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2nd International Meeting of the Territories of Co-responsibility

The Second International Meeting of Territories of Co responsibility was held on the 22 and 23 November 2012 in Mulhouse. It represented a pivotal moment for the network as it grew from eight cities for the period 2009 to 2012 to over 300 urban and rural territories in over 15 countries both in Europe and Africa.

This enlargement of the network implied rethinking the functioning and tools for exchange. It became impossible to operate mainly by travelling to the territories and conducting study visits as was the case with the URBACT program, but instead new online tools were developed. In order to achieve this, the new collaborative website was developed in 2012. It enables data to be uploaded in real time on the results of the processes conducted by the different territories of co-responsibility, allowing direct exchanges between them with online support. The launch of the service coincided with the Second International Meeting of Territories of co-responsibility, confirming the desired expansion of the network. During the meeting, a network of SPIRAL dynamisers from each territory was formed in order to multiply and decentralize the support to the network.

Program of the meeting

The meeting was held over two days. The first day was dedicated to the territories providing an overview of the actions they had conducted since the First International Meeting of Territories of co-responsibility. The second day was dedicated to future perspectives. Download the meetings program: 2e Rencontre - programme 2nd Meeting - programme

Acts of the meeting

The acts of the meeting were produced by students of the Masters of social and solidarity based economy- Download them here: Actes de la Deuxième Rencontre Internationale

Main speakers

Download the speech by Mrs Gaye Doganoglu, Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

Pictures of the 2nd International Meeting of the Territories of Co-responsibility

Dernière modification de la page : Mardi 17 décembre 2013 17:57:24 UTC