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Manifesto and Call for Co-responsibility

Faced with the multiplicity and complexity of challenges that humanity must solve for present and future generations (reducing greenhouse gas emissions, cleaning up oceans and soils, saving biodiversity, reducing inequalities, ensuring peace, etc.), a group of engaged actors, researchers, academics and policy makers have set the Council of Alliances, an informal and open structure for dialogue and deliberation . By launching a Manifesto and Call for Co-responsibility, it invites all, citizens and collective public and private actors, to express their interest and join a process that could be mentored by United Nations.

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The Manifesto and Call is available in English, French and Portuguese. To choose one of these languages click on the green point at the end and right of the page
The Manifesto and Call for Co-responsibility is not a definitive but a flexible statement. It will be updated according to its process of application.

The need for a global project of co-responsibility

Humanity is at a critical moment in its history due to the scale of its activities, which have become disproportionate and expose the planet to extremely serious risks, such as: global warming, pollution of soil, water and atmosphere, destruction of natural ecosystems and biodiversity, acidification of the oceans, invasion of plastics into the seabed, etc. Moreover, humanity seems unable to bring about the changes needed to put an end to these catastrophic trends. The conclusions of the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference - COP 26 (UN, 2021), confirm once again that the commitments made fall far short of what is needed. It is more a question of "greenwashing" than of a real will to change. Moreover, peace between nations is increasingly threatened by the emergence of new areas of tension and war.

However, there are solutions to stop all destruction, protect the natural heritage and make the necessary improvements, where it is still possible, while ensuring peace and the well-being of all women and men and protecting life in general. Such solutions require a radical change in ways of life, cooperation, and economic and social organisation, demanding general mobilisation, not only of States and public authorities, but of all public and private actors and citizens.

In other words, it requires the co-responsibility of all human beings, both individually and collectively, for a global project that is unanimously shared, one that guarantees the well-being of all, including future generations and the planet.

The three conditions

The co-responsibility of all men and women for such a global project to be applied implies three conditions:

  1. The project be unanimously shared;
  2. The responsibility of each person, of each type of actor, be unanimously granted and assumed in a spirit of solidarity and fairness, sharing resources and power;
  3. That responsibilities are effectively fulfilled thanks to mutual support between the actors, emphasising the decisive added value of co-responsibility, leaving no room for shirking or dismissed responsibility.

1- For the global project of co-responsibility to be shared unanimously, it requires

a) to be based on real facts and objective and verifiable conclusions, independently of any ideological influence and manipulation. To be compatible with the urgent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, such a project implies:

  • the abandonment of intensive agriculture and industrial breeding in favour of agroecology;
  • the relocation of economic activities wherever possible and the development of the autonomy of local communities (neighbourhoods, villages) in terms of food, energy and health, the reduction of long-distance trade and industrial production to minimum ;
  • the end to all forms of waste and non-reuse or non recycling, as well as the repair of all damage already caused and the re-creation of conditions to preserve biodiversity on all territorial scales;
  • the end of arms and weapons production in favour of the construction of peace and coexistence at a planetary scale, on the model of what Europe built at the end of the last world war;

These are four conditions to end dependency on oil and other fossil fuels and prevent global warming from becoming irreversible.

b) to be owned by all and everyone through a debate between equals, listening the expectations of all and each one, in particular by fostering collaborative democracy between citizens, public authorities (State, local authorities, etc.) and the world of the economic and financial actors.

2- For everyone's co-responsibilities to be unanimously accepted, this requires

a) to be based on a global vision of individual and collective responsibilities, highlighting what each person, actor or association is called upon to commit to, in addition to the commitments of others, according to the capacities of each person or each type of actor (see the annex A );

b) ensure true equity in the distribution of resources and means, a sine-qua-non condition for recreating mutual trust and sincerity on the part of all.

