les second et troisième cycles ils sont définis sur tout le territoire.

Liste des groupes homogènes

Éléments trouvés : 12
Nom du groupeCaractéristiques socialesCaractéristiques professionellesCréé le
Loures : Jovens Participantes AMRTYouth participating in the asociation dealing with social matters2013-10-17 15:32
Loures : Jovens CMJYouth from local Youth Council2013-10-17 14:50
Loures : Jovens Participantes TaekwondoYouth from Taekwondo course2013-10-17 14:46
Loures : Jovens Participantes ALPMYouth participating in ALPM ( Associação Luís Pereira da Mota (ALPM) is dealing with providing quality and innovation in the field of development of the city, promoting autonomy and well being of the citizens in all phases of their life - more see under 14:43
Loures : Mediadores de Saúde

Mediators on the health matters rom the professional school Escola Profissional IPTRANS

2013-10-17 14:35
Loures :Organizadores/dinamizadores actividades Youth members of the association AMRT (an asociation aimed to support the citizens by different problems), organizing/dinamizing different activities2013-10-17 14:31
Loures : 9º Ano/CEFSchool children (9th year)2013-10-17 14:25
Loures : MuçulmanosMuslims participating in the cultural association2013-10-17 14:22
Loures :Saúde/Atendimento Juvenil Health Center, Youth Department2013-10-17 14:19
Loures : Esco(u)teirosScouts2013-10-17 14:16
Loures : Cristãos CatólicosParish members of the local Catholic Church2013-10-17 14:10
Loures : Jovens utilizadores dos GAJYoung people attending Center for Support for Youth2013-10-17 14:06

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