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CO-ACTE 3rd thematic meeting: Co-provide basic needs for the wellbeing of all today and tomorrow
Odemira, 27/28th June 2016

Background and purpose of the meeting

Role of thematic meetings in the CO-ACT project - Click here to learn more...

Citizen and collaborative approach SPIRAL, initially launched by the Council of Europe, is at the origin of the CO-ACT project, implemented by the International Network TOGETHER cities and territories that participate in this process. SPIRAL and CO-ACT are designed to promote shared responsibility for the well-being of all across the company, the first at the local level, the second in public policies at different territorial levels.

In this framework a large number of citizens of some twenty European and African countries participated, first to the wellbeing of the definition of all the SPIRAL following method. Afterwards the development of public policy measures which they should be implemented to allow the progress of society towards co-responsibility for the wellbeing of all (CO-ACT project).

The fact that all citizens are able to express themselves freely by an introspective and prospective approach with no preconceptions and ensuring equal speaking rights for all has led to the emergence of very different proposals and affecting all major social issues. They highlight the fundamental elements about what would be co-responsible society and solidarity for the well-being of all generations included as well on economic issues as democracy and governance peace / non-violence and social cohesion, management of space and time with concrete goals in each of these areas Click here for the synthesis of these proposals?.

Of such objectives are asking, besides adequate policy measures, responses to build on the experiences of civil society. That's why we all the organizations of civil society interested and invite who recognize themselves in these objectives in participating in a process of building appropriate responses. The central idea is to think about ways to progress toward those goals starting with the existing experiences by spotting their complementarities in relation to these objectives and identifying the public policy measures that are necessary for expression from these complementarities.

Specific role of this third meeting - Click here to learn more...

The first two thematic meetings helped to build the foundation for a co-responsible organization model for the well-being of all, both economically (first meeting) and those of the territorial space management(second meeting). In this third thematic meeting, we will seek to see in which possible conditions , we can use such a model to concretely ensure the basic needs for all in an healthy and sustainable way, including:

  • healthy food for all with a local agro-ecology, in a human and multifunctional scale (productive, preserving biodiversity, educational, heritage) and integrated in the landscape and in the recycling circuits (compost, biogas), through solidarity partnerships between producers and consumers, forms of collective production and consumption (community gardens, edible credible).
  • Health for all through a comprehensive preventive territorial approach as for example, the nursing homes in Belgium and preventive approaches as naturopathy ..
  • Access to consumers good for all (clothing, cleaning materials, household, recreational facilities, etc.)

This will be analyzed for the implications of those objectives in terms of allocation and use of resources and will explore the possibilities of a co-responsible approach to achieve this, in particular to ensure:

  • The systematic reuse of all resources not only in relation to the zero waste goal, but also to leverage the use of the same resources by a systematized recirculation (shops for nothing, repairing or dismantling circuits and recycling).
  • Rebalancing necessary for financial resources and time, increasing those dedicated to agricultural production and food, necessary condition for the generalization of agroecology and healthy food, having a positive effect on health and therefore making possible the reduction of those assigned to take care of sick persons.

Finally we will analyze the implications of these perspectives in terms of public policies needed..

Objectives of the meeting

The meeting has three objectives:

  1. Highlight how to ensure of basic bodily needs for all (food, health, consumer) through a co-responbilty based approach (using the findings of the first two thematic meetings);
  2. Identify policy measures for this purpose, in addition to proposals of citizens;
  3. Agree on an operation mode of the thematic networks after the meeting.

Concretely concerning the first point, will seek to explain:

  1. How the principle of co-responsibility applies to healthy food for all and food sovereignty, especially from the examples of CSA, shared gardens, incredible edible, etc.
  2. How the principle of "co-responsibility applies to health, especially from the example of medical homes, social pharmacies and preventive health approaches.
  3. How the principle of co-responsibility applies to all forms of sharing, reuse, recycling, particularly from the various experiences that fall within of the zero waste goal.
  4. What are the synergies between these three sectors and what this implies in terms of rebalancing resources and time, linking it with the idea of ​​a Universal Basic Income for the right to healthy food for all.
  5. How the example of the satisfaction of basic needs refines the co-responsible organization model developed during the first two meetings and calls for a democratic governance of the commons that will be processed at the 4th thematic meeting.


To achieve these goals we propose to invite organizations and / or the following:

  • For point 1:

                           - Associations networks for maintaining of peasant agriculture (CSA / AMAP)                            - Initiatives in the area of Shared Gardens                            - Representatives of the movement of Incredible Edible / Incredible Edible (existing in Todmorden, England)                            - The territorial collaborative experiences for healthy food for all

  • For point 2:

- the network and representatives of medical homes (existing example in Belgium)                            - Social pharmacy initiatives (existing in Greece and Portugal)                            - specialists on preventive approaches and naturopathic

  • For point 3: experiences regarding the field of reuse with:

                           - Traffic initiatives for food and clothing (Dariacordar existing example in Portugal)                            - Repairs initiatives; recycling, composting and energy ("ZeroWaste", "Shop For Nothing")

  • For point 4, we will rely on debates going on within the United Nations (FAO, WHO) by inviting experts who are involved, especially on the basis of income on food. Making the link with the economic and territorial co-responsible organization model we will bring out the tracks of practical implementing.

Preparation of the meeting

From now a ((CO-ACT Debate satisfaction basic needs | discussion area is open on-line)) to already lay the foundations of the proposed model and to reflect on policy measures that this entails and which could be rediscussed during a meeting.

Two-day program

Day 1 (27 June)

Session 1: Update on the CO-ACT project and the objectives of the meeting

  • 9h00 : Reception and Presentation of participants
  • 9h30-10h15 : CO-ACT presentation, its objectives and the results of previous meetings- Objectives and organization of the meeting - debate

Session 2: From field practices to a model of co-responsibility for basic needs for all

  • 10h15-11h30 : Co-responsibility for food sovereignty and healthy food for all (contribution AMAP / CSA, shared gardens, edible-credible) - successes and limits
  • 11h30-11h45 : Coffee break
  • 11h45- 13h00 : Co-responsibility for health for all (medical houses of Belgium, Greece and Portugal social Pharmacies, naturopathy France) - successes and limits
  • 13h00-14h30 : Lunch break
  • 14h30-16h00: Co-responsibility in the reuse of resources as essential complement(zérowaste, education)
  • 16h00-17h30 : Synergies between food, health and reuse and implications for the reallocation of resources - Links with the principle of equity in income and universal basic income (debates FAO-WHO)
  • 17h30-18h00 : Synthesis: Towards a cross-reference integrating model - links with the 4th thematic meeting

Day 2 (28 June)

Session 3: From model to public policy needs

  • 9h00-10h45 : Working Groups on policy measures required to evolve into a co-responsibility for healthy food and health for all and zerowaste
  • 10h45-11h00 : Coffee break
  • 11h00-12h30 : Restitution and synthesis - complementarities and links with the proposal of citizens - Introduction of the session 4.
  • 12h30-14h00 : Lunch break

Session 4 - Continuation of the project and operation of thematic sub-networks

  • 14h00-15h30 : Functioning of thematic sub-networks in the suite of the meeting: groups per subnets
  • 15h30-16h30 : Synthesis and distribution of tasks to meet Braine l'Alleud and after.
  • 16h30- 17h00 : Conclusion and closing of the meeting.
  • 17h00: End of works.

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