3- For co-responsibilities to be effectively fulfilled, this requires

a) To have co-responsibility agreements between inhabitants sharing the same living space, between local authorities and inhabitants, between producers and consumers/users, among others. Such agreements should be able to highlight the superior interest of co-responsibility in satisfying all needs, thus making it irreversible through the visibility of the added value it brings.

b) To include, as the case may be, forms of encouragement, pressure and/or resistance towards any actor who seeks to shirk his/her responsibilities and does not respect the general interest and the interest of future generations and the planet.

Proposed strategy

Aware of the difficulty of implementing such a process of co-responsibility on a global scale, the signatories of this Manifesto require the support of the United Nations Organisation. Uunder the patronage of the United Nations, the process can be initiated wherever existing or new initiatives recognise themselves in co-responsibility for the wellbeing of all and the planet.

Each initiative joining the project will be invited to:

  • make themselves known, specifying to which category of collective actors they belong (groups of inhabitants, organised or not into local associations, local authorities, governments, NGOs, companies, schools, universities, media, international organisations, etc.)
  • adhere to the manifesto, specifying the responsibilities they have and will like to bear and share ;
  • engage with complementary actors, in the area or community where they live or act, to produce a snowball effect;
  • inform other actors on the process conducted in their community, whatever the scale;
  • participate in the further development of the Manifesto.

Thus, each type of actor can be, alone or in cooperation with others, the bearer of a co-responsibility process in its community, whether it is a school, a group of inhabitants, a newspaper, an NGO, a municipality, etc. To facilitate recognition among the actors engaged, a logo might be created, enhancing the patronage of the United Nations

The actors and institutions interested in adhering to the Manifesto and sharing co-responsibility actions will be able to gain visibility and do a follow-up through a WEB portal. This portal will gather the information sent by the member initiatives, detailing the process, including difficulties, results, methodes, learnings, etc.

The project could be framed within a Social contract of co-responsibility for the well-being of all (or living well together), including future generations which could be adapted and evaluated at different levels. All the potential actors will be progressively invited to join it and engage in participatory action and evaluation. Everywhere , the conduct of such a contract and the improvements to be made to it as it is implementation will be fully democratic to increase its effectiveness.

As an outcome of the Council of Alliances, a Conceptual and Methodological Support Network (RMN)=== would be set up, composed by university researchers, epistemologists, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, pedagogues, jurists, as well as students, master's and doctoral students, etc. RMN will be responsible for supporting or carrying out the research needed for the proper conduct of the project (see Annex B )

Annex A : Indicative distribution of responsibilities by type of actor

The following is a first version of what could be the responsibilities of the different types of actors defining commitments in a social contract of co-responsibility for the welfare of all (or living well together).

