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21 2013 access access to employment access to food accesstoemployment accesstofood accueil activism, agenda agenda21 agriculture aid, alimentation allcooking alleat, altenative alternative alternativeeconomy alternativemoney analitical and a third tag another tag apprentissage art art, authenticity authorities, autonomy avoiding waste avoidingwaste; avoindingpollution; barcamp barter being bicycle bicycles, bikes, biologique bitcoin blagnac breaucracy, bristol, brussels bucharest buildingcommons bunastare buolding car care carpooling carsharing chabaud cherdakly children, cities citizen, citizens citizens assemblies citizenship citoyen civic civic engagement claims class cleaning, cluj co-housing co-production co-responsibility co-work co-working coexist, coffee cohésion collaborative collective commons commons, community community, communizinghospitalityservices competences complementary conseil coresponsabilité coresponsible territories creativity culture culture, currency democracy diy economy edd education empowerment fighting poverty food grassroots health homeless housing insertion jardin land learning local migrants mobility mobilization, mulhouse médiation network of online p2p padaria-de-ponta-verde participation pcs plans proximity public region repair romania russia school sharing sharing, sharingknowledge social social, sociale solidarity spaces spiral street study sustainablemobility territoire time tool training ulyanovsk visit wallonie waste youth écolededevoirs

4 résultats trouvés

Infirmiers de rue (Street nurses)

Infirmiers de rue bridges the gap between the streets and health actors to bring care and hygiene to homeless people through an empowering method around people’s dignity, self-esteem and responsibil  

Rivolta Social Centre

A self-managed social center built in an occupied abandoned factory that has lead to several initiatives : new forms of welfare for Italian and migrant population, innovative types of co-production of  

Solidarity for all

"Solidarity for all" is an open collective to anyone and everyone who is inspired by the triptych: Solidarity - resistance - self-organisation. It seeks neither to express nor represent the alternati  

Taxi Stop

Organisation enabling sharing since 1975: ride-sharing: Carpoolplaza, Eurostop, Eventpool. Car-Sharing: Cambio-car-sharing, Autopia P2P. Homelink, home-sitting. Social transport service for less m