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Éléments trouvés : 11
Plate-formeIntituléDate de lancementDescription principaleRésumé - processusTechnical oversightCréé le
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky Rajon2013-05-31Charity action "Help to prepare a school bag"To support the kids from families with not sufficiet income to get ready for school2013-11-19 13:28
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky Rajon2013-03-31Action "WE REMEMBER YOU":«Мы помним о Вас» (д. Сосновка, с. Славкино, д. Фёдоровка, с. Канадей)Care of the territories of cemetries, abondoned tombs by the young people. Strengthening the ties between generations.2013-11-19 14:21
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonCharity action aimed to help to prepare the food products for winter for the elderly citizens with not sufficient income.2013-11-19 13:53
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonCharity action "New Year Present"To provide the children from families with not suffiecient income with New Year Presents2013-11-19 13:57
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonThe young people give training to the elderly citizens in the field of using PCEstablishing intergenerational contacts, involving the elderly and the young citizens into the public life, improving the quality of life of the elderly citizens2013-11-19 14:03
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonFamily club for rehabilitation the kids with special needsNon stationary rehabilitation of the kids with special needs by means of their participation in different educational and cultural events2013-11-19 14:11
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonПопов родник» (с. Барановка), «Живи родник» (с. Головино, с. Кравково)To improve the condition of the small springs2013-11-19 14:15
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonDifferent actions aimed to support the elderly citizens participating in the Second World War, to learn the (social) history of the district related to the Second World War, to give respect to the memory of the veterans of the Second World War: Акция «Обелиск», Акция «Цветы Победы», Акция «Ветеран живет рядом», Акция «Ветеран», Акция «Письмо ветерану», «Открытка ветерану», Акция «Георгиевская ленточка», Акция «Зажги свечу»Education in the spirit of respect to the elderly people,respect to the memory of those who died at the war, humanism, interest to the history of the own country,patriotism, sympathy and pity to the people of elderly generation, humanismподрастающего поколения активной гражданской позиции; развитие интереса и ценностного отношения к истории своей страны; воспитание гуманного отношения, сострадания к людям старшего поколения, воспитание чувства патриотизма и чувства уважения к памяти погибшим2013-11-19 14:29
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonAction "Plant and grow your tree". «Посади и вырасти свое дерево»To get more green territories in the municipal districts2013-11-19 14:38
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonProgram WORLD of CHILDREN: creating recreation places for kids. «Мир детства» (с. Канадей, р.п. Николаевка)To create space for kids in the settlements2013-11-19 14:42
Николаевский район - Nikolajevsky RajonClubs and meeting points for the elderly people. Работа клубов долголетия «Золотой возраст»To use the creative potential of the elderly people, to increase their quality of life.2013-11-19 14:46

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