0- Transversal responsibilities

  • 0.1- Ensure the well-being of all by limiting the impact of human activities so that it remains below the maximum per capita limits that the planet can bear: in particular, greenhouse gas emissions must remain limited to 2 tons per year per capita until 2050 at the latest - to be completed by ceilings for other types of pollution and for available natural resources;
  • 0.2- Make the various levels, individual and collective, responsible for this goal. This implies strengthening the capacity for local autonomy of inhabitants sharing the same living space (village or district of a city), particularly in terms of access for all to healthy food, drinking water, health, renewable energy, sustainable housing, social quality education, etc.
  • 0.3- To this end, 1) enable the self-organisation of local populations into associations of inhabitants by district in cities and by village in rural areas, jointly deciding on common objectives and measures to be taken (e.g. for a better use and sharing of resources) and 2) develop and share co-decision instruments, taking into account the expectations of all inhabitants and co-evaluation to make progress in this direction.
  • 0.4- Activate all levers to allow a joint evolution of all actors towards co-responsibility, each type of actor supporting others and being supported by others, as evidenced in the following table:
Individual citizens Can act: 1) as voluntary participants in inhabitants' associations and NGOs; 2) as workers and/or shareholders in companies, financial organisations, media; 3) as buyers of goods and services they can encourage companies and banks; Receive support from States and public entities
Associations of residents 1) As purchasers of goods and services can encourage companies and banks; 2) Encourage citizens Receive support from States and public entities, NGOs, companies
State public entities Incentivise international solidarity by supporting the creation of networks between territories in different countries Receive support from residents' associations
Public international organizations Incentivize international solidarity by supporting the creation of networks between territories in different countries Receive support from States and public entities.
NGOs Incourage and complement the responsibilities of States and international organisations Receive support from citizens
Companies (individual producers or larger scale Support for all in terms of supplying pre-agreed goods and services produced locally as far as possible. Benefit from incentives from all buyers of goods and services
Banks Support all in terms of responsible investments. Benefit from incentives of all buyers of goods and services
Schools 1)Support to inhabitants' associations in terms of organisation, knowledge, etc.2) Encourage families, through children ; function as "watchtowers", as in Brazil They receive support from the State, public bodies, local associations, companies, NGOs, the media, international organisations.
Universities and researchers Support for all in terms of methods, capitalisation of knowledge, etc. They receive support from the state, public bodies, associations of inhabitants, companies, NGOs, the media, international organisations
  • 0.5- To systematize this mutual support, implement
    • Co-responsibility agreements based on the sharing of co-defined global objectives, means to achieve them and joint evaluations, whether in the provision of services and products, financial support, or participation in properties. For example, with regard to financial support, this implies doing away with predefined objectives in competing calls for projects and resorting to global financing instruments based on dialogue with beneficiaries associated in partnership (see for example the programme "Links Between Actions for the Development of the Rural Economy" - LEADER in Europe in its early days in the 1990s).
    • Interacting dialogue bodies, notably at the level of each territory, thus constituting networks of co-responsibility in each territory. For example, in Brazil there are sectorial councils on rights which operate in the three spheres of government. Thus the areas of education, health, social action, children's rights, etc, have councils of rights with popular participation. In Cape Verde there are Regional Partner Commissions, grouping together inhabitants' associations and other actors on each island.
  • 0.6- In addition, there is a global agreement of co-responsibility, in which all those who adhere to the Manifesto commit themselves to participate
    • in education and information on co-responsible sustainability;
    • in monitoring responsibility, namely by joining their efforts to make unscrupulous actors stop irresponsible activities, both locally and globally (shared control by vigilant consumers; vigilant national, regional, global and international professional associations, etc.), including fake news and other forms of manipulation and lack of transparency.

1- Responsibility of individual citizens or families

People individually or in families have responsibilities as socio-economic actors (consumers, workers and savers) and citizens.

  • 1.1- As consumers they have the responsibility to limit their environmental impact to what the planet can bear. In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, this represents a maximum of 2t/person and per year to be achieved by 2050 at the latest. This implies a collective approach of local autonomy, through associations of inhabitants (neighbours).
  • 1.2- Also as consumers they can develop co-responsibility and solidarity agreements with producers.
  • 1.3- As workers they can, as far as possible, choose to work in responsible companies or encourage the companies where they work in this sense, or even create responsible companies.
  • 1.4 - As consumers and savers, they can choose responsible banks or participate in collective financing of investments that are in the interest of the wellbeing of everyone and the planet, including future generations.
  • 1.5- As citizens they can play an active role in inhabitants' associations, NGOs or other types of association.

2- Responsibilities of citizens organised in residents' associations

Recalling that direct representation of citizens is the only guarantee of true democratic consultation, it is a matter of making residents' associations the real engines of progress for local economic autonomy, the management of common goods, solidarity and social justice.

