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Five meeting of thematic sub-networks are planned in CO-ACTE project (2 thematic sub-networks per meeting).

Objectives of the meetings

These meetings have two objectives:

  1. continuation and dynamisation of the thematic sub-networks which have been created within TOGETHER
  2. completion of the political proposals of CO-ACTE project on specific themes.

Continuation and dynamisation of the thematic sub-networks

Following TOGETHER network creation in November 2013, ten thematic sub-networks have been built in the first half of 2014, based on Responding Together project’s achievements. Thanks to this project, a first meeting of each thematic sub-network was made to cross the most innovative and complementary experiences. It was the occasion to underline some important points about these experiences:

  1. what appeared, based on our current scientific knowledge, as the most appropriate way to progress towards an inclusive and sustainable society on the theme (how to move towards co-responsibility for the well-being of all in the theme in question); these paths of progress were then called "frameworks".
  2. what would be the new experiments we would like to test, in order to deepen and complement these paths of progress / frameworks.

Still under Responding Together project, a general meeting of thematic sub-networks was realized in June 2014, leading to the identification of common features in each theme paths of progress. These common features explained in a cross-framework, are all essential elements to take into account in policy recommendations.

However, for lack of means, renouncing to this project became the only possible option. The meetings of thematic sub-networks for CO-ACT project are thus an opportunity to revitalize them . This includes:

  1. mobilizing the largest number of citizen initiatives and civil society members, by offering them the opportunity to join the thematic subnets on the topic(s) that interests them specifically;
  2. making an assessment for each thematic subnet (impact / relevance, challenges and solutions to overcome them):
    • Citizen initiatives
    • Paths of progress / frameworks for co-responsibility on the theme
    • Realized experiments, leading to identify new ones and their leaders

Completion of CO-ACTE project policy proposals on specific themes.

On this basis, we would like to:

  1. identify policy proposals that best meet the development needs of a co-responsibility approach on each theme and across all disciplines;
  2. observe how these proposals tie in with those made by citizens, how they enrich them, in order to formalize syntheses that will be brought at an European level.

Program of every meeting

It is expected that the meetings take place over two days: * Day 1: 1) Introducing CO-ACTE; 2) Assessment of the two thematic sub-networks activities and their pilot experiments; 3) Identification of citizens’ policy proposals (with a delegation); 4) Debate and enrichment of the participants’ specific experiences. * Day 2: 1) Formalization of the policy proposals to put forward in the two themes. 2) Decision-making on two thematic sub-networks’ further operations.

Preparation of the meetings

The content of each meeting is prepared jointly by the two thematic referents themes concerned, with the collaboration of all stakeholders, including for identifying actors to invite.

The logistic organization is provided by the project partner hosting the meeting, in partnership with the TOGETHER Secretariat.

Expected results

The expected results of each meeting of thematic subnets are:

  • Strengthening / revitalization of thematic subnetworks, and the quantitative and qualitative expansion of citizens' initiatives involved therein;
  • Refinement and sharing common frames of reference to facilitate the transfer of experiences;
  • The development of public policy proposals agreed on the two themes, completing and refining citizens’ proposals and their synthesis on these themes, on order to integrate them in the political dialogue that will lead to TOGETHER 3rd International Meeting;
  • Launching new pilot experiments in the Territories concerned;
  • The renewal of the two thematic sub-networks’ development programs.

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