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Nom du groupeNombre d'hommesNombre de femmesMinimum ageMaximum ageGroupe d'âgeH. Group typeLangueCaractéristiques socialesCaractéristiques professionellesCréé leInverser le tri
PONTINHA DE JANELA : Homens mais de 35 anos_25-4016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PONTINHA DE JANELA : Mulheres de 70 anosSenior16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PONTINHA DE JANELA : Mulheres jovens_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PONTINHA DE JANELA : Mulheres mais jovens_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PRAIA DE GI : Homenes menores de 30 anos0_25-4016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PRAIA DE GI : Homens maiores de 35 á 45 anos0_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PRAIA DE GI : Homens maiores de 40 anos0_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PRAIA DE GI : Mulheres maiores de 40 anos0_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
PRAIA DE GI : Mulheres menores de 40 anos0_25-4016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Praia Telha : Jovens_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Praia Telha : Mulheres0Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Preguica : Homens e mulherresAdults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Principal São Miguel : Alva 2Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Principal São Miguel : Estrela dálva 1Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
QUEIMADAS : HomensAdults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
QUEIMADAS : MulheresAdults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RAIZ : Homens maduros0_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RAIZ : Mulheres maduras0_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RELVA : Grupo de homem+40 anos0_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RELVA : Grupo de jovens de homem0_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RELVA : Grupo de jovens de mulheres0_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RELVA : Grupo de jovens homenes0_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RELVA : Grupo de merelheres de 40 anos0_25-4016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA ALTA : Homens jovens0_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA ALTA : Homens mais madurosSenior16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA ALTA : Mulheres0Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Ribeira da Prata/ Cuba : Nome do groupo0Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA DE JANELA : Homens0Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA DE JANELA : Mulheres0Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA DE PENEDO : Homens 25 a 45 anos0_25-4016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA DE PENEDO : Homens maiores de 45 anos0_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA DE PENEDO : Homens menores de 250_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA DE PENEDO : Mulheres maiores de 35 anos0_25-4016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
RIBEIRA DE PENEDO : Mulhres 25 á 35 anos0_25-4016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Ribeira Fria : Homens0Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04
Ribeira Fria : Mulheres jovens0_18-25 young people16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlement2012-07-05 16:04

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