In order to achieve the well-being of all without prejudice to future generations, every neighbourhood association should:

  • 2.1 - Ensure access for all and everyone to basic needs without non-renewable energy and call upon the help of local authorities and States and companies when local resources are insufficient, within the framework of the territorial consultation structures created for this purpose. This concerns above all the needs for healthy food, drinking water, health, energy, sustainable housing, local mobility and access to education. The abandonment of non-renewable energies implies energy transition and therefore the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Hence the need for methods to measure these reductions (see proposals by Armel Prieur).
  • 2.2- Ensure that residents' associations function democratically, with the equal right to speak for all and to listen to each other's expectations, avoiding all forms of discrimination, domination and manipulation. For this, it is advisable to have a system of participatory self-assessment of internal democracy (following the example of Cape Verde).
  • 2.3- Develop the basis of a circular economy of reuse, recovery, recycling and sharing of resources, according to the needs of each collective actor and each person. The circular economy is not only between resources, but also between people and is different from the economy of reciprocity: things are for those who need them. What exists is not mine or yours, it belongs to whoever needs it.
  • 2.4- Managing the territory where we live as a common good is a factor of well-being for all in a sustainable way, protecting the soil, the flora, the fauna, the ecosystems and developing biodiversity and the beauty of common spaces and landscapes. There are many examples, such as common cleaning and family/school gardens (Cape Verde). It is important to develop such initiatives in schools, through knowledge and contact with nature and maintenance of the environment. Construction and maintenance of gardens and school gardens in which parents also participate.
  • 2.5- Welcome individuals and families who need support (unemployed, homeless, refugees, etc.) in concert with other territories and associations and administrations, distinguishing two processes:
    • 2.5.1- Responding to immediate situations (e.g. receiving refugees, homeless, etc.) fighting against prejudices;
    • 2.5.2- Organising the arrival of people with their countries and places of origin, which presupposes a locally organised structure. It would avoid a lot of suffering, providing a "win-win" welfare for all involved, individually and collectively.
  • 2.6- Participate in the operation of enterprises that produce on other scales, through partnership agreements that take into account their labour needs in exchange for their commitment to co-responsibility (next point). Example of the self-managed company Viome in Greece which has oriented its activity towards the production of ecological detergents and with returnable packaging, in agreement with the inhabitants of the region.

3- Responsibilities of states and local authorities

  • 3.1- Reaffirm or assign to the public authorities the role of guarantor and facilitator, ensuring the co-determination of needs by the citizens themselves, constituted in inhabitants' associations.
  • 3.2- Agree global objectives, in particular on the annual reduction of CO2 emissions to be achieved country by country, and region by region (see in particular the carbon account project).
  • 3.3- Apply this reduction to the public institutions themselves. For example in Europe, their impact must be divided by 5 (currently 1.5 tons per inhabitant whereas it should be 0.3 tons maximum). An open and urgent debate must be launched on the need for much more efficient decentralized approaches to ensure the necessary support for residents' associations.
  • 3.4- Create a legal and legislative framework adapted to the need for local self-organisation of populations and put in place policies to support this self-organisation, promote and stimulate associativism aimed at CO2 reduction.
  • 3.5- Set up consultation structures at an appropriate territorial level between local authorities, representatives of residents' associations, companies and other territorial players, permanent face-to-face or online.
  • 3.6- Decentralise public services to radically reduce their carbon impact, using residents' associations and territorial consultation structures as partners, for better co-management and social sharing of resources.
  • 3.7- Legislate the operation of companies, banks and the media and their taxation to encourage them to respect their co-responsibility commitments (see corporate and bank accountability).
  • 3.8- Increase development aid to the least favoured countries, and create a climate of peace leading to the elimination of all forms of terrorism, a drastic reduction in the need for armed defence and an end to the production of and trade in arms (see co-responsibility in international relations).
  • 3.9- Develop policies for social and environmental education, training and research in accordance with the responsibilities of these sectors (see below).
  • 3.10- Create, in partnership with public administrations, companies, banks, municipalities and residents' associations, clean-up and depollution projects where necessary that are financially supported by governments.
  • 3.11- Find new forms of public financing that will strengthen co-responsibility and prioritise the reduction of CO2.

