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Nom du groupeNombre d'hommesNombre de femmesMinimum ageMaximum ageGroupe d'âgeH. Group typeLangueInverser le triCaractéristiques socialesCaractéristiques professionellesCréé le
Барыш - Barysh : пенсионеры в возрасте 55-65 - retired persons at an age of 55-65455565Senior1.0.0. Retired personsRussian2013-05-28 15:54
Барыш - Barysh : пенсионеры в возрасте ot 65 - retired persons at an age over 65686576Senior1.0.0. Retired personsRussian2013-05-28 15:57
Барыш - Barysh : граждане в возрасте 18-23 - citizens at an age of 18-23351823_18-25 young people9.0.0. VolunteersRussian2013-05-28 16:00
Барыш - Barysh : граждане в возрасте 23-35 - citizens at an age of 23-35322335Adults18.0.0. People who engage in citizenship activitiesRussian2013-05-28 16:04
Барыш - Barysh : граждане в возрасте 35-45-citizens at an age of 35-45053545Adults16.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlementRussian2013-05-28 16:06
Барыш - Barysh : инвалиды 18- 40 лет - disabled persons at an age 18-40252440_25-407.0.0. Disabled personsRussian2013-05-28 16:08
Барыш - Barysh : сельхоз сфера - workers of agriculture152658Adults13.11.0. Workers of agricultureRussian2013-05-28 16:10
Барыш - Barysh : сфера производства - industry workers162545Adults13.8.0. Industry workersRussian2013-05-28 16:13
Барыш - Barysh : услуги торговли-service sale workers223942Adults13.12.0. Service workersRussian2013-05-28 16:15
Барыш - Barysh : многодетные семьи-families with numerous kids072739Adults11.2.0. Parents of families with multiple kidsRussian2013-05-28 16:17
Барыш - Barysh : Семьи воспитывающие детей инвалидов-families with disabled kids0102544Adults11.1.0. Parents of disabled childrenRussian2013-05-28 16:19
Барыш-Barysh : неполные семьu- one parent families052443Adults11.3.0. Single parent familiesRussian2013-05-28 16:21
Барыш - Barysh : работники бюджетной сферы-budget workers0122450Adults13.5.0. Social workersRussian2013-05-28 15:44
Center for rehabilitation of disabled persons, moscow : Сотрудники центра1Adults13.5.2. Social workers dealing with disabled personsRussianPersons working with disabled people (different kinds of rehabilitation)2013-08-16 09:48
Center for rehabilitation of disabled persons, moscow : Клиенты центра - Clients of the CenterAdults7.0.0. Disabled personsRussianPersons with disabilities attending the Center wth an aim of rehabilitation2013-08-16 09:51
ulyanowsk/stamansk/women/35-45 район073545_40-6016.5.0. Citizens from the same district/settlementRussischwomen 35-452012-11-22 00:28
TRAINING ANKARA : 40 yaş üstü grubu Erkek - men over 40404053_40-6018.8.0. Citizens working with SPIRAL (CG etc.)Turkish

Eğitim Education

2013-06-28 09:43
TRAINING ANKARA : 40 Yaş Altı - under 402840Adults18.8.0. Citizens working with SPIRAL (CG etc.)Turkish40 Yaş Altı - under 402013-06-28 09:20
TRAINING ANKARA : Kadın - women072648Adults18.8.0. Citizens working with SPIRAL (CG etc.)Turkish

Kadın Women

2013-06-28 09:32

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