The involvement of migrants in twinning between territories - Impacts analysis (ex ante)
Theme : Inter-territoriality / twinning between Territories of Co-responsibility Action type : The involvement of migrants in twinning between territories
General framework
Emigrants are a key population for inter-territorial questions and twinning between the Territories of Co-reponsability, because they are carrying a double culture. They know the starting and arrival territories, their operations and their populations. Realizing a perfect syncretism between the two spaces and enabling better comunication, they are a real asset in achieving twinning and inter-territoriality projects, as they are integrated into a system recognized by all. They participate in the local dynamic, reducing rejection risks.
For example, the Franco-Moroccan association Migration and Development
Par exemple, l’association franco-marocaine Migration & Développement is a great illustration of the impact of migrants in such projects. Its mission is to carry out development actions in the villages of the Atlas and Anti-Atlas based on the participation of local poeple in décision-making and funding projects, while being in partnership with local authorities. Since 1986, it has been established integrated rural development programs or rural solidarity tourism for example. The investment of Moroccan migrants in France was decisive in the development of these projects.
Objectives :
- A better understanding of the twinned territory and a better communication between both territories - Valuing the resources of migrants because the project works mainly thanks to their knowledge and personal experiences - Promote respect for others
Possible impacts on the dimensions and ingrédients of well-being (non-exhaustive) :
A- Livelihoods
A06- Employment / Work Numerous studies and field surveys allowed to update the fact that migrants are more frequently victims of discrimination in the workplace than the local population, particulary in the context of seeking employment. Twinning projects between territories give to their profile all the place it deserves and highlight their knowledge in the world of work. A07- Hobbies, culture, sports The involvement of migrants in this type of project can be achieved in a context other than that of employment, as in the associative example. Associations promoting cultural exchanges between two countries can be born for example. A11- Informations / exchanges By involving foreign populations in this type of project, exchanges between cultures are widely favored, information circulates better and prejudice are diminishing.
B- The living environment
B04- Meeting places and hobbies Associations or jobs that incorporate migrants into their inter-territorial projects become themselves real places of exchanges, meetings between various populations, between cultures. B07- Production and job environment By integrating migrants in projects, the production and job environment becomes more open. It becomes richer thanks to the contribution of external knowledge to the territory where it is established.
C- Relations with and between organizations
C01- Fundamental rights / aknowledgement Foreign populations remind and gain human rights by engaging as any other Citizen in these projects that contribute to the building of society. C03- Dialogue / democracy Include migrants in the inter-territoriality / twinning projects makes them even more democratic in truly including all persons involved, extending the diversity of the participanting population. The dialogue is easier. C04- Transparence / communication It is the same for communication. It can sometimes be difficult to interact with poeple, infrastucture of another territory that not have the same culture, the same operating. The migrangts are an essential bridge between the territories it comes to promote. C06- Access, information, et contacts Immigrant populations can facilitate the access to institutional structures of the territory. They can benefit from the organisation of their contacts.
E- Societal balances
E01- Identity and values The integration of foreign populations in these projects adds value being the bearer of a double culture, and values such as tolerance and openness / cultural grow more easily. E04- Social mix/ separation The social and cultural diversity is facilitated by the involvement of migrant populations in twinning and inter-territoriality projects. They can come from different social classes and different geographical / cultural spaces of twinned territory. E05- Violence et peace By lowering the barriers between poeple, between cultures, by encouraging the exchange of information, integration of migrants in these projects allows to break down préjudices and preconceived ideas and so fight the phenomena of racism and xenophobia.
G- Feelings of well-being / unease
G01- Self-esteem / shame The immigrants are often victims of a dislocation phenomenon Les populations émigrées sont souvent victimes d’un phénomène de désenracinement (religious, linguistic, cultural, social) which effects the construction of new social relations in the host country, integration into the world of work, epecially when it's related to attitudes of rejection from the local population. Their integration to twinning projects revalorizes their knowledge, experience and becomes critical in improving self-esteem. G02- Satisfaction / frustration Similarly, it helps to get out of the frustration often mentioned by emigrants when they want to invest in the host society without finding a way to enhance their profiles.
H- Attitudes et initiatives
H03- Attitude / être sociable Projects that integrate foreign populations dictate an exemplary attitude of openness, respect for others and sociability. H04- Meet / listen, solidarity They become primarily a place for exchanges and meetings, where two territories, two cultures can listen, get to know and help each other. H06- Get involved in the society The inter-territoriality / twinning projects are ideal opportunities for migrant populations to get engaged actively, constructively and rewardingly in the society H07- Dynamic, collective will A strong collective dynamic emerges from this type of twinning projects, bringing emigrant poeple benefit from knowledge and being most of the time very motivated, partly because the emotional and personnal are involved in this type of investment
I- Relations in the society
I03- Relations between cultures The impact of the integration of immigrants into the inter-territorial projects is important. The investment of them is truly of cultural opening vector, it facilitates exchanges between the two territories, but also between people of the same space. I06- Politeness, respect and tolerance These projects, involving migrants, convey a message of tolerance and respect for others, culture, beliefs, opinions, etc. I07- Solidarity, sharing and transfer of knowledge and resources The emigrants facilitate the sharing and transfer of knowledge and resources between the two twinned territories, because they know the two modes of operation including both languages. Their involvement helps increase solidarity between poeples. I08- Inclusion / exclusion By involving migrants, inter-territorial and twinning projects fighting against exclusion can be victims of process foreign populations and advocate the opposite inclusion, integration of rich people and their cultures experiences.