4- Responsibilities in international relations and international organisations

  • 4.1 - Local residents' associations exist in many parts of the world. Although they come from very different cultures (for example, between Eastern and Western cultures, American culture, etc.), they are based on common values that can be found, at least partially, sometimes totally, in examples of local circular and solidarity economy. Examples are: the CDRs in Cuba, organisations that exist in each neighbourhood, the ACDs in Cape Verde, neighbourhood associations in Morocco for water management, etc. This list can be completed without moderation.
  • 4.2- The main challenge is to create global networks of these grassroots organizations, beyond the ideological, cultural, political or simply geographical barriers that isolate them from each other. Networking is essential to:
    • a- Learning from each other in order to make progress together, especially in relation to the six responsibilities described above; Jointly developing methodological references to be presented on all the main issues of local autonomy, especially in terms of healthy food, through mutual support for local farmers and producers (local solidarity agro-systems), in terms of energy, etc.
    • b- Affirming universal common values, beyond ideological or partisan barriers, namely around the idea of co-responsibility of all kinds of actors for the well-being of all and everyone, the only possible way for humanity to (re)find a capacity to live well together in the present and in the future and to repair as far as possible the immense damage caused to our planet by an excessive industrial economy.
    • c- To develop solidarity at local and global level, especially for the reception of refugees or migrants fleeing from areas that have become uninhabitable, either for security or climatic reasons, or in search of financial resources to support their own population that has stayed behind; to develop the two types of process described (emergency reception and organisation of the reception, through direct links between grassroots organisations in different countries).
    • d- Communicate to keep abreast of needs (e.g. when countries already facing survival problems have to receive refugees themselves, as is the case of Morocco), calling for solidarity extended to countries with better conditions, such as in Europe.
  • 4.3- It is necessary to call on other types of actor, particularly States and public authorities, to demand that they themselves take responsibility for this immense challenge.
  • 4.4- International organisations have a specific role in this regard, having the financial means for international aid. It is the responsibility of international organisations to work in partnership with local residents' associations to ensure the proper use of these funds.

5- Responsibility of NGOs

  • 5.1- NGOs play a fundamental role in co-responsibility by intervening in emergency situations where the States and the international organizations do not intervene or do not have sufficient capacity to intervene or act in time: refugees, pandemics, etc;
  • 5.2- NGOs also play a fundamental role in monitoring responsibilities, warning of critical situations that must be dealt with urgently.

6- Corporate responsibility

Companies in the broad sense, including all units producing goods and services, from individual to large scale, have transversal responsibilities which are:

  • 6.1- Identify with inhabitants' associations the needs for industrial products that they themselves cannot produce and establish long-term supply agreements that take into account the necessary reductions in the impact on resources (reuse of packaging, sustainable products, easily repairable and locally recycled) and the necessary support for maintenance (economy of functionality and cooperation).
  • 6.2- Invest the profits only in these products, they must be sustainable products, reusing packaging, easily repairable and recycled locally with the necessary support for maintenance (economy of functionality and cooperation solidarity.
  • 6.3- Control innovations and technical developments so that they meet real needs (no one needs another I Phone X to be invented and marketed) and are disconnected from advertising and excessive consumption. To this end, commissions could be created to select and monitor company innovations, bringing together local authorities, public authorities and representatives of inhabitants' associations.
  • 6.4- Review advertising and product placement created by companies (as well as associated merchandising), limiting it to information when requested.
  • 6.5- Eradicate industrial models which predate production resources. Actions should be taken to control and eradicate industrial practices which predate resources and the environment, such as programmed obsolescence, the life cycle of products should be extended and product development policies which integrate the environmental dimension throughout their useful life and which recombine the materials used in industrial practices such as remanufacturing and the application of reverse logistics should be compulsorily implemented.
  • 6.6- Consolidate and operationalize new methods of product development. Policies of sustainable product development and eco-design must be strengthened and consolidated on a global level through the development of standards, development of guides to good practice, innovation that promotes competitiveness by improving environmental performance. Diverse investments should be applied towards:
    • Awareness raising and dissemination of good practices aimed at the less enlightened and traditional sectors of industry.
    • Development of new materials.
    • Intelligent production.
  • 6.7- Implement and manage Reverse or Reverse Logistics. Taking into account the principles of environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility, reverse logistics deals with the flows of materials which start at the points of consumption of products and end at the points of origin, that is, it deals with the issue of the return of products, packaging and disposable or reusable materials to the production chain and/or final disposal, with the objective of recapturing value and reducing the production of new products, thus minimising the quantities of waste produced and discarded daily, contributing to a better society. The inclusion of reverse logistics in the strategy of organisations may come to constitute a new and differentiated business vision, which should be instilled in the business fabric, resulting in an improvement in competitiveness, appreciable financial returns, consolidation of its corporate image, and essentially in the contribution to a better society with social responsibility policies and concerns.
  • 6.8- Promoting sustainability in business practices.Raising awareness of sustainable behaviour only has a practical effect if/when carried over into business life and public policies. From the point of view of economic activity, these dimensions may run in parallel, in the presence of self-regulation, or intersecting, if policies of internalisation of negative externalities are implemented. This action intends to reflect on the paradigm of growth and economic development, aligning the search for profit that drives market societies with sustainable development and intergenerational responsibility. Not breaking the vicious circle that prevents this articulation, to the detriment of human rights, will determine the irremediable association of the new geological epoch of the Anthropocene to the detriment of human rights and the Planet. Thus, a change in the economic paradigm is sought that determines the internalisation of negative environmental externalities (through taxes and tradable permits) and the promotion of eco-innovation, as imperatives for market economies1.

