Why consider posting?
Posting your content on this website will help you gain visibility and recognition by a larger audience and a legitimacy (of sorts) which all stem from an international organization dealing with issues of inclusion alongside reduction of precariousness and inequalities. We try to support our contributors by linking you with a community other citizen experts that values content based on your actions or the actions of your peers and by promoting them on social media channels (Twitter, Facebook) or via Council of Europe's internal online networks. As it is wiki-based, it brings together a variety of experiences and competencies of your peers that are providing feedback, insights, and suggestions to further build and improve on your project/action.
Whether your project is only in the idea phase or already running, whether you got stuck and/or are searching for resources, we believe Responding Together can be of help (as we link social experts and innovators throughout Europe). If you think that your experiences and competencies could be of help for others in (re)building their communities, Responding Together offers you a platform where you can utilize your resourcefulness and knowledge within and beyond your local community thus making them scalable and transferable. This website covers actionable project ideas, accounts of implemented actions and policies that help advance social inclusion and wellbeing, with a strong focus on scalable and replicable solutions for communities that are most at risk. We encourage writing constructive or positive posts that do not deal with party politics, scandals, self-promotion, gossping and the like.
Who are the other contributors here?
The website content is contributed by a range of actors including local public officials, community workers and activists, non-profit groups, experts of the commons, social enterpreneurs, artists, social scientists, property owners, DIY-ers, students, urban planners/architects as well as the concerned residents of localities. Our team will review, facilitate and provide standard editing to contributions prior to publication.
There are two ways in which you can submit your content. The first option is to put it directly onto this website. We are looking specifically for people who want to share their stories about the actions, projects and interventions in their local communities. Alternatively, you could contribute with material that already exists on your own blog or website. Whichever way you will opt for, please review the terms of use link here concerning submitted content.
1. Sign up and Login
In order to post content on this website, you will require an active account. You may registed at the top right-hand of the screen.
2. Filling out your profile
Once logged in, click on your username (top right-hand corner of page) to be able to edit your profile.
Next fill out the Additional Information field including some short details about yourself and the context of your work. Here, you can alsoadd Your/your organization’s website and your social network profiles should you have any.
Once you've entered all the information that you feel is important for others to know, don’t forget to click Save to make the changes live. Now you can start adding your content!
3. Posting your work on the website
There are three ways of submitting your content to our site:
- Create an account and your posts manually. You can find more info on how to do this by exploring the “How to” submenus.
- Send your article to us by getting in touch at responding.together at gmail.com
- Fill out the one of the two forms, by either sharing an action or a challenge.
If you decide to go for the last two options, all we ask in for is your patience while the editorial boards is reviewing it. This should not take longer than a few days.
If you’re logged in (you should see your user name on the top right of this page) and ready to add your proof-read post you can choose one of the themes form the “Acting Together” and “Learning Together” menus (i.e. Acting Together - Changing the Rules - Building Commons). You can choose from the two options below:
- Share an action, an initiative, or a solution to a problem in your local community!
Tell us about how you and your neighbours, friends or fellow city dwellers are collaboratively improving their local areas and making them more interconnected. If you (are trying to) resourcefully re-use, re-imagine or weave both material (food, energy, population, health) and immaterial resources (networks, knowledge, time, etc.) you’re in the right place. You can also interview someone you know and share the story about their experiences.
Share your experience!
- Pitch us your challenge! Articulate the challenge(s) present in your community and let solutions come your way!
By putting your city on the map of the new platform, you share the challenges and priorities identified in your community. It can be done either through informal deliberative processes, SPIRAL(external link) meetings or through any other type of research done by the average citizens, NGO’s, research institutes, universities, public authorities. Make your vision and ideas for action clear and specify the necessary resources needed to address the inertias, inequalities, stigma, lack of fair access to services and resources present in that community.
Share your challenge!
NOTE: You are free to use any media outlet that you are most comfortable with. It can be anything from written word, video, photos, infographics, mindmaps and other visuals. If you need a hand with any of these devices feel free to ask us or the community for help.