Cadre de référence pour la thématique « Personnes âgées »
Eléments essentiels :
Éviter écueils et clichés
Éviter, tant l’écueil de la posture d’assistanat, laquelle déprive la personne de sa dignité que celui de la promotion effrénée du vieillissement actif, lequel condamne la personne âgée à un jeunisme et un dynamisme épuisants.
Promouvoir des initiatives inter-générationnelles
Promouvoir au contraire des initiatives qui ont le mérite de tirer parti des savoirs et savoirs-faire des personnes âgées afin de les inscrire dans des relations d’échanges avec les autres générations et de leur rendre un rôle social, qu’ils ont trop souvent perdu. A ce titre, les initiatives relevant de l’intergénérationnel, en d’autres termes de la création de projets et de liens communs entre les différents âgées de la vie, semble être la plus pertinentes pour mettre en place des expérimentations qui créent réellement de la cohésion sociale.
Redonner un rôle social
L’intergénérationnel est riche d’avenir parce qu’au lieu de considérer la personne âgée uniquement sous l’angle de la vulnérabilité, elle lui attribue une valeur et des capacités intrinsèques, qui se voient valorisées. Les personnes âgées se voient revalorisées en tant que porteuses de savoirs et d’expériences parfois perdus et se voient rendre leur place au sein de la société. Elles peuvent par exemple transmettre leur savoir-faire artisanal ou leur connaissance du milieu du travail à des jeunes en recherche d’emploi etc.
Un moteur économique et de création d'emploi
Compte tenu du vieillissement de la population, les personnes âgées peuvent aussi être un véritable moteur économique et de création d’emploi pour leurs régions. Notamment lorsqu’elles sont fortement concentrées dans des régions sinistrées ou rurales (abandonnées par les jeunes), elles peuvent contribuer à créer sur des bases solidaires des services accessibles à tous et qui peuvent revitaliser leur territoire en matière d’emploi.
Processus général :
The implementation process of the SPIRAL, begun in the district of Viana do Castelo through participatory meetings. The diagnosis that carried out from these meetings challenged the implementation of community development strategies as an answer to the expressed needs such as:
1- Elderly people in a situation of geographical isolation.
Project: Creating new neighborhood relationships. In two areas of the district (geographically isolated and very aged) is being composed a communication network between neighbors and families. The purpose is to create closeness between relatives (even with those who are emigrants). This network is based on the new communication technologies. Parish Councils are supporting the elderly involvement in the interaction with new technologies. And is being designed a project to implement the virtual network. The goal is to design new elderly political strategies.
2- Elderly caregivers (formal and informal).
Project: Establishment of self-help groups to help elderly caregivers Establishment of self-help groups to help elderly caregivers. The goal is to overcome the insecurity experienced by the fact that elderly caregiver loneliness and insecurity in their daily. The new information technologies are being to create this self-help group, so that each caregiver may ask for support at any time of day or night. It is also expected that they can talk to each other easily to share experiences.
3- Sustainability of institutions and services for the elderly
Project: Self financing elderly institutions Creative services repair and reusability of goods (and other service models), made by institutionalized elderly. The income earned by service will finance activities. The project is being developed in a social solidarity institution, which aims to establish an association of users. The purpose of the association is to connect with other similar associations.
4- Right to participation of elderly people
The project self financing elderly institutions created a new institutional culture to everyday life organization. The association will be also responsible for the definition of services and initiatives to develop. The network between similar associations strengthens this new culture.
Reference models/modèles de référence
In Viana do Castelo we have 11 Territory of Co-responsibility. Now we are strengthening connections, links and joints between the multiactors (coordination groups) experts and citizens interested in developing co-responsibility for the well-being of elderly people. Then we plan to build connections, links and joints between external co-responsibility territories.
Steps and developments:
First step (February):
- Local meetings with Social Networks in order to share initiatives;
- Meetings with professionals and experts in order to develop the objectives and main principals proposed;
- To inspire more Associations to act with open collective procedures to well-being of elderly people.
- Strengthen networking among the members of the Local Council for Social Action for better efficiency in access to legal and social services;
Second Step (March and April):
- To promote a Charter to well-being of elderly people;
- Monitoring local and international initiatives;
- To organize public meetings in order to present and to explain to the citizens the objectives and principals of the Charter (to increase the number of informed persons);
- To provide better information to the members of the Municipal Local Council for Social Action. Avoid waste of information resources and sharing the surplus with other corresponding social actors and NGOs.
Third Step:
- To share the Charter to well-being of elderly people with all members of the international thematic group;
- To build robust connections, links and joints between external co-responsibility territories to share experiences.