7- Responsibilities of the financial sector (banks, insurance companies, etc.)

  • 7.1 - Finance activities that improve the autonomy of local communities and the proper functioning of companies and the media, which are in line with their commitments of co-responsibility with the inhabitants; in particular finance only investments in renewable energies and energy efficiency, no longer investing in fossil or nuclear energy.
  • 7.2 - Recreate a climate of transparency and trust in exchanges and financing by putting the interests of the partners first and ending all practices of securitisation, tranching (CDO), CDS, speculation, fiscal dumping and other forms of extracting monetary values at the expense of others.
  • 7.3 - Encourage participatory financing.

8- Media accountability

  • 8.1- Commitment, sensitization and defence of the environment (Advocacy): It is up to the opinion makers, social forces, economic actors, political leaderships, to fight for a new paradigm of socio-economic intervention which sensitizes everyone, accommodates the interests and wills in play. Thus, instead of or in parallel with more media activities, it will be necessary to give stage to proactive interventions such as lobbying, scientific events, environmental education, active participation and representation of people and groups in decision making related to the environment.
  • 8.2- Disseminate the forms and practices of co-responsibility and the results of co-evaluations.
  • 8.3- Make information available to all in a way that is not compartmentalised but links different issues.
  • 8.4- Put an end to all forms of advertising which encourage unreasonable consumption.
  • 8.5 - Ensure its financial autonomy, through the participation of users in its capital.
  • 8.6- Overcome and combat practices of spreading false information and influence social actors to search for media committed to the truthfulness of the information disseminated.

