Fishing, hunting and gathering Aucun article. Please connect to write a contribution. wikispiral » Discuss specific issues » Coresponsibility in resource management » Fishing, hunting and gathering wikispiral SPIRALHomepageSummaryDiaporamaWhyContext and objectivesWhatSPIRAL historyValuesDefinitionsHistory of TOGETHER's activitiesRights and povertyGo to Rights and poverty webResponding togetherGo to Responding together webSPIRAL and Agendas 21Forums Agenda 21Espace de travail A21SPIRAL and CittaslowUseful linksSocial mediaCouncil of EuropeGo to COE webContact usThe networkTOGETHERTogether FranceTerritories of coresponsibilityMapCollective actorsNetwork of collective actorsTraining groupsRegister a new platformDynamisorsMethodologyIntroductionConceptionBottom-up ApproachApproche ascendante inter-localeTop-Down ApproachLocal bottom-up approachSpiral TerritoriesSPIRAL Collective PlayersInter-local bottom-up approachTop-Down ApproachSPIRAL Public policiesThe SPIRAL methodology guidebookcreating the territory of co-responsibilityCodificationDiscuss specific issuesIntroductionCoordination groupsEstablishment of coordination structures (types, statutes, charters, ...)Democracy and community lifeKnowledge management and communicationProject management and relations with the beneficiariesRelationships between actors and beneficiariesDevelopment of partnerships and networksCoresponsibility in resource managementEnergy reconversionLand and landscape management: Local natural resources and real estateManagement of buildings and housingManagement of transport and mobilityPooling of property and equipmentRecycling and processing of wastesTime managementManagement of financial resourcesInformation management and communicationСоresponsibility in sustainable production of goods and servicesFishing, hunting and gatheringAgriculture and livestock farmingHandcraft, industriesLocal handicrafts and production using local resourcesMaintenance, repair, reuseOther local industriesFair marketingSolidarity-based tourismOther local services to population and enterprisesShared responsibility for the well-being of all during the different phases of lifeChildhood and school education: preparation for lifeYouthEmployment and productive lifeConsumption, civic life, social movementStarting the family, family, parentsEducation and lifelong learningElderly people, retired persons, transmission of knowledgeCulture, art, sport, leisure time, creativityDiseases, health, physical and (or) mental rehabilitationPersonal well-being: rehabilitation and reconstructionCoresponsibility in social relationshipGender relationsIntergenerational relationsInterculturalitySocial dialogue, interaction between advantaged and disadvantagedProducer and consumer: relationships and partnershipGovernment and civil society relationsSPIRAL and wikispiral.orgAmelioration of the interfaceNew features discussionMethodology discussionsParticipation to TIKI wiki CMSContribute a new articleEventsOld calendarBlogPoliciesPrinciplesResultsDimensions & componentsProducts before 2010StatisticsPilot actions databaseDB