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10h-12h: Food and Health Workshop
(Exchange workshop as part of the project Project Together let's learn to make the right choices)
First session - Sunday November 1st as part of the 4th International Meeting of Territories of Co-responsibility

Purpose of the workshop

Food and health are intrinsically linked. “Food is the first medicine ”, said Hypocrates. This has become even more evident in a world which has pushed the industrialization of agriculture and food and urban concentration to the extreme, leading to public health problems linked to food (obesity, diseases generated by pesticides, etc.). Food and health imply a co-responsibility between producers and consumers, the latter becoming co-producers and co-actors of their own food and their health.Healthy and accessible food for all cannot be the sole responsibility of farmers. They must be able to count on the solidarity and collaboration of all. Similarly, a doctor or nurse cannot ensure the health of a patient or a community without their collaboration. Food and health are common goods. It is not possible to treat food or health on an individual basis, some having access to it and others not. We are all interdependent for our food and our health. In the case of health, the covid-19 pandemic was another stark reminder. Co-acting for food and health starts at the local / community level.It is first of all at this level that co-action and co-responsibility are concretely possible and necessary.


The workshop will be based on the most advanced initiatives in local co-responsibility between food and health producers and co-producers (especially community health and AMAP / CSA in the case of food) to :

  • Highlight their common points ;
  • To study together how food and health could be treated in a more integrated way.
  • Make the link with solidarity with future generations, in particular by making the link with the tools discussed in l'atelier "citoyens pour le climat.".
  • Think about and possibly implement the possibilities of cooperation on these questions

Participate in the first session

The first session will take place as part of the 4th International Meeting of Territories of Co-responsibility Sunday November 1, 2020 from 10 a.m.-12 a.m.(Brussels time and most European countries and West Africa. For Portugal, UK, Ireland, Gabon count one hour less. For Cape Verde 2 hours less. For Brazil 5-6 hours of less, etc.). Other sessions may be organized subsequently depending on the conclusions of this first session.


To register send an email to contact (at) wikispiral.org by specifying the name of the workshop.

First Session

(For guidance - Some questions can be modified or dealt with in other sessions).

  1. Presentation of the two initiatives:
    • an example of community health, that of the Francs-Moisins in the northern suburbs of Paris (15mn)
    • an example of AMAP, that of AMAP Sado in Portugal (15 mn)
  2. How the question of co-production and co-responsibility between farmers and consumers and between doctors and the local community arises concretely in both cases

(10 minutes each of the two cases + questions from the participants)

  1. How an integration between the two types of initiatives could be interesting. Question asked to the two initiatives (15min.)
  2. What would that imply? How could this be possible? For this question, the first answers can come from Belgium where the two types of initiatives co-exist (15 minutes)
  3. What would that imply? How could this be possible? For this question, the first answers can come from Belgium where the two types of initiatives co-exist (15 minutes). The two interlocutors will be able to explain their point of view on the existing barriers and how to overcome them (10 minutes each).
  4. How to go further ? Who do we need? What could be the role of public authorities? Example of social cohesion plans in Wallonia (10 minutes)
  5. Who should be invited for a next session on these issues?
  6. Conclusions and action to be taken in any other sessions to be organized subsequently (10 min)


To register send an email to contact (at) wikispiral.org by specifying the name of the workshop.

Back to the Program of the 4th International Meeting

Page last modified on Thursday 29 of October, 2020 14:23:16 UTC