9- Responsibility of Schools

  • 9.1- Effective partnership networking of co-responsibility and well being:
    • 9.1.1- Strengthen ways for children, adolescents, young people and adults to participate in training and action at school and in the community, so that co-responsibility relationships are structured from the contributions of different social agents and groups.
    • 9.1.2 - Strengthen the inter-sectoriality of the school in (re)knowing the policies, the territory and the local cultures, in the effectiveness of co-responsibility actions for the promotion of participation and protection in the guarantee of children's welfare.
    • 9.1.3 - Effecting networking efforts through programs and intersectorial projects, articulating sectors and school and community professionals, bringing together students, families, teachers, educators, psychologists, community health agents, social workers, friends and neighbours of the school, for the development of actions of co-responsibility and sustainable welfare of current and future generations.
    • 9.1.4 - Strengthen bonds of co-responsibility between schools, families and the territory, in the perspective of promoting and defending human and environmental rights, based on the democratization of school spaces, respecting the particularities and singularities of the local reality, in the promotion of sustainable development of welfare.
    • 9.1.5 - Develop strategies of pacts and flows of referrals between the spaces of supply of education policy with the other equipments of public policies in the territories, in order to meet the social needs of students facing violations of human rights and the need for implementation of social protection co-responsible.
    • 9.1.6 - Create strategic spaces of action and networking for the development and application of indicators of co-responsibility for the individual and collective welfare of all.
  • 9.2- Effective training for co-responsibility and well-being:
    • 9.2.1- Promote efforts for the consolidation of the culture of co-responsibility and well-being and sustainability in the process of integral and inclusive formation of children, adolescents, youth and adults.
    • 9.2.2- To capacitate and strengthen children, adolescents, youth and adults, for coexistence and cooperation relations, considering the school and social space in which they are inserted, considering co-responsibility and the implications of their actions in the sustainable well-being of current and future generations.
    • 9.2.3- Promote pedagogical actions with participatory methodologies which provide opportunities for the development of skills and competences directed at "thinking", "being" and "acting", in the formation of responsible, ethical and interested identities in the promotion of individual and collective well-being, overcoming consumerism and non-sustainable practices, emphasising issues of being rather than having.
    • 9.2.4- To provide the development of basic knowledge and skills for self-sufficiency, with cultivation, cooking, sewing and DIY practices, among others that promote sustainable well-being.
    • 9.2.5- To provide interdisciplinary curricular training on co-responsibility for environmental sustainability and individual and collective welfare, through research activities aligned with the concepts of the various areas of knowledge.
  • 9.3 To effect action projects of co-responsibility and well-being:
    • 9.3.1 - Develop partnerships and participatory projects of contact with nature and food production, in particular with the practice of school and community gardens, cooking workshops and participation in supplying school canteens.
    • 9.3.2 - Develop projects for the construction of alternatives in the resolution of social problems and the improvement of quality of life in the context of the school, families and community.
    • 9.3.3 - Promote partnerships in the development of intersectoral actions of co-responsibility, integrating social, environmental, political and economic demands for the sustainable welfare of people and communities.
    • 9.3.4 - Develop strategies for the continuous formation of education professionals for the participative and interdisciplinary approach of themes related to human rights and environmental sustainability, aiming at practices of co-responsibility, establishing partnerships between agents and institutions such as universities/researchers, public and/or private education networks.
    • 9.3.5 - To promote the development, exchange and dissemination of successful experiences in schools and in the community.

