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Territoire de coresponsabilité de Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016

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Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Français2016-06-30 11:11

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Éléments trouvés : 117
Crit IDPlate-formeNom du groupe homogèneQuestionsNB expressPost-itComposanteSensPropositionCréé ledernière modif.
279626Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBune voiture sans pannesA102016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279625Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBune vie stable sans problémesF002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279624Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBguarantie de la santé et de l'éducationF002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279623Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBreiussire dans la vioe quotidienneF002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279622Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBdécouverir et apprendreF082016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279621Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBla liberté de faire ce que je veuxF022016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279620Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBto have good mental and physical healthF002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279619Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBde la solidarité permanete entre inconusI072016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279618Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBnouer des relations avec des personnes issues de cultures differentesI032016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279617Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBpas de problémes de parentsI022016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279616Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBla possibilité de se confronter a la diversité et l'altruité: proche des autresI002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279615Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBresidence socialB022016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279614Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBto be envolved in care of our planetB002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279613Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBune proximité avec la natureB062016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279612Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBdu gazon qui ne pousse pasB062016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279611Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBpas de problémes d'appareil domestiqueA032016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279610Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBmy own gardenB062016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279609Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBto follow my football teamA072016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279608Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBexercer un travail qui a du sensA062016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279607Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBenough manye to pay all my basic costsA082016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279606Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBregular contact with my famillyD022016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279605Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBdes relations humaines harmonieuses(amis et lieu de travail)D002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279604Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBfreinds in my villageD042016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279603Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBpas de problémes d'enfantsD022016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279602Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBavoir une relation d'amitié avec les gens qui me sont prochesD032016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279601Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBmon chat prés de moiD062016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279600Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBma fille mariéeD022016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279599Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBa safe and confortable homeA032016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279598Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBdéveloppemet durablE082016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279597Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBmeaningful and secure workA062016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279596Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBsécurité sociale dans tous les domaines de la vieA002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279595Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBle confort dant la vieA002016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279594Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBaccess to local foodA012016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279593Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBto have regular breaks and holidaysA072016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279592Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBto walk in the countrysideA072016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
279591Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016Training SPIRAL dynamisors 24to26-06-2016WBto listen to radio 4A072016-06-30 14:012016-06-30 14:01
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