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Social Networks and media

Wikispiral and Together network are present on social networks : mainly Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Flickr. Please have a look on the social media page.

Latest news

Latest articles published in : New plat-forms registration, articles, actions.


Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-27 15:37 -

The Association of social promotion Bio-rekk is a GAS group in Padua, Italy that undertakes both educational and economic activities to raise awareness of ethical/environmentally responsible consumption and provide a practical means for local consumers to purchase ethical/responsible products.

MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses)

Auteur : Louise Hain - Publié le : 2013-05-27 14:10 -

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) are free non-degree online courses with open unlimited global enrollment to anyone who desires to learn, and regardless of their current educational level.

Spotted by locals

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-27 14:05 -

Spotted by Locals is a series of blogs, mobile (iPhone, Android) and PDF city guides with up-to-date insider tips by city-loving locals.

Free walking tours

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-27 12:57 -

Based on the notion that when regular tour-guides get paid regardless of their performance, they might not deliver a top quality tour, free walking tours are purely based on the local’s love for his or her city and the interest in sharing knowledge with visitors.

Social centres

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-27 10:45 -

Self-managed spaces whereby people can come together to create, communicate and offer a more collective and alternative way of living.

Civil Society Organisations

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-27 10:28 -

Many Civil Society Organisations (CSO) help in facilitating access to health and medical treatment for people-in-need, low-income families or individuals, and for emergency situations.

Social clinics

Auteur : Lorna Muddiman - Publié le : 2013-05-27 10:17 -

These are self-managed clinics that have appeared in different cities all over Europe, and have been created as a direct response to many people being unable to afford healthcare for a number of reasons.

Sharing a place to stay

Auteur : Anne-Iris Romens - Publié le : 2013-05-27 09:16 -

Worldwide, a variety of on-line platforms have been developed to facilitate the hosting of persons.

Dernière modification de la page : Jeudi 24 avril 2014 09:10:09 UTC