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For the dynamics of network to lead to a real project of societal transformation up to the challenges of the future, Together International develops a political and research project around an assumption, which is proposed to test full-scale in the territories, with all concerned stakeholders, including researchers and policy makers. This assumption is that co-responsibility is the most efficient and the most appropriate way to achieve the objective of the well-being of all, including future generations. Starting from this idea, the territories members of the network together with municipalities, governments and other partners such as research centres and universities are invited to test this hypothesis on the specific aspects of each, depending on the local and national context, complementary to each others.

This research and policy project was presented at the 4th International Seminar of SPIRAL dynamisors held on 6, 7 and 8 February 2015 in the Gironde, France. Given the scope of the cross looks and practices among foreseen members of the Orientation Committee and the SPIRAL dynamisors community, it was decided to establish a single common body called the Council of Alliances, responsible for bringing this project.

The pooling and the first results of this process will be presented and debated with national and European public authorities at the third international meeting of the co-responsibility territories in 2016.

Dernière modification de la page : Lundi 10 août 2015 11:30:24 UTC