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1 - Le territoire

A Covilhã DmC • GCMAI é uma cidade portuguesa pertencente ao Distrito de Castelo Branco, à Região Centro, à sub-região da Cova da Beira e à antiga província da Beira Baixa. É porta da Serra da Estrela e tem 36 356 habitantes no seu perímetro urbano formado por cinco freguesias: Covilhã e Canhoso, Teixoso e Sarzedo, Cantar-Galo e Vila do Carvalho, Boidobra e Tortosendo.

É sede de um município com 555,60 km² de área e 51 797 habitantes (2011), subdividido em 21 freguesias. O município é limitado a norte pelos municípios de Seia e Manteigas, a nordeste pela Guarda, a leste por Belmonte, a sul pelo Fundão e a oeste por Pampilhosa da Serra e Arganil

2 - La plate-forme

Covilhã is a city in the centre of Portugal, which combines a thousand year history with a historic textile industry. Situated near the highest mountain of the country, this particular location makes Covilhã the ‘Mountain City’ of Portugal. The city of Covilhã has developed an important effort to find ways to solve new and old forms of poverty and social exclusion. With the TOGETHER Project, the goal will be to get a sense of a shared vision of welfare, reflecting on the problems experienced and invite people to participate actively in the process, sharing knowledge and looking for activities that contribute to their collective welfare. The program ‘Social Network’ and its intervention in social matters, will find new ways to solve problems though the implementation and development of the methology presented by the Project. The main challenges of the Municipality are : - reconverting its economic basis and developing new technology-based activities - coping with the aging of the population and its dissemination on in rural areas - improving the quality of housing and developing social housing in order to answer the needs of young generations.

3 - Le processus

4 - Résultats

Phase Étape Réalisé
1 Homogenous groups Groupes homogènes 57
2 Criteria Critères de bien-être 3941 Statistiques standard
Indicators Indicateurs de bien-être (3è cycle) 100%
3 Diagnosis Diagnostic général
Indicators diagnosis Diagnostic des indicateurs de bien-être
4 Scenarios Planning et scénarios
5 Codecision Outils pour la codécision et l'engagement
6 Actions Actions et projets 3
7 Coevaluations Co-évaluations d'impact
8 Platform evaluation Auto-évaluation du processus de la plate-forme

5 - Partenariats, échanges et besoins de soutien

6 - Autres informations


Synthèse territoriale Co-Acte - Covilha

7 - Contact

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Page last modified on Tuesday 27 of October, 2020 13:18:33 UTC