10- Responsibilities of researchers, universities and specialized institutes

  • 10.1- Networking with different partners to develop co-responsibility on sustainable well-being:
    • 10.1.1- direct efforts towards reflection and exchange, particularly on shared values, methods and solutions of co-responsibility for individual and collective well-being.
    • 10.1.2- To contribute to impact assessments and choices to be made in order to progress towards sustainable well-being, in an economy of solidarity for all (see, among others, the tool available at in the framework of the project "Together let's learn to make the right choices").
    • 10.1.3- To establish partnerships and agreements for research and the application of social progress indicators for the co-responsibility of all.
    • 10.1.4- To carry out the interlocution of international political guidelines with local, regional and national public policies, oriented towards co-responsibility on individual and collective well-being, planetary sustainability and guaranteeing the rights of current and future generations.
    • Constitute institutional policy of co-responsibility in the promotion and strengthening of sustainable welfare, in teaching, research and extension actions.
  • 10.2- Focusing on research to strengthen coresponsibility on sustainable well-being:
    • 10.2.1- Develop research, responding to the needs of public and private institutions and community collectives, with the commitment and intent to create co-responsibility and sustainable well-being for all.
    • 10.2.2- To develop research and formative actions applying the principles of the Spiral methodology (Societal Progress Indicators for the Responsibility of All) in the development of social progress indicators for co-responsibility and individual and collective well-being.
    • 10.2.3- To commit to the social projection of research, expanding experiences of dialogue between subjects, communities, traditional peoples/populations, social movements with the research problems, the researcher and the Teaching and Research Institutions.
  • 10.3- Focus on teaching to strengthen co-responsibility on sustainable well-being:
    • 10.3.1- direct efforts towards consolidating the culture of co-responsibility in promoting sustainable well-being , through institutional teaching projects and practices.
    • 10.3.2- Identify and foster transdisciplinary practices, considering several perspectives and areas of knowledge, besides social, environmental, political and economical demands in the consolidation of indicators of sustainable welfare co-responsibility.
    • 10.3.2- To contribute to the affirmation of values, principles and intercultural methodologies of development of co-responsibility that promote autonomy and empowerment of people and communities, for the constitution of conditions to guarantee sustainable well-being and human dignity.
    • 10.3.3- Stimulate respect for diversity and the culture of peace, promoting the adoption of values of freedom, justice, equality and difference in actions of co-responsibility for the effective realization of sustainable well-being.
  • 10.4- Focusing on extension to strengthen co-responsibility on sustainable well-being:
    • 10.4.1- Providing and strengthening community access to scientific knowledge.
    • 10.4.2- Using interdisciplinary and intersectorial participatory practices, as tools for accessing, building and applying scientific knowledge in projects and programmes in and with the community.
    • 10.4.3- Create information, communication and training strategies for co-responsibility, in partnership with the communities in strengthening the welfare and guarantees of human and environmental rights.
    • 10.4.4- Encourage the use of information and communication technologies for the construction and exchange of knowledge and actions related to co-responsibility on wellbeing and sustainable development.
    • 10.4.5- To disseminate the results of actions and research on indicators of co-responsibility on welfare and sustainable development, both to the internal and external community of the institutions.

Annex B : Tasks of a Conceptual and Methodological Support Network (RMN)

As an extension of the Alliance Council, it is proposed to set up a Conceptual and Methodological Support Network (RMN), composed by university researchers, epistemologists, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, pedagogues, jurists, as well as students, Master and PhD students, among others. RMN will be responsible for supporting and or carrying out the necessary research for the proper conduct of the project, namely:

  1. the definition of co-responsibility as an indispensable complement to rights;
  2. the evidence of the added value of co-responsibility in terms of well-being and sustainable exploitation of the necessary resources, in the pact to reduce consumption, in particular the CO2 emissions it allows;
  3. the objective implications of co-responsibility for the well-being of all and for the preservation of living conditions on earth, in terms of economic organisation (relocation of the economy, functional and cooperative economy, equitable distribution of resources, etc.), governance (new forms of democracy, dialogue, co-decision, compromise, evaluation, collective management of common goods, etc.)
  4. the indicative definition of the responsibility of the different types of actors, in order to facilitate consultation on commitments (a first version is proposed in the annex to this call)
  5. the quantification of the objectives to be attained, individually and collectively at each territorial scale, with reference to the objectives defined by the Groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat - GIEC and the calculations made by specialist organisations such as the Agence de la transition écologique - ADEME in France, as well as the methods for evaluating and monitoring the results in relation to these objectives
  6. the analysis of the conduct of the process in the various territories involved, in particular to highlight the most successful experiences, the lessons that can be learned in terms of values, concepts and methods, and the support to be provided in more difficult situations. To this end, the RMN should include researchers in the territories concerned;
  7. the identification of obstacles to the development of co-responsibility and the fair sharing of resources (and the ways to overcome these obstacles), particularly with regard to the deep-seated reasons for unlimited greed disconnected from the real needs of all, whether in terms of concentration of resources or of power
  8. new forms of communication to be put in place to effectively counteract all forms of manipulation, particularly in social networks.

The project may rely on a voluntary approach, either on the Conceptual and Methodological Support Network, its various collaborators or the coordination bodies.

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